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Through luck and foresight King Sombra has managed to avoid the grave, but just barely. At the cost of much of his magical powers and his whole kingdom. With nothing, but his life, to lose he decides to make a daring gambit by infiltrating Ponyville and exacting his revenge from within.

With no formal spy training and little experience socializing with the common pony Sombra find's himself bumbling in his attempt to take over the town. With no base of power and little to his name Sombra finds himself losing the fight before it has started until a cross-eyed pagasus offers too help him. Now, in order to conquer Ponyville he must first conquer the home of Derpy Hooves, which may be his greatest challenge yet.

Cover art provided to me by The Grimm Reaper. Thank you.

(An idea that came from a joke I made on a Facebook thread and I just decided to run with it. This story isn't high on my priority list, but if a few people like it I'll try to make an update for it something within the month. It's labeled comedy, but I'm not a funny person, sorry.)

Chapters (5)

It wasn't long after Sombra's defeat that he was found in the outskirts of the frozen north, regenerated from his dismembered horn, but too weak to do anything more than stay in hiding and hope to make a full recovery. Princess Celestia was swiftly alerted of his re-appearance, and the dethroned king was dragged away from the north to be kept prisoner in the Canterlot Castle.

After weeks of planning, the princess called Fluttershy to Canterlot and bestowed upon her the task of reforming yet another foe. If there was anypony who could have some influence on such a vile overlord, it was her.

Fluttershy, however, wasn't nearly as certain of herself. Discord was so much different; he was so much easier. Back then, she had the elements of harmony at her disposal. but now, living in the Canterlot Castle with not a fellow element for miles, King Sombra was an entirely different story.

This fic is a redo of the first fanfic I've ever posted on Fimfiction.
Editor: m1ntf4n. Shower him with much love and admiration.

Chapters (4)