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When Twilight Sparkle was just a kid, her best friend was a girl named Sunset Shimmer. Though their friendship had a bit of a rocky start, they quickly became inseparable, no matter how much everyone thought of them as ‘weird’. They were there for each other.


Years after the tragic accident that tore them apart, Twilight is determined to move on from her loss, and she sets off on an independent research project to investigate the strange happenings at Canterlot High. Little does she know that she will soon come face to face with what appears to be a literal ghost from her past.

Coverart by Kare-Valgon. Chapter illustrations by Zorbitas.

Edited and Pre-read by Dubs Rewatcher, r5h, and Kalan.

Takes place after Rainbow Rocks, but was written before Friendship Games and does not take it into account.

Chinese translation

Print copies now available.

Chapters (25)

Editors: Fire Starter, Alcatraz, and Neko Majin C (Recently: Seven Fates)
Additional Story tags: Clarke's 3 Laws (More specifically 1 & 3)
Cover Artist: PosionSt

In the year 2036 an asteroid dubbed "Apophis" struck the Earth and contaminated fifty percent of its water and atmosphere with an extraterrestrial pathogen dubbed "The SOL Strain." After two years, sixty percent of all human life was gone! With the world's governments struggling to keep their countries together; all seemed lost.

That is where my story begins.

My name is Chloe Cooper and I'm the only known human to be genetically immune to the SOL Virus. During the pandemic, I volunteered myself for experimentation. In order to keep me safe, I and three other humans were locked away in a vault deep within the Appalachian mountains. There these people, who I soon considered my friends, ran many tests on me and the virus, however after months without contact from above it was time to put the project to rest.

Cryostasis pods dubbed: "Cocoons" had been built in case we failed. 16,000 years later I awoke to sirens, signaling a whole host of problems.

And now? I'm the last of my kind.

Character tags will be updated depending on where the story goes

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to The Mare of the Night

It's been six months since Starlight Nightflier, batpony prostitute, was hired to be the conversation partner of UN ambassador Daniel Habbuck. Since then, she's gained a new job, a new home, and a new future for her beloved son.

But that's not enough for Starlight. She wants to be more than just a friend to Daniel. Much more. But something's holding her back. Something from her past that refuses to die...

A collaboration between moi and Comrade_Pony

Special thanks to AidenHeaven, HolyStreak, KG472, zxzxzxzxzx24, and NarlepoaxIII for proofreading and editing!

Cover image source: Link

Chapters (6)

While trying to make her family tree, Rainbow Dash finds her mother's family totally missing from public records. Maybe with Twilight's help, she'll learn something about her ancestry.


Editing and creative help from BionicBrony

Chapters (1)

Equestria is still picking up the pieces after the defeat of Tirek, and everypony is helping out with the paperwork, even Rainbow Dash. Things change when Princess Celestia arrives, bringing with her a letter with some very stunning accusations of the exploits of a resident in the town of Oasis. Now, the main six are tasked with finding out if the letter was truth or fiction. Did this Mister Baker really do what they claim? Only one way to find out.

However, Mister Baker is not who, or what they expected.

Rated Teen for occasional language. Additional tags added for more dark themes.

Proof read and edited by the amazing SunnyPack , Snakeskin Ducktape, and Tyrannosaurus Tux.

Chapters (12)

Niko Bellic. He was a well-known criminal in the underworld of Liberty City, but after he killed his crime bosses, he seemed to disappear entirely, only popping up here and there for a car theft or gunfight. He was the best of the best, so you can imagine his surprise when a bomb went off, and he sank to the bottom of the ocean, apparently drowning.
Or at least, he thought he had drowned.
When Princess Luna and Princess Celestia decide that they want to reform Niko so that he helps the world, they chose none-other than the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie, to do the job. While Niko tries to continue his normal life with the addition of this new companion, Pinkie shows Niko that there is something more powerful than money, crime, and death. Something that even he can muster up inside of him and use against his foes. If he survives the pony herself, that is.

Chapters (8)

It's that time of year again at Ponyville Elementary, with Family Appreciation Day. Little Apple Bloom is feeling left in the dust yet again, as all of her immediate family members are too busy to come in to speak. The little filly is left with only one other option:
Her "honorary" family member...
If only he had actually taken a bath for once...

Rated T for Trevor, so expect colorful language and some bloody good violence. Don't worry, no ponies were harmed in the making of this story.
However, many changlings were.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.
Grand Theft Auto V belongs to Rockstar.

Edit at 12:05AM on 7/12/2014: Holy Featured Box!
Words cannot describe how much this means to me. Thank you all so much!

Edit at 12:40PM on 7/12/2014: Now with a Youtube reading by the amazing Soupr5! Check it out!

Chapters (1)

Two weeks after the Rainbooms defeated the Dazzlings in the battle of the bands, Adagio Dazzle finds herself alone and powerless, struggling to keep herself together. Her entire world has been torn down: her sisters abandoned her, and to make matters that much worse, she has no money, and no place to live: the siren queen, crudely forced into a place that she's never been. Homeless, starving, broken. The future, so far, has held no good for her.

Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, has had a wonderful few weeks with her friends. Everything is going perfectly: some say she's "the girl with everything". But truthfully, Sunset's life isn't all that everyone assumes it to be: everybody has secrets, and some are bigger than others.

After an unexpected encounter, Sunset and Adagio find themselves living together, tacking yet another secret onto Sunset, and making life even more difficult for Adagio. But in the end, we all must rebuild from the destruction that is our lives.

Chapters (2)

The citizens of Equestria are no strangers to the strange and unusual, especially when it comes to the Everfree Forest. So when the most dangerous creatures start mysteriously dying no one thinks it's unusual. In fact some believe there's someone or something protecting them. The ones who do call it 'the guardian' and speculate as to what it is. But all it is, is just a human who watches over Ponyville's inhabitants who wander in to the forest, and keeps hidden to protect himself. However everything changes when he meets an injured little filly named Applebloom.

Proofread by Regreme

Note: This is NOT a Sniper Elite crossover.

An Anthro HiE story, remember it's your choice to read this. Don't like it? It's your fault. But constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (5)

Twilight had planned to visit Sunset Shimmer and her friends over in the other world for a nice, quiet weekend, away from all the worries and problems associated with being a Princess of Equestria. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned.

After an accident cuts her off from Equestria, Twilight finds herself stuck in the human world until the gateway between the two worlds can be fixed. Which wouldn't normally be a problem...

...If she wasn't still a pony.

Now with TvTropes page!

Cover art
Proofread by Dusty Old Qrow, RQK, Dusty Tomes (Ch. 2), Emtu, and Doctor Candor.

Chapters (15)