Twilestia is Bestia 3,275 members · 956 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Since we can now use the tag "Daybreaker", can we get a new folder?

"Twilight x Daybreaker"?

Well, now writers could make more stories, and the tag and folder make them easier to find.

Is there more than one story of twilight x daybraker? If so a folder dose make sense.

Group Admin

Show me that there are a few stories kicking around that feature Twilight paired with Daybreaker, and yeah, we make it happen. To 6555477 's point, if there are only one or two stories, I don't see it being worth making the folder.

Group Admin

Two years later, never say I don't deliver. New Folder is "Daybreaker" with subfolders for Shipping, Platonic, and Dark stories

Awesome!! I think there’s a few stories in regular folders that might need moved.


Better late than never. Thank you <3

You might want to organize the stories you add by sub folders.

I’ve been going through and trying to crosspost stories between the “Mother and Daughter” folder and the Momlestia group among others, and feel that the group would benefit from adding 3 additional subfolders for mother and daughter by adoption, biologically, and in spirit. I believe there are enough stories of each type to justify this distinction, and I can provide examples if needed.

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