Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

I'm making this post as a request for more participation in the latest Twilestia contest.

We are currently one week away from the deadline with only a single entry to the contest and no applications for judges. At this rate, this means that our singular submission will win by default. Applying to judge for the contest is first-come, first-serve, so any member of the group can apply if they wish to.

In addition, the current state of the contest means that any story entry will take second place minimum by default. Ideally we'd all like Twilestia stories that put effort into the topic and its ideas, but having any stories to judge is better than no stories. We do take incomplete submissions for the contest, also, although story completeness is a factor in the judging.

If no further judges or entries come in the next week, I'll likely be forced to extend the deadline. If no story submissions or judge applications come in after that, I'll have to cancel the contest. Please, by all means make submissions if or when you have the time.

I certainly would've been more than happy to write an entry if there was a cash prize. That might be something to consider in the future in order to gain more attraction to the contest. Good luck with the contest though! :twilightsmile:

Can I be the judge? :trollestia: :twilightsmile:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

You absolutely can be one of the judges, yup!

We'll still need two more, though.

I wish you luck with the contest. Sadly I just don't have the time to enter. I do really like the group though. Maybe I can join a future contest.

I just want you to know that I have a draft. I think it could benefit from some revising, but even if I miss the contest deadline I think you'll see the story one way or another.

I understand that one more entry might not be enough reason to avoid extending the contest deadline, though. :twilightsmile:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Three stories (we have one more that should be in by or very near the deadline) is at least enough to judge, so if we can get three judges we can keep the original deadline.

If no one else volunteers, I could help judge. But I'm not the best at speaking my opinions clearly, so others will probably be preferable to you.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

I will put you down as a tentative second or third judge, depending who else volunteers, alright?

I would be happy to be a judge if you still need them.

I was previously working on something when this was announced before real life hit me like a truck, might not meet the deadline of the 15th but I will try if possible.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

If you want to release it after the fact, by all means. It may not end up judged but we'll still be happy to have it.

Comment posted by fluttermoontree deleted Jun 13th, 2022

I have a short Twilestia fic that I can wrap up today. I’m a fairly new fanfic writer so I’m kind of nervous about sharing it, but would I be able to submit it? It’s over a 1,000 words and seems to fit the requirements.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

You absolutely could submit it, yes. We'd be happy to have you.

Thank you! I completed it and submitted it for moderation a while ago. Hopefully it’s approved in time for the 15th. Once it is I’ll submit it on the main contest thread.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

If you have a screenshot proving it was submitted to mods before the 15th I'll allow it anyway. Shouldn't be a problem. I imagine the judges are fairly flexible, too. It's just for fun after all.


Thank you very much- here’s my screenshot. Sorry for so many messages!

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

7699210 7699067 7699378 Alright, judges! The submissions are in! (except Fluttermoontree's, which I think is still waiting for mod approval?).

I'm hoping to have your verdicts within the next two-three weeks. Please send me your top three favourite stories. Feel free to include a rationale if you like. I look forward to hearing back from you all!

Sweet. Will get on it this weekend. They're all in the submission thread in the forum, right?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Yup, they should all be posted in the contest thread.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

These are the stories submitted.
Status of Fluttermoontree's submission is currently unknown.

Fluttermoontree’s submission was just approved.

Here’s a link to fluttermoontree’s entry: In Your Dreams

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

7699203 7699067 7699378

I apologize for the request but the submission was entered before the contest deadline (screenshot proof), so the following story also needs judging: In Your Dreams

Dawn Light and Mind Jack, let me know if this story changes your rankings. Looking forward to hearing from you, bigbear

All right! I just read Fluttermoontree's submission. I edited my comment in this Twilestia contest's forum :twilightsmile:

Hi sorry for the inactivity but thanks so much for including my story and sorry for the last minute addition

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