
Viewing 261 - 280 of 7,372 results

Short Reviews: I · 11:57pm Feb 15th, 2016

Family Matters by Aragon
Twilight discusses siblings with Rarity and AJ

“You know,” Twilight said, looking at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, “I would try to tell you how smart your sister can be now and then, but right now she’s desperately fighting against the mud puddle and losing. Like, really losing against it. We’re talking crushing defeat here.”

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Report Inertial · 342 views · #review

fJd Review: The Fallen 6 by Eevee932 · 4:50pm Nov 1st, 2020

TThe Fallen 6
A series of deaths that snowball onto horrible events
Eevee932 · 2.1k words  ·  14  4 · 492 views


A snowballing forest that takes the lives of all the Mane 6.

My Thoughts:

Well. It was a short read, the chapters were tiny, and the writing was rather telly. You really didn’t have to think too hard to figure out what was coming next, except for the final chapter. I didn’t see it coming.

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Report flutterJackdash · 64 views · #review

Change in Review Schedule · 2:45pm Apr 14th, 2018

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here.

As the title suggest I'm making a change to the review schedule. For now on I won't be doing reviews on Saturday's. The reason being is that I tend to hang out with friends every Saturday. Trust me when I say this never happens and that its a recent thing.

I thought I could make the reviews ahead of time and post them throughout the day, but that kinda proved more difficult to do then I first thought. So with that in mind I just won't upload reviews on Saturday.

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Report Down with Chrysalis · 197 views · #review

fJd Review: The Music Box by Indigo Lightning Strike · 4:44pm Nov 1st, 2020

EThe Music Box
I have lost everything. All I have left is my music box and memories.
Northguard · 1.1k words  ·  7  4 · 219 views


This is an OC Anthro story about reflection, looking back, and coming to an end.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 43 views · #review

Reviews - Thursday, 23rd · 6:40am Feb 24th, 2017

Oh, um... that event took longer than expected. I'm so sorry that I didn't get a review out on Thursday, the 23rd. I was out for things, and then that turned into a trip for Shamrock Shakes, and then that turned into a trip to the movies... yeah. :twilightoops:

Once again, sorry for missing that :twilightsheepish:

Report Matthewl419 · 169 views · #Review

Review Swap: Mareplane! · 2:52am Jan 28th, 2020

Link to the story:

I liked this, it genuinely took a minute to build. It did not suck me in till I was over the first 1/3 of the story then suddenly at Daring Do and her Status of the Unspeakable I was sucked in. I enjoyed this story from then on.

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Report Fiaura · 213 views · #Review

So you may be wondering.... · 3:10am May 7th, 2017

why there was no review yesterday, and why there will be none today.

This is because, due to my Chromebook being at a professional repair place (for free, in case you wanted to know), I have had to wrestle my family computer from the clutched of, well, my family. And I have a great many commitments that are slightly more important than Fimfiction I had to do with my time on said family computer.

So yeah, reviews will probably start up again on Monday. See you then! Maybe...

Report Matthewl419 · 134 views · #Review

fJd Review: Spectrum of Lightning by Seriff Pilcrow · 5:11pm Nov 2nd, 2020

TSpectrum of Lightning
Dive into the secret past of Twilight Velvet—mother of the Princess of Friendship—as she embarks on her first guns-blazing adventure with the Whip-Cracking Crusader. Volume 1 of Daring Did: Tales of an Adventurer's Companion
Seriff Pilcrow · 119k words  ·  270  3 · 5.4k views


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Report flutterJackdash · 169 views · #review

I need some time off.... of reviewing for a while... · 11:40pm Jun 13th, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen I found a terrible person who doesn't like different people on how they review things.. So... I'm might be thinking of quitting mlp entirely...

New Edit:

However, I will make 1 accepting thing... before I leave.... When I leave is when the Clown Mare suddenly is finished.

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Report Flora Blossom · 233 views · #reviewing

I oddly missed another review. Oh well, I'll make up for it later · 5:02am Apr 15th, 2017

But this time it's because I was playing computer games...

Report Matthewl419 · 150 views · #Review

Review of Princess Trixie Sparkle · 1:55am Sep 29th, 2018

I wrote this up for another group and thought I should re-upload it to my blog.

Spoiler Warning: there will be spoilers for those who have not seem all of it, and I will not be using spoiler tags.

Review of Princess Trixie Sparkle


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Report DR-Fluffy · 1,070 views · #Review

I made an in-depth review of Shakespearicles's Cat's Cradle. · 4:23am Jun 8th, 2022

With one of my favorite fics on this site finally reaching its conclusion after 5 years, I figured I'd go ahead and give it a review, because I had a lot of things to say about it. I put it as a comment on the fic, but I also pasted it at the end of this blogpost (please go read it on the actual fic's page though). Cat's Cradle is definitely not for everyone, as it's a mature rated story with lots of sex and incest, but if you don't mind either of those things, then go ahead and give it a

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Report MooseWhisker · 106 views · #review

Queen Mother (Story Review) · 10:37pm Sep 17th, 2015


A TRS review · 1:15am Mar 14th, 2017

It took months of petulant whining gentle prodding, but I finally got the talented and awesome Manifest Harmony to read The Rescue Service. She wrote a nice review afterwards.

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Report Troposphere · 250 views · #reviews

HOW TO REVIEW · 8:34am Jul 29th, 2016

how 2 write gud review?!

well, you just do this:

that was easy. blog post done!

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Report hazeyhooves · 296 views · #reviews

Less-Read Review 2: Everypony is Sad by hazeyhooves · 11:53pm Sep 4th, 2016

Do you guys mind if I just do one review at a time? It's easier for me.

Welcome to Less-Read Reviews, where I review stories with low word counts.
Today we have:

Everypony is Sad by hazeyhooves
"All of them. Every pony. They're all sad."
Tags: Teen, Random, Sad, Main 6, Cutie Mark Crusaders


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Report Super Trampoline · 328 views · #review

Fact or Fiction by The (late) Big Bad Borox, Revisited: Largely the same amount of grammatical problems, and the same story · 5:57am Feb 8th, 2016

A few months is a long time. Long enough for Big Bad Borox to become Barnside, the hero of… barn sides, I guess. My personal head canon is that the current author is actually the adopted daughter or son of the original Big Bad Borox, who died as he lived, balls deep in a hog and firing two assault rifles into the air.

Thank you Cards against Humanity and Mad Libs.

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Report BlndDog · 374 views · #review

IDW's My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic #1 · 8:08pm May 13th, 2016

So someone at IDW got an idea.

"Hey," they said, "people really like the villains in My Little Pony. They've got all these ideas about how they got started and what happened to them after they were defeated. Why don't we use the power that we totally have to decide what's canon in the show to write a stupid, boring series that will ruin them forever?"

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About review requests · 8:21pm Jul 12th, 2018

To my surprise, I've had a few of these recently, so I suppose I ought to write a little bit about what you can expect if you ask me to review your fic. Please read all of this post before commenting or asking questions, though. It's not stupidly long!

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Report Loganberry · 234 views · #reviews

[NEW THING] Review of a Random Story · 3:11am Aug 9th, 2015

Markiplier's Ponytastic Adventure

What I first thought: Hey, cool a Markiplier in equestria story. Seems legit :rainbowdetermined2:

What it's about: It's about Markiplier going to equestria and doing stuff. There is only two chapters, so I will update this as it progresses.

Is it good? Yes, nice writing. Kinda needs a bit less use of huge letters but the grammar is solid.

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Report AzureShark · 262 views · #REVIEW
Viewing 261 - 280 of 7,372 results