Protect Celestia 1,954 members · 1,767 stories
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Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Ok folk I have a question for you all. How do you feel about a Collab work like what the Twilestia and Twiluna groups are doing?

Totally copypasta'd all of this from the Twilestia Prompt Tag Collab thread, which in turn was taken from the Twiluna Collab which stole from AppleDash.

What the title says. Here are the rules:

Someone starts off by posting a 100-500 word mini-fic about Celestia. At the end will be a one word prompt. If you would like to write a 100-500 word mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a one word prompt at the end for the next people to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

* The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Just try to keep it rated teen or lower and make sure it's 100-500 words of fiction about Celestia and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things, and it's up to the next writer what they want to do with it.

If you'd like to play, I'll make the first prompt. After we have about ten(or so) prompts completed then I will put it into a story and we'll just update that as we play on this forum.

Here's the first prompt, whoever is up for it.

[PROMPT: Honor]

SInce I take part in one, I am for it, of course.
Though it's a bit tougher with simply writing about Celly being great. Still, it could lead to some interesting and good little stories.
Count me in :pinkiehappy:

1797348 I say go for it, though you I doubt you would see me write a story. If I could try, it will be short as I have a habit to rush stories out of excitement.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

It will be 100 to 500 words per person.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Got the info posted, think about what to do and have at it. Also try to write this up in Word first so it can be somewhat grammar/spell checked, also keeping track of word count.


I run the TwiLuna one and I took part in the Twilestia one.

I will help, of course

Ugh! More F/F shipping abominations.

Well I like it them, they are a nice read in between. But still i like Longer Stories more. If you want to do something similar then y not?

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Any help will be appreciated
There is a time and place for everything, this is neither the time nor the place. This has nothing to do with ships, unless the posts do that, but I do not wish to delve into a shipping war.
Sometimes drabbles are enjoyable to read

I DESPISE Twiluna!
In all of it's shapes and forms.

Twiliestia is ok, when in the hands of the right person.
I confess myself disappointed in you, fine sir.
Megatron out.

1797348of course on thr weekend Im out. Btw, get my pm?

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Megatron calling a fleshing a fine sir? Some please check if hell has frozen over. And Milord to each their own, and I happen to like Twilestia
You need not worry Dance, this will remain open for a while

1797985 if hrll foze over, then the lions won the superbowl.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

With or without the Cub winning the World Series?


Megatrom calling a fleshing a fine sir?

Hang on...


You DARE misspell the name of the mighty Megatron?!

Some please check if hell has frozen over.

No, my mother-in-law's house is fine.

And Milord to each their own, and I happen to like Twilestia

Thank you for adressing me correctley, but i never said i didn't like it. I've just read a few twiliestia fics where it's just..done horribly!! :raritydespair:

1797348may we have an example to start?

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Semper has the first go, but take a look here for somewhat how it is done

Can someone PLEASE! Make a prompt named "sandwhich" for me to claim?!

1797348 how about we send the works to whoever is going to claim the main story sothat there is some secrecy to it.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Uh no, rules are rules

another thing, I know we have to follow another person's prompt, but do we have to keep it in line with theirs?

For example, if someone said "Titanic" and then wrote a parody of the end of the titanic, and ended it with, "icecream" would we have to keep the continuity of the titanic emoness happening while now trying to write something about icecream, or could we write our own, independent, story about Celestia eating her first icecream cake.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Only if you want to

1805724 can you make a second prompt? It looks like nobody is jumping on this one.

* please, no emo words.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Look at the end of Semper's post, current prompt is Regret

Der Claim: Regret


"She must report to me her new findings from her new home in Ponyville!"

Cheers and laughter errupted around them and her new friends engulfed Twilight in a close and happy hug. "Oh, Thank you Princess! I will study harder than ever before!" The unicorn promised happily ans she was hugged from all sides.
The sun princess smiled at the happiness her well chosen words had brought. She stayed for the small festivities that followed Twilight's official reassignment and wrote the letters to the pupil's parents herself.
But as she was about to head for her chariot where the honour guards was already waiting, a small purple and green obstacle stood in her way.
"Do you need something, Spike?" Celestia asked gently.
"I... I guess I will be staying in Ponyville as well." the dragon said slowly while fiddling with his claws nervously.
"Twilight is going to need the best assistance available." the sun princess answered honestly.
"I know... she would be totally lost without me." he replied proudly, but deflated immidaitly "But... I haven't .... you know... I'm not quite used to..." he sightly forced himself "I'm gonna miss you."
And all of a sudden, Celestia's mask of calm serenity broke and a hint of sadness came into her eyes. "And I am going to miss you too!" she said forcing a brave smile onto her lips. She leaned down and gently nuzzled the little dragon's cheek "But I need you watching over her!"
Spike embraced the princess of the sun. "I will! I will take good care of her!"
"I know, my son." Celestia answered and gave the dragon a kiss on the cheek. "And please take good care of yourself as well! And please, don't just send Twilight's letters!"
"I promise!" Spike answered, trying to be brave as well. Still, there were tears in his eyes. "Have a good ride home!"
"Thank you! Try to enjoy the celebrations." the sun princess answered and the mask returned to her features as she made the way to the chariot.
She was ready to fly back to her palace.
A palace that would feel a lot quieter with her baby dragon gone.

Prompt: Laughter

1812265 clam!...)..

1810696 but I must warn you, it contains humorous use of genetailia, so I am willing to have it screened.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

... I would rather it not have those kind of jokes

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Will it be clean?

1812792 it assumes tha the reader knows tat the boys have pee pees and the girls have vaginies.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Dance... keep it clean, none of those jokes

1812841 well, if kids can understand why donald duck holds a towel up after he's in the shower, then I think they'll be fine.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Please don't make me regret this

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Just post the damn thing

1813238 when I write it. Ths certified Quality Engineer manuel isnt going to read itself.

1813238 Thisis unrelated to our other conversation: can we use anthros?

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

You can use any form on the anthropomorphic scale: 0 being pony, 10 being fully human.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

And please run it through a spell check

Prepare to take your panties off!

By Dancewithknives
Rated T,
Warning: Contains Anthros.

Summer, what a glorious time of year.
On one of the many glorious beaches in an area of Equestria known at “The Sunshine Islands”, Citizens from across the country retreated to this small slice of paradise to relax and get away, to sit back, relax, and enjoy her majesty’s glorious sun while it warmed the white sands and cold waves from the ocean washed up and down the beach.
Everyone was allowed to bask in the glory of their own work, and, just like a normal person, Princess Celestia herself was enjoying her own hard work.
Of course, she was not going as the princess everyone recognized, that would attract too much attention and obviously spoil the purpose of trying to get away from her other self. Instead, The Princess was disguised as a normal pegasus, a feat performed by quite an effort of magic. Now, the tall, beautiful and buxom ruler of this fine land with a flowing head of hair was now a not-so-tall, beautiful, and buxom bikini clad pegasus with a physical head of hair similar to that of one of the nation’s six elemental defenders.
But, of course, what was the point of having something great if one could not share it! The Princess was not alone on this populated beach. Instead, while she lay down upon her towel with her hair pulled aside, and bikini top straps undone, her dark colored but equally beautiful sunglasses unicorn sister sat curled up beside her and underneath the umbrella, giving her skin time to rest from the light before lounging again.
“Sunny, you should put some more sunscreen on. You wouldn’t want to get burned, after all.”
Celestia practically heard her sister’s inaudible smirk with the statement. There was a rustling on their blanket as Luna walked on her knees out from under her umbrella and beside her. Her top still undone, Celestia lay on her front, face down on the towel, after all, this was a family beach, and allowed her equally disguised sister to rub the sunscreen onto her back. She thanked her, calling her by her alias, “Honeymoon,” and kept lounging.
A spray of sand exploded in front of them. Still censoring herself, Celestia covered her eyes while Luna jumped away at the attack of white grains. When the smoke cleared, an inconspicuous white Frisbee sat before Celesta’s head.
The old mare, cleaning her eyes, saw the Frisbee and then moaned, “People still think the old Frisbee trick work-”
All of a sudden, a male, lacking both horns and wings but with tanned complexion and great definition slid to a halt before the two.
“I’m sorry.” He said, acting suave, “I didn’t mean to do that, My names Diesel, by the way. Where are you two from?”
Celestia rolled her eyes at the coed that was hitting on a woman 10,000 years older than him. Then, because of the roll of her eyes, she then noticed something; an anomaly on his persons that was obviously not natural.
Celestia smiled and began to answer him, but, in secret, began to magically whisper a devious plot to her openly magically inclined sister.
The three kept conversing, the ladies on their towel acting interested in the almost pathetic show before them, and, on a rehearsed count, attacked.
In complete synch, Luna Lunged while Celestia kept her front covered to the ground. They both grabbed a leg of his swim trunks and pulled.
As expected, a white bundle of cloth fell with the shorts.
As quick as them, the boy by the name of “Diesel” became red in the face and pulled up his shorts. Swearing and wishing he could simply vanish, he ran as fast as his feet could carry him down the beach.
The two sister literally rolled on the sand as their almost earth rumbling laughter attracted the attention of the vacationers around them. Celestia, wrapping the towel and covering herself, said, “Hey! Come back, you STUD! You forgot your socks!”
Luna sat up, “And take your F****** Frisbie, too!”

Next Prompt:
Or if not clean enough,

1813667 when are theese being posted in a fic?

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

When I get five posts

1816345 oka dok.

Anyregrets? Or was I over exagerating?

1816345 I am still disappointed nobody else ever joined in.

1865489 I would, but I don't have anything for either "Badass" or "Daughter". Sorry.
Also, I don't want to be the only other writer here.

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