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After his violent defeat, the former tyrant King Sombra has managed to claw his way back from the land of the dead and has returned to Equestria to seek revenge on Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony. However, the Emperor of Darkness is no fool. He knows that he cannot simply seek retribution on the Main Six or the Princess of Day, so he waits, gathering intel on his foes, learning of their weaknesses. When the time is right, he will strike. Can our heroes overcome King Sombra's plot for vengeance?

Sequel: The Return of the King

*Note: This story takes place in my official headcanon universe, not in the one for Shattering a Heart of Darkness

Chapters (20)

After discovering King Sombra planning his latest scheme in their clubhouse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders soon learn they have a lot more in common with the tyrannical King than they might've thought.

Can two groups of blank flanks get along long enough for all of them to succeed? Or will Sombra's need for revenge instead lead all of Ponyville to ruin?

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (10)

When Rainbow hears about the Daring Do book release date being pushed back, she immediately pays a visit to her favorite writer to find out why. And while she's excited to get to see her again, Daring seems a bit unnerved by her presence.

Just what is she hiding?

Cover art by: Soren-the-Owl on DA

Chapters (1)

After his latest defeat at the hooves of Daring Do, Ahuizotl was determined to get his revenge. However, instead of going after Daring, like he usually does, he decides instead to set his sights on the other one; the mare who helped her foil his plan to bring upon eight hundred years of sweltering heat:

Rainbow Dash

Unfortunately, things don't go exactly as planned when he goes to her home for a surprise ambush.

NOTE: This story has some suggestive material, so discretion is advised. Also, I want to thank Choya for proofreading for me.

Chapters (1)

Ahuizotl threatens to sue A. K. Yearling for libel unless she stops writing the Daring Do books. She makes him a counter-offer.

Based on the November 2014 prompt from The Writeoff Association, "Title Drop," the original version of this story won second place in that month's contest.

Chapters (5)

It's finally over. The games, the traps, the taunts, the meddling...it's finally all over.

With his most hated foe finally gone, Ahuizotl does what any good villain would do:


It's a good thing Daring Do is such a good listener.

Art by Kna

Approved for Celestia's Library.

Approved for Twilight's Library

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (2)

Ahuizotl stands above the remains of his mortal foe. Mrs. Do’s sudden passing evokes a great many feelings in the ancient immortal.

Triumph is not one of them.

Fourth Place in the August Write-Off - I Regret Nothing.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do New Revision Edition Book 1

Legendary archaeologist Daring Do returns in this retelling of her original adventure. After crash landing on a Hayan island, Daring must make her way through the hostile rainforest as she tries to reach the legendary Sapphire Stone. At every turn, her enemies are ready and waiting to stop her and if she has any hope of getting off the island with the stone and her self in one piece, then she will have to pull out every trick in the book - and do it with one wing tied to her back.

Chapters (11)

When ponies are being killed in Ahuizotl's tribe, he relies on Daring to find the killer, but when the archeologist see their mutilated bodies she comes to realize there is something dark lurking with them.

Chapters (6)

Another subterranean temple. Another priceless magical artifact. Daring has fought him for the fate of the world before …

But now she's discovered who killed her father. And only one of them is going to walk away.

* * *

My entry in the "Famous Last Words" minific competition (14th place out of 51), expanded and polished for FIMFic publication.

"Highly Recommended" by PresentPerfect! Rated ★★★★ by Louder Yay!

Chapters (1)