
Viewing 261 - 280 of 914 results

Rest In Peace, Hawking. · 9:13pm Mar 14th, 2018

Stephen died today.
Terrible news, I must say.
Ever in our hearts, he will stay.
Physics, he made many breakthroughs..
Hawking, his last name was.
Early in the morning, he peacefully went.
Never forget, the great science man.

He lived a good life, they would say.
A life worth living, a life well lived.
With a final breath, he left his body.
Keeping in mind that his mind is free.
I just wanted to share this with the world.
Not much, but a poem for the lost

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One of those days... · 2:55pm Apr 8th, 2017

There are good days, and then there are bad days.

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Report Cadiefly · 271 views · #Sad #frustrated #cry

Damn it! · 1:05pm Aug 10th, 2016

Hello people,

I don't really know what to say; so I just try to write straight from my heart. I feel like I'm currently going through a depressive episode once again, but this one keeps effecting me pretty hard. I lost my mood to continue writing, I'm lonely, scared of the future and so on. I'm lost in nothingness (is that even a word? :rainbowhuh:). I just don't know what to do now. It's not like I'm thinking to do something worse to myself, because I know that this is wrong.

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I feel weird today. · 6:33am May 6th, 2017

I don't know how to explain it... I guess It feels like emptiness mixed with loneliness. It's like I'm missing something in my life. Today I went to work, feeling alright. I was talking to my Co workers and everything was fine, But right when I got home, All these feels started to get to me for some reason. I also don't feel like doing what I love everyday when I get home from work(Video games, Youtube.) I'm just not feelin' it tonight I guess. It feels like I need to cry, but I don't...

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My Guiding Light is OUT!! · 12:42pm Mar 18th, 2016

Hey everypony,

This my latest story now ready for viewing. It's an OC backstory for a friend of mine called GreenflyThePegasus

I tried to do my best with this one because it takes inspiration of the popular indie video game "To The Moon" which has one of the most tear-jerking storylines ever. I've included a lot of links to music from the game throughout the story so I hope everypony will try them out while u read.

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My Little Pony Season 9 Episode 26: The Last Problem · 2:12pm Sep 12th, 2019

Here it is!
The series finally!
G4 has been great, but its time to end it.
But... Hasbro says there's gonna be 3 season 9 shorts, they haven't been released and there a secret, but there coming.
You've all probably watched it, but for those who haven't, here:


P.S. I cried watching this, did you?


It's a Sad Day · 2:51am Aug 29th, 2017

Today I just found out from my Grandmother after school that She and My Grandfather are getting a divorce and he is moving out of the house maybe after this next Buisness trip...


Patience. · 1:11am Jun 16th, 2019

For those interested to know, this past week my dog passed away.

I burried him outside in my backyard, he was hit purposely by some piece of trash I saw speed away. I cared for him for a bit, praying it was just his legs broken. But before the vet could open he had already went on.

I couldn't bring myself to write all this week, I still feeling bleh as is.

But he'd not like me wallowing in my sadness, he always loved it when I was happy.

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Report Forgetful · 218 views · #Sad #dog #patience.

A Heart of Blackened Glass · 1:19pm Aug 25th, 2015

A Heart of Blackened Glass

A Poem By: BronyProphet

Mend the shattered pieces of the blackened heart of glass,
By the twists and turns of fate that time has cast to the ashes,
Wrongs brought to the stars and let it be carried away with winter's chilling breeze,
Chilling to the bone as heartache reaps its tainted path,
Marked by black roses set out for mourning and outcry,

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Sad News and Some Updates. · 7:28pm Apr 28th, 2021

As you may know, I promised you all updates to Coronation of Compassion, but stuff happened that I will explain.

Firstly, as of posting the last update, I got super busy with work and music, so I didn't update as promised.
Secondly, my Uncle passed away yesterday... He is the second person in the span of a month that we lost to a heart attack, an underlying issue that is prominent in our family, so I am shocked to the core at the moment. I am still tryna process it.

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Okay... so... What Has Been Eating Up All My Time? · 10:04pm Sep 1st, 2015

Hey guys! You're probably wondering what has happened. I mean, I promised you a new chapter "soon," and it still isn't up yet!

This is because of two major things, one of which, you'll hate me for... but don't worry, there's someone else to blame :scootangel:

REASON ONE: I have become addicted to modded Minecraft. Blame one of my fans for that. (Won't tell you who, I'm not that mean).

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Report ModMCdl · 193 views · #modmcdl #update #story #sad

End of an Era: Toys R Us Shutdown Commencing · 6:10am Apr 14th, 2018

I know this may be something stupid to talk about, but since some of us (including me) have some feels from this, I thought I'd place my thoughts on the issue.

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(Vote Part 1) Time for opinions · 9:20am Nov 22nd, 2018

VOTE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 30 DECEMBER 2018, Any votes made by means other than liking or disliking MY indicated post will be ignored

Ok everyone, I'mma have to be brief cuz I'm writing this like 5 seconds before I go to bed...
(TL;DR at the bottom XD)

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Report Viper5012 · 217 views · #Sad Face D:

Does anybody think that I should quit the fandom? · 1:32am Jul 26th, 2020

I'm sorry to say this. It's not anybody's fault. It's just that I'm in a bit of a depressive state. I don't want to project my feelings onto others or manipulate anybody when I say this, but I've made a lot of mistakes and screw-ups today and I don't think that I'm ever going to improve no matter what I do, because I personally think that all I ever do is mess things up and ruin others' lives. You don't have to feel bad for me or anything. I just need your opinion on whether I should or

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Report Heroic412227 · 165 views · #sad #depressing #fandom

R.I.P. Gilbert Gottfried · 9:34pm Apr 12th, 2022

An unexpected development has just occurred. Comedian and voice actor Gilbert Gottfried, apparently having been suffering from a long illness, died today at the age of 67.

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Report SuperPinkBrony12 · 445 views · #Death #Sad #Legacy

Next chapter and news · 9:53pm Dec 1st, 2020

Hey guys, sorry this chapter of loves lost decade took so long. A lot of stuff happened in the past month and I want to say this. To anyone who is or knows anyone fighting breast cancer. My heart goes out to you. on November 9th my sister who had been fighting breast cancer for thirteen years now sadly lost the fight and passed peacefully in her sleep. as always loosing family is a terrible tragedy and though I'm taking it moderately bad, my family is taking it much worse. Luckily the covid

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Report Priceless911 · 260 views · #Sad #story #cancer #update

A Poem: "My Own Living Hell" · 4:07am Apr 26th, 2022

I woke up this morning

Maybe that’s a start

But waking up to a nightmare

Every day just breaks my heart

I fight for my right

To stay in the light

But in the darkness dwells

My own living hell

When I look in the mirror,

A stranger stares back

When will the outside

And the inside all match?

I scream to the gods,

“Why me? Why now?”

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What do you think of this idea for Odium's character arc? · 11:58pm Oct 25th, 2020

Odium losing everything that he had during his journey after the Mane Six and their friends. The fact that he lost his home, his purpose (due to Cozbi tricking him into going against said purpose for years), all of the good deeds that he's done throughout his journey (due to them turning out for the worse after he left), his morality and conscience (Which was the very thing that he was striving for ever since after his birth), and worst of all, possibly his family due to them being nowhere to

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Report Heroic412227 · 118 views · #Odium #Sad #Tragic

Fuccccccccckkkkkkk · 11:01pm Nov 4th, 2023

So I accidentally deleted the Elemental Equestrian and not the rewrite in progress. Dammit I hate myself right now all that work gone dammit... dammit. Sigh... I'll try again and put my full attention into it. I'm sorry.....🤬🤬😥😥😥

Report Slicknick17 · 88 views · #Hate #sad #angry

I've Got Some Sad News · 4:21pm Aug 24th, 2023

This morning, I learned of a really heartbreaking development. My faternal grandmother, who lives all by herself, had a little dog for company. Well, this morning, she let the dog outside and it didn't come back. As it turns out, the dog somehow wandered onto a road and got hit by a car. Whoever was driving the car that hit the dog didn't stop, they drove off. Someone else found the dog and moved it to the side of the road. Unfortunately, by that point it was already too late, the dog was

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Report SuperPinkBrony12 · 337 views · #Death #Sad #Family
Viewing 261 - 280 of 914 results