• Member Since 31st Jul, 2013


Clyde, Tx. For the emperor.

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Pincer is a changeling, a proud soldier of Queen Chrysalis. After the failed invasion of Canterlot, he finds himself trapped and at the mercy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. Believing that Celestia sees his species as nothing but soulless monsters, he prepares himself for the worst. The weeks crawl by, marked by an endless series of questions he will not answer for fear of endangering his friends and family at The Hive. As his nerves wear down and his interrogators learn just how ruthless he thinks they are, they have nothing to report but his belief that they will kill and destroy his kind without mercy.

Celestia steps in to prove him wrong, and what Pincer learns leaves him questioning everything he has ever known — but also gives him hope for what he'd never thought possible.

Cover art commissioned from http://www.demonkings.com.

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (15)

Taking a short cut across the beach was a bad idea during hurricane season. One arrived without warning, and Gray spotted a sturdy looking shed, he sprinted towards it for cover. But then a powerful wind swept him up...

....Princess Celestia looked out the window from her throne at the heavy storm. She went back to her paperwork, which was blown from the table by an unseen wind. There was a flash and a silhouette flew through the air, rolling to a stop at the bottom of her dais...

Okay, so this one isn't my idea. I am being give them, and am fleshing them out. This one, for once, will be proof read/edited by KnightFlower. Mainly because he's the one given me the ideas and he asked me to write it for him. Didn't think I was that good at writing! If you want to add this to a group, can you please ask me first? Thank you.

No, that does not mean I'll be doing other requests, at the moment. Dark tag added for some small bits.

Chapters (23)

You are an ancient god who dates back to the times before history was recorded. Along with your other brothers and sisters, you lived in a time of paradise and happiness. You lived in harmony and ruled over the mortals without a care in the world. Until war broke out. A war that would last for centuries and caused the near extinction of all life in Equestria. During a last ditch effort to defeat your enemy you receive a grievous wound to your already tired and withered out body, which caused your body to turn to stone. Where your body would repair itself and recover your lost energy. However it's been centuries since the war, the world and people you had once known and loved has faded into history along with your existence, but the world has gone too long without you and it's about time you return.

Need help with grammar, please comment if you see any mistakes. I'm sure there are a lot.
Anthro- ponies still have horns, wings, etc
Some chapters will be comment driven

Chapters (26)

Canterlot... For centuries, Canterlot was the shining gem of Equestria, the pinnacle of pony society. Now, it’s a reminder, a bleak and monolithic warning to the world. 

Changed by the chemical and technological poisons that plague the mountain, an abomination of nature, I wander the greatest disaster Equestria has ever seen. 

... I will escape eventually, and when I do, I hope my friends still see me as Twilight Sparkle, and not the monster that hides among the ruins. 

Chapters (10)

It's been several months since King Sombra was defeated. Since then, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have been presiding over the Crystal Kingdom, and quite happily so. However, a message arrives one day from Princess Celestia requesting Shining Armor to come back to Canterlot as soon as possible.

On arrival, he was informed of the problem immediately: there've been reports in the castle of a strange being roaming the hallways and bedrooms. Objects and guards have begun to disappear, and there have been sounds coming from the walls. Princess Celestia called upon Shining Armor because of one detail common across all eye-witness reports; even though the only thing anypony ever caught of it was a glimpse, they all reported it to be covered in a familiar form of black chitin...

My first fanfiction, all criticism welcome.

Chapters (10)

Why does he cry? Because he doesn't know what he is.
Is he an Angel? Never knowing a god's kiss.

How long has he lived? Ask him if you wish.
Will he answer though? He's as fragile as a dish.

Will you love him? Give him what he craves.
Will you hate him? Throw him into the flames.

Opening themes: Hello - Pol Rossignani (Evanescence Cover) - Part 1

I'm Alive - Shinedown - Part 2

Emperor's New Clothes - Nathan Sharp Cover - Part 3

Chapters (12)