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This story is a sequel to Order from Chaos

Worker has found happiness, health, and most importantly, home. Now he struggles to defend those who made his new life possible while he wrestles with his own demons.
A belated sequel to Order from Chaos.
Concluded in Hope.

Chapters (6)

A handful of pages recount a remarkable journey to Equestria by someone who sought only a little peace. The story continues in Justice, and concludes in Hope.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Justice

Worker's dreams have taken a turn for the worse. Feeling trapped, unable to talk about his experiences and unable to stop the near-nightly terrors, he wonders if he should reach out to the Princesses. It never occurs to him that these nightmares might be something more.
This is the final story of a trilogy. The first part is Order from Chaos, and the second is called Justice.

Chapters (8)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, convinced their long sought cutie marks are for exploration, plan a daring trek through the Everfree Forest.
They don't find their cutie marks out there, but what they do find is much more interesting.
And much, much more malicious.

Chapters (1)

Bronium Chloride is one of the most gentlecoltly scientists in Equestria. That doesn't mean he is a good one. When he was first hired as an administrator to Princess Luna's Academy of Science, he immediately fell for his charge. As he delves deeper into forbidden sciences, and after one too many failures to capture the heart of the moon princess, he himself is captured by a demon and imprisoned in a strange dimension where survival is a very real concern. With the help of a past victim of the demon, can he escape the strange land and return to his love? Without starving along the way, that is.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Don't Starve is owned by Klei Entertainment.

Chapters (5)

In their haste to get back home and escape the bots following them, so they can fight off the Evil Doofensmirtz before he can take over their own world, they found themselves sidetracked in a dimension unlike the others they visited, just off the path they meant to take back.

Chapters (2)

Dear Upper Management of the Which Ever Reality This Lands In,

I am sad to inform you that you've involuntarily been volunteered to now house some of the most wicked and most powerful beings that our reality has to offer. I must offer my condolences as these charges will become your problem instead of ours.

We are not overly cruel as to send these monsters anywhere near their full power however, (mostly because we don't want them finding a way back) and have sent them in a form we feel they will do the least amount of trouble. As an added measure, we have also sent a handful to also help contain them in your reality and act as a safety net if necessary.

Again I must apologize for the inconveniences this act will bring and I hope you won't hold it against us.


A reality away from yours, and more specifically Archmagius Ehinera,

Chapters (3)

Carine and Dust are on their last mission. A missions that will decide the fate of the pokemon world, but what happens if they fail?

Meanwhile in Equestria, what will happen to the world when a young filly finds a strange creature in the middle of Everfree? A creature that will decide the fate of Equestria and his own world.

A/N I do not have anyone helping me on this so please forgive any mistakes and such alike. Especially with colours. If you find a problem with a colour, please let me know. I'm absolutely awful with colours. And if you're giving any criticism, please try not to be an asshole about it. I will ignore and probably delete any comments that end up being asshole-ish. title is a WIP.

This story is loosely based around the events of PMD: Explorers of Sky. Expect some spoilers.

Pokemon and MLP belong to Nintendo and Hasbro respectively.

Chapters (3)

Legends tell of a group of heroes, who fought the numerous forces of evil wherever they reared their ugly heads. It was foretold that, one day, they would return to finally rid the world of evil.

These legends were also completely made up, so instead we have these guys.

·William "BJ" Blazkowicz as himself (From Wolfenstein)
·Marine as DoomGuy (From DooM)
·Duke Nukem as himself (From Duke Nukem)
·Cyber as Mjolnir Recon Number 34 (from Marathon)
·Ranger as himself (from Quake)
·Parias as himself (from Hexen)
·Corvus as himself (from Heretic)
·Chex as Chexguy (from ChexQuest)

This is a collaboration between myself, RoyalUnicornJohn1994, Perception Filter, and Lord General Kelly.
Based very heavily on the Samsara Doom mod (demonstration here), which you can also pick up for yourself here (it's a mod, so of course it's free!).

Chapters (5)

At the end of Goodbye Deponia, we never truly saw Rufus die, did we? And what's not to say he that didn't? Rufus has had plenty of deadly falls before. Still, he never had one that dropped him into another world! Now the deponian soon finds himself in an unfamiliar land filled with the most unusual inhabitants who pride themselves on harmony. Fortunately for Rufus, the natives's make the horrible mistake of offering him the hospitality of staying.

Chapters (4)