• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


I created this account to keep track of the stories I read

Princess Cadence 1136 stories
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Total Words: 16,861,568
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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[Third Person]

Commissioned by Canary In The Coal Mine.

After losing his last living relative, Carter Arvil, former CIA Agent turned real estate agent, is approached by a mysterious woman who offers to sell him a magical kingdom. Assuming the woman is simply a little unstable and selling a magical pony styled theme park aimed at little girls, Carter accepts the deal. A deal which immediately takes a turn for the unexpected as the offer was exactly what it said on the tin and comes with several major strings attached.

Like having to be a pretty pink pony princess.

Cover art by https://egophiliac.deviantart.com/

Featured for a frankly astounding amount of time!

Chapters (19)

Princess Cadance will find what she seeks at the top of the staircase. She just has to reach it.

Chapters (1)

Three nights a week, Shining Armor returns to bed more tired than normal. Annoyed by his complete lack of openness, Princess Cadence goes out of her way to figure out what's going on.

As it turns out, Shining has been spending all that time with another of Equestria's most popular mares.

Sort of. Basically. It's kinda complicated.

Artwork by Chrznek97. One character tag omitted due to spoilers.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A New Equestria

Months have passed since I first saw the Light. Back when the Empress shared her wisdom with me and enlightened me about the true path towards Harmony.

These months have been interesting for me. As a student of Empress Daybreaker, I was given the opportunity to gain much previously locked away knowledge. In addition, my new position as the 'Grand Inquisitor' bestows upon me the task of securing Harmony within Equestria and ensuring our ponies are safe.

And still, another mission awaits me, yet. A task that will lead me up North towards a familiar face. There is much at stake, too much for me to bear, I feel.

I just hope this goes right...

This Story takes place in the Equestria at War universe.

This is a sequel to A New Equestria. Reading it beforehand is recommended but not ultimately necessary.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Love Conquers All

Anon has surrendered to Cadance because of loneliness. Now it is her duty to reform him, but sadly, she has no idea how. She asks her fellow alicorns for advice. Things go haywire pretty fast.


Story is fully written. Chapters will be released when edited by JBL

Chapters (6)

Shining Armor, a pony in dire need of vacation, faces immense challenge while doing so. Cadance didn't leave her work at home and being a father is a full time job. Can't a pony catch a break?

The answer is no. Definitely not.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Fluffle Puff in the Crystal Empire

Continuing from "Fluffle Puff in the Crystal Empire", Shining Armor sits down during an awkward tea party with Chrysalis. He has no idea what to do.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis had come a long way from absolutely nothing - a humbled bug-horse left to fend for herself in the howling wilderness. But she's not the pony changeling she used to be, and she's set her hoof upon the path of conquest, for herself, for her crown, and for her children minions.

All she had to do was seize the commanding heights of the pony principalities, and feed her brood upon that endless supply of pony happiness which was her birthright, by all that was villainous!

If only her mother didn't keep tripping her up.

Chapters (1)

Twice, they denied her a great victory. Twice, she was left humiliated and beaten by pony hooves. But if there's one lesson Queen Chrysalis surely learned, it was revenge. If there was a second, it was where to stick the dagger in a loving mother.

But there are some things even she can't foresee.

Thanks to RBDash47, Cynewulf, Timaeus, and Alto for enabling the brainworms that led to this.
Preread by Cursori, VioletRoseIntheRain, and Cynewulf.
Artwork by skippyrip and can be found here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Good Filly

The Crystal Empire was once controlled by a wicked tyrant. And though joy can be found once again with a simple faire, to overcome fear that festers throughout every bit of your life...

Written for Orbiting Kettle for the Springtime Sequel-Slash-Sandbox Switcheroo.

Chapters (1)