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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

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Review: Faust's Commandment

Tags: Sex, Non-Con, Violence, death, dark, tragedy, Anthro, human, alternate universe, Banned User

Summary: Religious fiction!!!

Review: 1 they are banned from the site and don't know if they are going to return. 0_0….
since fiction has made some progress…. Let’s tell you a different way of reviewing….

  1.  Wtf
  2. Why
  3. This is never going to be complete

Right let’s talk about the story…chapter ONE then the next chapter see’s god Luren Faust…. LOL

I thought you're not allowed to use real life human names in the story (like real famous people)…. 

Unless it’s anon or yourself.

You should receive a penalty for it.

The rest is omg…

Well… is it worth reading it?  No since he's banned and it will be unfinished until he returns which has no clue when that be… anyway…

The fiction looks alright…. Such as decent grammar and the idea is still there (scars my life) and well there is another thing I like to add…  Don’t ever bring Luren Faust to my folder. Ever….

The fiction itself will receive a 1/10

The story is horrendous, just like it's author.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


maybe it was just this fiction but i must 100% agree after that stunt they pulled.

I doubt anypony will miss him.

What did the author do to get banned?

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


I have no idea...

I haven't even bothered to read this fic, he has some fiction that I like and I'm not gonna let this fo effect how I like those.

But he is extreme in his views, as a Christian myself, though a little agnostic, I am appalled at his extremist, dare I say dictator-like views. I pray for him, but I will not dare try to reason with him, it'll be like like talking to a brick wall.

As for why he got banned, it should be obvious

7954879 Short story: BradyBunch brought a pegasister to suicide.

Long story:
It all blew up with the attempted suicide by
The drama blew up with her blog:
The embers of discontent were lit long before by: and Mostly it was transphobic comments and blogs like:
I'm sorry that I wasn't as transphobic as I could have been.
They 'apologized' with: but it sounded more like doubling down than a genuine apology. TheMysteryMuffin, who I've followed for a long time, is still alive, but transphobia lives on. It basically all boils down to Christianity. A Man Undercover and BradyBunch want to score points for the afterlife by doing what the Bible says. And since stoning a person to death is the Bible's answer to everything, they're basically letting their hateful religion lose upon the world, and The MysteryMuffin was the easiest target. They couldn't stone her to death, given this is the internet, so they did the next best thing and almost succeded.

Wow, I had no idea that was going on. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Odd thing is, I used to be the same faith as Brady: Mormonism. And people like him would be excommunicated for his behavior back in my day. But then again, I left almost 20 years ago, I wonder just how bad things have gotten in that church for the rot to get to a missionary as bad as it did for Brady.
Not saying there weren't red flags when I was a member, there are reasons I left beyond just being unconvinced of any god or gods.

7955009 I'm glad you managed to escape the sect. Unfortunately, BradyBunch probably never will.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor





I followed TheMysteryMuffin but i didn't know BradyBunch would harm people... until today.... if BradyBunch was in true dnd... he would be kind of lawful evil.

Probably, I don't know much of Mormonism except a little. I think they don't drink alcohol, they used to be polygamists until they changed for some reason, and they probably look down on D&D as Satanic.

I'm mostly non-denominational, but probably lean toward Baptist, but I have taken slight agnostic views tbh or at least I am questioning a lot.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


I have that same feeling. But I'm leaning towards more of god forsaken the planet.

That is a fair statement and as a Christian without extremist views and not transphobic, they broke a big rule do not judge and Jesus himself hung out with the LGBTQ+ community. I think they should have understood that being trans isn’t a disease and that we are all natural born sinners. Even if being trans is a sin was true it should be a forgivable sin. Trans people aren’t any less human than we are. I always suspect that The Man Undercover was a jerk but I chose not to say nothing.

I wouldn't say never. After all, I did manage to get out. But if he does it won't be for a long time, and he will get worse before showing any improvement.
When I was deconstructing my faith I threw myself head first into it, determined to keep believing. And that meant taking seriously things I used to look down on even as a mormon.


Yeah, no alcohol, no tobacco, no caffeine, you're actually commanded to live healthy, which very few actually do, but they keep the minimum ... mostly.
The reason they changed from being Polygamists was purely political, they wanted Utah (called Brigham at the time if memory serves) to be in the United States but the application for statehood wouldn't be considered if they insisted on practicing polygamy. The internal rational being that they received new revelation. It was necessary at the time, but no longer so must be abandoned.
Actually, people of color being allowed to hold preisthood is both recent and political too. Though the politics there are social politics and not national. They edit their history quite frequently. I even learned in church that colored skin was the mark of Cain. Take that for what you will.
As for D&D being evil. Nah, no mormon I dealt with in the church thought D&D was evil. The bishop of one ward even ran a regular game. Most of my games were filled with only mormons when I started playing. It was even required that the religious characters use one of the games deities as the ones who brought Jesus into the game were creepy and often insufferable.

7955090 It would make sense Heaven is abandoned.


With so many inconsistencies in the Bible, you can make the Holy Book support any statement that your imagination can conceive.

7955113 BradyBunch has too much sunken-cost-fallacy invested to quit now. Then again, maybe all the while, it was himself he was trying to convince and now that he lost his Fimfiction account, he knows for a fact that God is not on his side.

It all depends on how one interpret the Bible, that is where all this extremism comes from. The Bible has the tendency to speak in metaphors. Even Jesus himself spoke in metaphors when he said eat my flesh and blood and it caused a split within the church because they thought he meant it literally. That is why Bible studies are important and why I feel that you can’t take the Bible literally.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor

Yeah, I think people with extreme views have the tendency to not change their minds. Why even people can racist/ablists against people who are like them due to abuse and being fed misinformation. I spoken to one such individual who I think had a lot of internalized racism and transphobia and it was like taking to a brick wall. They also have this victim mentality but I understand and do not blame them at all because I think it was from years of abuse from extremists.


BradyBunch has too much sunken-cost-fallacy invested to quit now. Then again, maybe all the while, it was himself he was trying to convince and now that he lost his Fimfiction account, he knows for a fact that God is not on his side.

While I didn't get as extreme as him. Most of my worst tendencies came from trying to convince myself. I don't know if he'll ever even out and become more rational, that seems to be something lost to so many these days (though it's really that the worst people are also the loudest.) But it is entirely possible.
Than again, he's burned so many bridges and salted the earth that he may not be able to see any path back. Kind of like

BradyBunch has too much sunken-cost-fallacy invested to quit now.

Right. That.

I am in favor of God in fanfics, even ponies, however if it is only about degenerating the concept of God, without any positive reinforcement, I agree with any public crucifixion. I'm ready to throw the first stone. (joke):pinkiecrazy:

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


fair enough!

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Well gods in fanfics can be fun. Depending if the author makes sense of them that is. Avoiding deus ex machina is a big topic while also not making them too passive or weak :trollestia:

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


dragon we know what you like.... a dragon isakai where a human dies and becomes a mighty dragon in equestria.

Azure Drache
Group Admin


Very unlikely

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