• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013


Just a simple pegasister who likes world building.

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Edit: Now a collaborative effort with Loyal2Luna

Commander Shepard has been through a lot, but now that the Reaper War's over he can finally relax and take a little R&R, right? Soak up the sun, grab a few drinks, spend some quality time with Tali, introduce a new race to the galaxy... wait, what?

In the aftermath of the war, a new species has been discovered amidst the destruction and fire. A species that have access to powers never seen before, powers which could prove vital to the continuation of galactic survival.

The Citadel Council has elected to send Shepard, along with the rest of the crew of the Normandy, to introduce Equestria to the universe outside of their solar system.

Now Shepard must wade through obstructive bureaucrats, antagonistic journalists, and the odd, angry prince in order to bring Equestria into a new age of space and adventure.

So settle in, it's going to be one hell of a vacation!

Now has it's own TvTropes page

Chapters (9)

A Cutie Mark is meant to represent the personality and special talent of each pony that has one. Cheerilee's flowers symbolize her desire to help her students bloom, and the smiles represent the cheer that she hopes to bring to their lives.

At least...that's what she tells everypony who asks.


Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Total Eclipse Of The Fun

Following the events of the second Return Day, Celestia and Luna made a pair of agreements. The second is that it's finally time to correct for a thousand years and more of almost totally nonexistent cooking skills. However, that's going to require teachers. And two very lucky ponies, the recently cross-promoted Solar head chef Anise Verum and her junior sous, Blending Stock, get to be the ones who instruct them.

There are lessons to be learned in that kitchen.

The first concerns how to survive explosions.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits welcome. This story is a sequel to A Total Eclipse Of The Fun, but it's not necessary to have read that one first.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

When Applejack and Ditzy Doo are caught together in the kitchen, what will Granny Smith say? Probably not what you think.

A meta-fictional response to a persistent trend I keep seeing in certain fics.

Chapters (1)

A different take on alicorn ascension. Sixteen years after arriving in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle is excited to have invented a brand-new kind of spell, but it will come with consequences she cannot possibly anticipate. Meanwhile, threats in shadows around the world conspire to overthrow the Solar Throne. With her world turned upside down, she will have to come to terms with the role that fate has dealt her while straining to keep Celestia in power.

Now with a TVTropes page! Please show it some love! Also check out the official side stories, Designing Intrigue, and Love and Barriers! (With even more in my stories page!)

(Please Note: This story was started before any season three information was available. All episodes in season three and later are non-canon for this story, which also means there's no Crystal Empire in this one. In addition, the promotional map released close to the beginning of season three was also not available and is not compatible with this story. While the OC tag is active because there are OCs in the story, they're really just supporting characters. The focus is on Twilight.)

Also be sure to check out the Rites of Ascension Expanded Universe Group! We're working to develop the resources needed for other authors to try their hand at writing stories set in the Rites Universe!

The Book Two cover art was created by the amazing Silfoe! The original cover art can still be found at Violet Squiggle's deviantArt page.

Author's Notes, including proofreader's credits, can be found here!

"This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!"

Chapters (104)

A sudden and powerful magical event consumes all of Ponyville in the space of a few moments, and when Twilight and her friends come to, they find the landscape around them quite different. And the world they discover, to be devoid of magic and inhabited by strange beings.

One of these beings is Asher Burgess, the oldest son of the family whose secluded, Colorado ranch has suddenly become the location of an entire town of alien creatures overnight. Their lives are changed forever as they find themselves the link between the ponies and their own nation.

Bewildered by this new world, things start getting more urgent as more of the Equestrian world arrives piece by piece, and not all of it is so friendly. Searching for answers, Asher, Twilight, and the rest of the gang stumble onto more questions, and uncover an amazing secret. One that could either save them all, or doom both worlds to annihilation.

(Set just after the events of season 3 finale. Diverges from there, movie has no effect.)

Graciously edited by Dream Seeker, Commander Fire Starter, Sharp Quill and Absurd Tomfoolery

P.S. A request if you will: When someone gives a "dislike," would ya'll mind commenting why? Especially if it has something to do with a writing skill.

Chapters (17)

Frosty Mug runs the premiere (and only) watering hole in Ponyville. He's been behind the pine for years, and listened to many a sob story, and joyous announcement. Enjoy his recollections of a rather strange week in which he served a different Element of Harmony every day, and a pony he would have never thought he'd have the honor of getting drunk. These are the memoirs of a Ponyville booze vendor.

Now with bonus drinks! Consider it 'Happy Hour'!

Warning: Shipping is mentioned.

Chapters (10)

On a winter morning in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash throws a snowball at Applejack.

Things escalate quickly.

Chapters (1)

"The arrogance of our kind is thinking nature is in our control, and not the other way around." ~Serizawa

When a foreign country far to the east, long since isolated from the rest of the world, reaches out to Equestria with a desperate plea for help, It’s up to Twilight and friends to save the day.
Yet things will be far from simple. They will find themselves thrust into a strange new land under siege by a terrible foe, pitting them in a race against time to stop a titanic force of nature before it crushes them all in its relentless path of destruction.

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer's world is flipped upside down by a spell that hurls her centuries downstream into a time unlike her own. Alone in the new age, Shimmer must find her purpose among a technologically advanced Equestria all the while trying to make sense of a recent discovery: Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria.

Special thanks to my editors: Sandcroft, and Chaotic Note

Also to proof reader: DarkPinkie, for their help with this story.


Chapters (4)