• Member Since 24th Jun, 2017


"The key is to enjoy life, because they don't want you to enjoy life"-DJ Khaled

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Total Words: 2,827
Estimated Reading: 11 minutes



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The CMC have just learned of the Elementals, an elite lineup of Supernatural ponies with powers beyond their comprehension, and have ended up getting their hooves on powers themselves. meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis sees this as a threat as sees to destroy it, while Button Mash and Flame Raizer seek to assist them. (Authors note: this is a short story Im making for a school project. I've always liked making these stories but i never had the guts to upload them, but now Im making this a series on here for anyone who would like to read. also this story will include Brony Analysers as their own characters and will include mild horror)

Chapters (3)