• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013


Just a simple pegasister who likes world building.

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The bittersweet triumph of a mother's love, an unforgiving reality, and the unsung loss of a queen.

Cryssy's Lullaby by Julian Moon. Vocals by Eilemonty.
Cover art by Huussii.
Now with Dramatic Reading by Goombasa.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Doctor Candor | Spiritus | Kyaksa | TheAccidentialBrony | Forgotten Null
Tired Old Man | OkemosBrony | I HV NO FEAR | JBL | lunamoonthroat | enti0

Also read: A Ruler's Regret Never Fades

Chapters (1)

Since meeting Apple Bloom, Twilight, and their friends, Zecora's life has become much more filled with warmth and purpose than it has been ever before. But old patterns of thought are hard to change, and becoming part of a community can seem impossible to a recluse.

2014-10-15: Edited by Feo Takahari.

Chapters (8)

Over a century has passed since ponies fled Equestria for the safety of the moon to protect themselves from new monsters that sprung from the earth to devour ponykind. Now, special programs have begun to allow unicorns, safely on the lunar colony, to command mighty steel golems on the planet to fight back and rid the world of evil once and for all.

Chapters (5)

[Featured on EQD 21/4/2014] [Now on TVTropes]

When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.

All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her plaything, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.

Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?

Special thanks to the insatiable Blue_Paladin42, the incorrigible Maskedferret, the intuitive Southpaw and the indestructible newbiedoodle for all their hard work, past, present and future.

Chapters (10)

Most folks in town know about Longbow, even if not many really know her. She's somepony parents teach their foals to avoid. Everypony understands that she's dangerous.

Everypony except Twilight, who just moved to town.

Supplier of trashy romances... RainbowBob
Sounding board... buckweiser
Free idea fountain... Maskedferret
Veteran who understands... Biker_Dash

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seven Days in Sunny June, Book I

Joint Co-Authored project with Shinzakura and Flynt Coal.

Once, Sunset Shimmer had desired nothing more than to return to Equestria and assume her rightful place as its supreme ruler. Instead, she discovered her place amongst the humans of the world she thought herself exiled to, never assuming that the students she’d bullied would become her best friends, nor that she would come to see an alternate version of Twilight Sparkle as not only a friend, but a sister. Yet it came to pass, and though the previous year had been hard, Sunset had finally let go of the past.

Yet the past refused to let go of her. Something dark and sinister reached from beyond to hurt Twily, buffeting her mind with nightmares of strangely-colored ponies and macabre events to come. Sunset recognized it as her homeworld, especially the description of a dark, twisted version of Sunset’s own unicorn form. Furthermore, the discovery of a second link to Earth deepened the mystery: an ancient Italian artifact adorned with cutie marks, amongst them those of Queen Faust and Princess Celestia.

In the end, Sunset chose to rush to her foster sister’s defense, knowing that the path would lead her back to her haunted past, and possibly into the vengeful hooves of Celestia. But what she didn’t know would be that it could lead her to her own mirror image, a darker version of herself:

A version known as Raspberry Beryl.

TV Tropes Page here

*Featured 7/30-31/14, 8/6/14, 8/20/14, 9/3/14, 9/10/14, 9/24/14, 10/1/14, 10/8/14, 10/22/14, 10/29/14*

Chapters (14)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary life in Ponyville. Every library book is properly shelved in its appropriate place, and her life continues on exactly according to her meticulously planned out schedule.

Then she gets a bodyguard.

Now she has to find some way to fit this new pony into her life on short notice. It won’t be an easy thing to adjust to—especially since Captain Storm Kicker’s presence makes it that much harder for her to go on living like the same old Twilight Sparkle she was before she became a princess.

Chapters (1)

Long ago, Celestia sealed her sister into the moon. Her subjects, however, began to fear her and the elements she wielded, seeing they could be used on anypony. Heart broken, she fled her kingdom, leaving it to the ponies who inhabited it.

A thousand years later, Equestria is predominantly under the control of Earth Ponies. Industry thrives and magic is considered a thing of fantasy; Big Macintosh always thought this himself. However, his life is soon to turn around, and he will find himself on an adventure like no other.

(The main picture might be subject to change; just trying to paint a portrait of what kind of era the ponies are in in this alternate world)

(Proof-read by Sage-Wolf)

(Made the feature box. Awww riiight!)
(Well that was certainly short lived!)

Chapters (21)

In an alternate version of the Lunaverse Trixie is roped into the world of professional criminals called "shadowrunners" by an old college acquaintance, Lyra Heartstrings. What could go wrong?

Written as part of Fizzy Orange's April writing event, which is all about crossovers.

Chapters (7)

As the personal protegee of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Luna's life is more than crazy enough for a unicorn of her age. Balancing her studies and putting up with her hard-partying pegasus sister is enough to keep Luna up most nights with little or no social life to speak of. But as the only one who believes the legends that Tirek the Terrible is returning and the only one who actually cares enough to stop him, it doesn't look like Luna is going to be getting any sleep anytime soon.

Which is just as well, because she keeps having the strangest dreams about a life she half-remembers; a life of long nights spent as Princess of the Moon and a terrible catastrophe that befell her kingdom. But those are just dreams...right?

With the fate of Equestria resting on her shoulders, Luna must unite a group of unlikely allies to stop Tirek, save the world, and solve the riddle of her nightmares before they come to life.

Chapters (8)