Equus Metamorphosis Universe 24 members · 3 stories
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I know it can permanently delay/temporarily repair Armin's degenerative bone condition, but what about other conditions like sensory processing disorder, which is a neurological disorder that I think I have, even though my dad completely dismissed the possibility of having sensory processing disorder or schizophrenia without even going to someone trained to be able to diagnose such conditions, because he thinks I'm just being philosophical or some shite like that about myself and thinking I'm just asking questions even though I went through multiple different lists of symptoms when researching because I'm really, really bad in face to face conversation.

Anyway, can it do other conditions, like a neurological or otherwise physical condition, and possibly any mental disorders caused be chemical imbalances?

Group Admin


Anyway, can it do other conditions, like a neurological or otherwise physical condition, and possibly any mental disorders caused be chemical imbalances?

Hmm, that's something that I haven't considered directly, though I have addressed that the suit itself it not what's helping the brain so much as a computer helping the brain like, for example, in the case of Anubis and Anput. The suits link them together, but Anput (the pod pal) uses her brain to help augment Anubis's brain so he can think. She basically provides extra processing power to him after his brain was damaged in the accident he experienced four years prior.

So I would say that a Meta-Frame, in tandem wit a Pod Pal linked to that Meta-Frame, could help someone with neurological conditions, yes. :)

5334458 First, I didn't receive an alert for your reply on this forum, so... Should we talk to some of the site's staff?

Second, I partially want to write a fic based off of that, except I'm an exceptionally slow writer and I likely won't ever finish it.

Third, you said "in tandem wit a Pod Pal," though it should be with.

Group Admin


Huh...I wonder who we would ask?

Imma give it a day. If it isn't fixed then (like maybe others are experiencing the same thing), then I'll let the site mods know

5334572 And now I receive an alert, because of course.


Hmm, that's something that I haven't considered directly, though I have addressed that the suit itself it not what's helping the brain so much as a computer helping the brain like, for example, in the case of Anubis and Anput. The suits link them together, but Anput (the pod pal) uses her brain to help augment Anubis's brain so he can think. She basically provides extra processing power to him after his brain was damaged in the accident he experienced four years prior.

So... the nanites, stem-cell factory or however it works, that would/will be knitting Ermine's bones together isn't quite advanced enough to work on grey-matter?

Guess I could buy that. I mean, we've had the tech for artificial hearts since the fifties or something like that, but not the generator tech to actually keep them pumping without a nasty wire running right out from your torso causing complications and infections.

Or even better an example, dialysis. What amounts to an artificial pair of kidneys... but they take up the size of a large suitcase. Good luck operating that into somebody even if you could power it.

Group Admin


So... the nanites, stem-cell factory or however it works, that would/will be knitting Ermine's bones together isn't quite advanced enough to work on grey-matter?

Well, there's two key parts to that when it comes to the 2072 world in this story. First off, creating a dense and very solid bone structure to replace degenerating bone is a lot easier in theory than creating working grey-matter to function with existing grey matter in a seamless way. And secondly, I wanted there to be limits to what this technology has currently achieved within the story's timeline. I didn't want it to be the cure-all that could solve every problem, because even though this world is more advanced, having a Star Trek level of 'we've pretty much solved everything" would not help connect this future world to our current one in terms of what problems we both face.

You brought up another good point as well. I really should explain how the suit repairs Armin's bone structure somewhere after his surgery. :)

In one place, you mentioned that the AI for the pod pals are held in a cloud server correct? Including screening for variance in type and randomness in each personality.

I was curious, but wanted to ask, are there laws, or sets to what protections they have as a sentient being in the cloud as a person that say what can or can't be done to them?

Group Admin


Oh hey there! I need to get on to some of the mods about the lack of notifications from my forum :/

The backups for the Pod Pals are in a cloud server which is uploaded to each morning. I remember writing that somewhere in my sourcebook but I can't remember where I wrote that storywise, though it might have been an explanation pinkie did in Chapter 6 of Equus Metamorphosis...I will explain it here real quick for those who want to know.

I have a side story idea tenatively called "The Tragic Tale of Diane, the Would-Be Cadance." That story will explain Pod Pal consciousness a lot more and how the cloud server works. The data to "restart" a completely lost Pod Pal is available in the cloud. However, the Pod Pals ALSO carry a memory chip with all the data in their physical body, which is always more recent than the cloud by at least one day. Should something say...happen to the body and make it inoperable, but leave the memory chip intact, you would then have an option. You could reboot the Pod Pal from the Memory Chip up to its exact last living second, or you could reboot the Pod Pal from the cloud, which was recent up to the morning before the accident.

Now the question here is...are they the SAME Pod Pal overall? There is a significant difference in the two streams of data, where one is more recent than the other.

These kind of things do require a set of laws. While in the cloud, there are technically inside "Company Property" and thus protected in a way that makes them legally protected to the level of human citizens and beyond. BUT...once they are OUT of the cloud and in the real world, local laws apply to them, which may or may not (usually not) be to their benefit.

You are not allowed to make a second version of the same Pod Pal out of their data from the cloud while the original Pod Pal is still alive and operating. This would cause a severe identity crisis for both of them. But seeing something attempt to break this law several times over would be an interesting story...

Only SYS-TER and approved Artificial Intelligence may alter ANYTHING in the cloud and only with the consent of the living Pod Pal whose data the cloud info belongs to. Human employees are only allowed to perform maintenance on it and ensure it's function and have to report issues to SYS-TER and other moderating AI. SYS-TER and AI cannot make new Pod Pals or "clones" from the cloud without human orders and consent. This creates a checks and balances system between humans and AI.

There can be situations where a Pod Pal is presumed dead after a disappearance for a set amount of time, thus legally allowing their human companions to purchase a new version of them into a new body from the last known "save point" of their information. Imagine what that would be like if this kept happening somewhere isolated and you ended up with a LOT of clones of the same character...

That's a bit of info for now :D

5340367 Perfect, this was the answer I was hoping for. Thank you very much.

Group Admin


No problem! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Also, be sure to use a reply response like you've been doing. When someone makes a non-reply response in this thread, I don't get notified :/ I'll respond wayyyy faster with a reply-response.

5340959 Out of wondering, what limitations are in place for pod pals that are paired more as a bodyguard to safeguard someone? And what can they do as well in that role? (or even how much different are they built?)

Group Admin

Out of wondering, what limitations are in place for pod pals that are paired more as a bodyguard to safeguard someone? And what can they do as well in that role? (or even how much different are they built?)

Ah, that's a good question. I have only just introduced characters within the Jensen storyline that are bodyguards, at least in the middle of his speech at the beginning. He says that Adagio, Sonata and Aria function as Melody Noble's personal bodyguard unit (with Vinyl performing some duties as well):

Well they don't really look threatening, but anyone who wanted to attack Melody would learn to fear them, because they have subtle intimidation tactics. Before I talk more about them specifically, let's look at the two lists of software and hardware I've made in the original storyline to see what they would have.

Now, this isn't comprehensive. There are a TON more upgrades in both categories, and because they work as a team, they would be equipped with very specific upgrades that would cater to their personal abilities, but I'll focus on the most basic ones all three have. They will be bolded below in a different color:

Electrical Resistance Synth Skin (Tier 1)
Detachable/Replaceable Hands (Tier 2)
Tension-Resisting Joints (Tier 1)
Silent Movement (Tier 2)
Minor Skin/Tissue Regeneration (Tier 2)
Complete Skin Regeneration (Tier 4)
Fire-Resistant Skin (Tier 2)
Waterproof Functionality (Tier 1)
Hidden Internal Safety Pockets (Tier 1)
Deluxe Modular Arm/Leg Kit (Tier 4)
Winged Attachment Glide Kit (Tier 4)
Long-Fall Impact Dampeners (Tier 3)
Hidden Emergency Oxygen Supply w/2 Breathing Masks (Tier 3)
Premium Detachable Protective Second Skin for User Implementation (Tier 5)
Soft-Skin Sensation Heightener (Tier 1)
Extended Battery Life (Tier 1)
Emergency Quick Recharger (Tier 1)

(Even the most basic bodyguard would have everything on this list, as the Dazzlings do)
Empathy Amplifier: Detect signs of distress in humans by analyzing their visual cues, speech patterns and behavior. Using psychological subroutines, determine what possible issues a human may be experiencing, allowing user to act upon visual and auditory cues more effectively.

Lie Detector: Using voice pattern recognition technology, a visual display analyzes speech and determines what may be a lie. Over time, speaking with the same individual creates a profile which can determine lies with up to 99% efficiency.

Threat Identifier: Scan a crowd and be able to spot potential threats before they occur. Threats are highlighted in the visual HUD and automatically tracked within the system until they move out of line-of-sight.

Advanced Ocular Recording and Projection: Set perimeters for recordings to automatically occur when you see certain things happen in front of you. Using beams mounted in the eyes, project the recordings onto any surface with near-perfect visual clarity.

If you want more ideas for Augmentations a bodyguard or security detail would use, try the list of augmentations Adam Jensen has in the official Deus Ex: Human Revolution game, listed here on the wiki. Keep in mind Jensen was often asked to do infiltration missions, so most of his augmentations reflect that:

Now that you know what they have, let's talk about some limitations

A bodyguard would purposely be limited in the following departments:

Desire for physical contact diminished:
Pinkie Pie would not make a good overall bodyguard. She has a psychological/programmed need for affection and physical contact. Sonata Dusk, on the other hand, would not like to be touched. She can handle it if need be, but when in a protecting situation, she automatically counters a touch by either pushing it away firmly or in a hostile situation, using a Close-Quarters-Combat technique to incapacitate the subject.

The Dazzlings are programmed to respond very smoothly to unwanted touch because they have rock star personas. They'll say it takes a special person to earn their trust and charm the heck out of someone who might accidentally touch them so they don't think the act of moving away is a defensive one. Adagio more specifically is very "high-and'mighty" about herself in this regard.

Some upgrades are completely omitted:
You can make some arguments for the Soft-Skin Upgrade, for example, for a bodyguard meant to entice someone and then knock them out, but overall, anything meant to make the bodyguard desire closeness with another is discouraged and often outright not allowed in certain situations and jobs as long as they are on bodyguard duty.

You might make the argument that some bodyguards might develop an attachment with their client and in this case the client might want some closeness modifications. If a good enough argument was presented by the human (or Pod Pal client. No reason a Pod Pal with money couldn't buy a Pod Pal of their own, though it would lead to some interesting rights conundrums), then such upgrades could be made after all.

As a bodyguard, there are certain things the Pod Pal can do in that role:

They are given all the rights and privileges of a personnel security detail that any human would have: This means going into areas that the human can usually only go into alone, as long as the Pod Pal doesn't engage in any illegal activity, such as using the Ocular ability to record sensitive information.

They are allowed to open-carry a weapon with them, but...: the weapon has to be a non-lethal, Technomancer-approved implement of some kind, as certain weapons are not allowed. A list of the following weapons has been approved by Technomancer Industries Security Enforcement Division:

Melee Weaponry
-- Stun Batons
-- Tonfas, commonly known as "Night Sticks"
-- Energy Absorbing and Shielding Bucklers on arms (which Hix wears but has not used in "Icarus Rising..." They can create a small energy shield for about a half a second before turning off and recharging. Must be timed for use in a block or attack)
-- Expandable/Collapsible Incognito Riot Shield (Bullet-proof for small arms fire, shotguns and some rifles. Individual plates fold down to size of a hardback book, which most bodyguards disguise it as. Book covers include many options and are customization, but popular ones include romance, science fiction and of course, The Art of War)

Close-to-Medium-Ranged Energy Weaponry
-- Tasers (which fire pronged projectiles that implant themselves into subject connected to wires connected to the gun, which shocks them by trigger pull)
-- Screamer Canon: Unique to Technomancer Industries, the Screamer Canon was developed as a Psychological Demotivator, meaning once deployed, it takes a strong-willed individual to maintain concentration and continue their assault. The Screamer is a small hand-canon which resembles a regular 357 revolver but with a significantly larger barrel. It fires a shell which travels at a velocity far less than one needed for a bullet to penetrate human skin. Upon impact, the shell attaches itself to the target and starts emitting a high-frequency piercing sound, like a bird whistle constantly vibrating. It lasts for 20-30 seconds and then stops, giving the bodyguard and their client time to extract themselves from the dangerous area. Any client who has a bodyguard that uses this weaponry normally has sound-dampening ear augmentations that go into effect the moment the sound reaches a certain threshold. This would allow the client (and the bodyguard) to incapacitate an assailant with little trouble at melee range even with the screamer shell emitting its noise. Sound-dampening would lower its decibel level to about 40 dB, when its actually emitting at 110 dB just like a standard car alarm.

Long-Ranged Projectile Weaponry
-- Tranquilizer Sniper Rifle

(or even how much different are they built?)

Their skin would be highly resilient to attacks and no doubt have some sort of self-healing that occurs quickly enough for them to have most of their functionality again the day or two after.

Many Pod Pal bodyguards have dealt with prolonged conflict in areas where they can't recharge or afford to heal slowly, like foreign countries and conflict zones protecting ambassadors.

They tend to have more bodymass, but some are built sleek, like the Dazzlings.

What else would you like to know? :)

5344106 I'm glad I thought to check back in here for things. (I would have missed this.) As these are great starting viewpoints.

What kind of physical thresholds can pod pals meet or exceed for the nature of a professional or even from the baseline standard in design? Or are they kept within human thresholds for other reasons?

I can see the nature of tailoring within the reason of role given how they are expected to protect someone. So this is a huge benefit.

Group Admin


Oh shoot I didn't follow my own request and reply-response you even after I told you that very thing. DO'H!

What kind of physical thresholds can pod pals meet or exceed for the nature of a professional or even from the baseline standard in design? Or are they kept within human thresholds for other reasons?

If I understand your question to ask what kind of physical design they may have (like how most of the ones you've seen are anthro), then I shall say they can indeed move beyond the anthro design. But once you start doing that, the price of creation goes up exponentially. We have not established in the main storyline if Discord is a Pod Pal or a Meta-Frame, but assuming he's a Pod Pal, and say the price of a basic Pod Pal like Pinkie is $60,000 in 2054 (the date I've selected two years after Vinyl Scratch, the first Pod Pal, appeared as the year pricing began to stabilize), and we see Discord is about 3-4 times her size with TONS more features, then he would cost about $250,000 to create as he is.

A Pod Pal (and even a Meta-Frame) can be any shape or size. But the closer they are to basic human proportions, the cheaper they'll be to produce, though making them smaller CAN reduce cost in some rare circumstances, but custom molds and internal components have to be made so that increases cost back up again.

However, did you see this ability listed on the Hardware up above?

Premium Detachable Protective Second Skin for User Implementation (Tier 5)

If the Pod Pal is humanoid and close to their human companion's proportions, then this ability will allow them to "shed" a second skin of plating off that the human can wear as armor or even repair parts for their own Meta-Frame. SUPER important bodyguard ability that is extremely rare, but very nifty in a pinch, like say, helping protect a damaged Meta-Frame that has more functionality than the bodyguard for a specific situation or puzzle.

Feel free to ask any other questions :) I'll be posting another thread soon with pod pal pricing from 2054. :)

5345129 If a pod is destroyed enough to need a backup, is it held accountable for the nature of what it did that caused its death by nature of being property?

Group Admin

If a pod is destroyed enough to need a backup, is it held accountable for the nature of what it did that caused its death by nature of being property?

Whoa! These are some incredibly good questions from ya'll!

I would say it is held accountable in the same way a malfunctioning machine is viewed after it breaks down. There was a probably with the machine and it needs to either be fixed or scrapped. Now, that's the LEGAL view on it. The emotional view from the human companion and close friends, relatives and workers will have them treating the Pod like a VERY important human part of their team and will no doubt be outraged at a treatment of the pod anything less than that.

Usually when a pod is involved in an accident that destroys it, the human is responsible for paying for a repair IF they can afford it. If they can't, then they can save the parts and the memory core (if it's still intact) to place into a new body later. This is actually the subject of a later story I want to write.

Now, if the pod is responsible for causing an accident as a result of its destruction, then a hearing would have to be held between local law enforcement and Technomancer lawyers to determine if the Pod Pal was at fault. If they were, then it must next be ascertained if the Human was at fault in some way or if the technomancer industries company was for its actions. Depending on who's responsible, the human will either have to pay a fine or the company will have to pay a fine.

If the pod pal was at fault first off, then the memory core is reviewed if available to determine what may have caused the action, and also any cloud storage data which may be available (but sometimes in very rare cases, it's not, but the memory core usually is).

If the pod pal is finally proven to have caused something that could have been avoided, then their memory core is held and they are not allowed to be "resurrected" without some serious constraints on their physical location or where they can go, if even at all. Most of the time, the company will tell the human companion they can get another of the same model or a different model, which really hurts the person.

That's what I've got for now :)

5346151 Thanks, I was looking more at being placed in a place where the choice of saving a life means more taking it, and the destruction of the frame to save the charge. Since I found a perfect hook to why the need or even interaction for techmancer industries to be involved.

Group Admin


Thanks, I was looking more at being placed in a place where the choice of saving a life means more taking it, and the destruction of the frame to save the charge. Since I found a perfect hook to why the need or even interaction for techmancer industries to be involved.

Ah, I see. The Pod Pal has to make a decision which involves killing someone to protect their charge. Well in that case, things can get really complicated quick.

I will say that Armin asked Pinkie Pie what she would do to protect him. This is from Chapter 3 "Beneath the Heart [4rd Floor]" from "Equus Metamorphosis."

“If someone tried to hurt me, would you fight back to protect me?”

She was quiet for a few seconds. Then she smiled warmly. “That’s really clever, Armin. You’re trying to indirectly ask me if I’m capable of hurting someone.”

Armin stared up at her, undeterred. “Well?”

“I would subdue them, but never permanently harm someone. Incapacitate. But only if I couldn’t talk them out of it. And only if there were no foreseeable alternatives left. Like what you would do, right? I mean, you can do the same. But you have psychological processes which discourage from doing any of that on a daily basis.”

Now keep in mind Pinkie is not a bodyguard model. She's an assistant and best friend. So her focus is not on harming anyone. She can protect though. Her case is different. But let's consider what it might be like if she was a bodyguard model.

Imagine a hierarchy of actions the Pod Pal must go through either physically or mentally through deduction in order to see what would work best. In a bodyguard model, killing would be the extreme last choice, and ALL other foreseeable options must be exhausted before that choice can be made. If the bodyguard then sees that nothing else can be done and their charge will die from say, assassins who will not stop till the charge is dead, then you have a situation where the bodyguard pulls out all stops to kill the assassins. This process of deduction can occur in nanoseconds so the exploration of other choices by the Pod Pal is imperceptible to any human watching. They may think the pod pal went straight to killing without a second thought, when in reality, they did so after probably hundreds to thousands of individual thoughts in that span of time.

A pod pal will also seek to protect itself and it's functions before resorting to putting itself into a situation for self-destruction. It may decide to give its life if it means it can prevent the deaths of others, but not if it determines that it's continued existence might, overall, save more lives in the long run, like say it's trying to continuously chase down assassins who are trying to kill others while they escape. A self-destruction is most likely when the charge of the bodyguard is involved, but only if the bodyguard thinks that self-destruction will completely eliminate any remaining threats to their charge.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any more questions if you like :)

5346875 You have sorta provided a perfect placement with both the UK in this. And well, given the whole Russian thing as well, you have a perfect backdrop for why someone doing drastic.

Can you say more why the whole issue with russia started up that involved china? Or what sparked it/kept it going?

The other is what/why america was doing for getting involved? was it more to support one side, or to impose sactions on one or the other?

Group Admin


New Thread explaining the following:

Very Extensive Background on the China/Russia Border Wars of 2048 and Technomancer Involvement


Get ready for a kickass ride in 2048 Technomancer and World History involving politics, intrigue and betrayal...

5347189 Oh, given the boost in technology from this private firm, how much has made its way into the military for various things for the general nature of technology?

Group Admin


Sorry for the long wait. I kept training to come up with a good system to write a story first and then answer the questions you posed. And then...Pokemon GO happened. O.o

Oh, given the boost in technology from this private firm, how much has made its way into the military for various things for the general nature of technology?

Several other companies have popped up with their own copycat technology and others specializing in parallel fields. Two competitors to the Pod Pal and Exosuit market are IntelliCore in South Korea and Future One in Japan. They have different names for their products, but they're basically the same things, except with different Intellectual Property.

In the United States, a former member of Technomancer Industries actually started their own private firm which has been supplying exosuits to the military. They use a different design so legally they can continue doing so, but the basic premise is the same. However, they focus more on the lethality of the product rather than any sort of social or medicinal purpose, so essentially you've got first generation Terran suits out there like you'd see in Starcraft, except that IntelliCore owns the rights to Starcraft so they can't look like that. :P

Overall, technology in this time frame has increased to a point where augmentations are commonplace among the general populace, but the good stuff is still reserved for the upper-middle class and upper class.

5362911 Thank you, how common is this kinda tech in less scrupulous hands?

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