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“How could have I known that old mirror was a magical artifact?” asked the dark haired sorceress, siting up and crossing her arms.

“We were in a place called Temple of the Magic Mirror!” shouted Lina, turning back to glare at her unwanted travel companion. “Why did you have to go and hit the darn thing with a Freeze Arrow?!”

A magical accident brings two very unpredictable beings to Princess Luna's Equestria. For once it's no pony's fault! Still, can the ponies handle the explosive personalities of Lina Inverse and her self-styled rival, Naga the Serpent?

Written originally for the Lunaverse April 2013 writing event. This fic is 100% non canon with the rest of the Lunaverse and requires only passing knowledge of that universe to appreciate.

For official chronological order of Lunaverse stories, and everything Lunaverse, please come visit us in the Lunaverse Group!

Chapters (2)

An ordinary afternoon at Canterlot's Summer Sun Faire becomes extraordinary when a young filly gets too curious and Princess Cadence experiences every foalsitter's worst nightmare. This is how one Princess discovered there is more to Twilight Sparkle than she ever imagined, and realized she is truly anything but "a regular old unicorn."

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/31/12. It's a New Year's miracle!

Chapters (1)

Spike has been abandoned by his friends at the Grand Galloping Gala. While wandering the halls of Canterlot Castle, he finds himself stumbling upon a peculiar pony.
(Season One Finale Alternate Ending)
(Originally Written As A One-Shot)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Equestria's Crazies

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

It has been over two hundred years since Discord, the god of chaos, and Nightmare Moon - or Pleasant Dreams as she's now known as - bringer of eternal night, were released from their prisons. Surprisingly, everything went better than expected; they have become successful co-rulers of Equestria. But that's not the shocking part. Twelve years ago, they had a child; Lucid Dream, a Draconequus filly with the powers of a god at her disposal. She'll be driving everybody up the walls, though she'll have to be careful; her aunt Princess Celestia has eyes everywhere and her teacher knows all the tricks of the trade. But Dream has many friends, and whether or not her parents want her to, she's going to she's going to be stirring up quite a bit of chaos.

Because sometimes Equestria is just crazy.


Chapters (13)

One Piece X MLP Crossover

A emergency trip to Zecora's leads Fluttershy to find a strange pony with a straw hat. Unfortunately, he scares Fluttershy off with his talk of eating other animals. The strange pony's arrival in Equestria sets off a chain of events that threaten plunge the peaceful kingdom into an all out war. Twilight and her friends, along with the new pony may be the only ones who can unravel the mysteries that surround Equestria and save it from falling apart.

Now with TV Tropes!

New Cover Art by Droll3

Chapters (76)

After nearly being mugged Twilight turns her considerable talent with magic towards self defense. When a fight with Luna goes farther that either of them wants it to, Twilight will need to find redemption in her new position as Luna's bodyguard and stop a conspiracy that wants to bring back a force more dangerous than either of them.

Chapters (15)

Miss Cheerilee informs Applejack that she never passed elementary mathematics. Since every pony in Equestria is legally required to understand rudimentary math, Applejack must retake and pass a basic exam in order to avoid going back to school.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with a falling star, Princess Luna crashes into Ponyville, only to be saved by Big Macintosh. Overly grateful, Luna calls upon an ancient contract which binds her to the draft pony as his personal servant. Can Big Macintosh co-exist with an overzealous moon goddess, her creepy assistant, and an army of evil looking guards long enough for Twilight to find a loophole to get him out of the pact?

Featured on 9/5/2012

Chapters (4)

Perhaps Doctor Whooves is not a medical doctor or a time lord, but a doctor of psychology.

The following are his journals after he receives instructions from Princess Celestia to permanently set up shop in Ponyville to keep an eye on Twilight Sparkle and her friends, where he learns more than he bargained for.

View the Google Docs table of contents: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gCeHce9BTZ48P5fxNQDHq7diYlNqJIbkZNdMGLN3H5k/edit?pli=1

Chapters (22)

Nightmare Night goes a little differently and leads into a spiraling staircase of events. the Night will forever be mixed with the scent of Lavender.
this is basically my old story Lavender Night, but revised and redone completely, only the basic story elements are there

Chapters (10)