
Viewing 301 - 320 of 10,584 results

New Update Schedule (Finales Are Rearing Thier Ugly Heads) · 12:12pm Nov 5th, 2015

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here

Due to Finales coming up next month, and in a attempt to allow you guys to comment without said comments going to waste, new chapters will now be posted on Monday.

I'll probably start working on new episodes by Thursdays or Fridays for now on as well, so watch out for that.

Sorry for the inconvince, but school is important after all!

See you all later! BYE!

Report Down with Chrysalis · 187 views · #Update

Short Story Update · 4:42pm Aug 8th, 2015

Hello Everybrony!

Latest story to date is An Unlikely Parring, my first shipping fic. I never thought I’d be able to write a good shipping fic, but apparently the majority of my readers say otherwise. Credit to my good friend Li-ten for suggesting to me to write a shipping story with Gummy!

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Report RainEStar · 161 views · #Update

Delays · 4:04am May 24th, 2022

For those of you out there wondering, no, I'm not dead. It's just taking me a while to get some things updated here. Between work, life, a sudden inspirational spike for my novel, and having to completely redo the latest chapter for Golden Trail, it's just taking me a little longer to put things up here than usual. Now that I have a few less distractions and a better idea of what I want to put in it, I should be able to put up the next chapter for Golden Trail in a few days. Hopefully, this

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Report Arcanum -Phantasy · 294 views · #Update

i swear to god i am not gonna let this streak end... (an update of sorts) · 9:28pm Jun 30th, 2022

I don't know if any of you have noticed (also hi I’m alive!) but since I joined FIMFic, I've been uploading at least one story a month without fail.

It is now the last day of the month and I have no story up. And on pride month?!?! how dare I!

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Update, July 17 · 1:04am Jul 18th, 2022

Still here, working on a few things. Some of them are more challenging than others, but might be fun if I can get them to work. Should have something at least pretty soon.

Report EroPony1000 · 61 views · #Update

So, ”Izzy Moonbow Across The Multiverse of Randomness” Underperformed… · 11:04am Dec 10th, 2022

Call me ungrateful if you want, but compared to the original’s wonderful reception, this is a bit disappointing. To everypony who has liked, commented, and favorited, thank you so much for all your feedback and I really appreciate it. It’s no surprise though that this one isn’t even over 200 views as of now compared to the original’s massive 457 views. I’ve had to rely entirely on the marketing to get this one traction and it’s honestly sort of crushing. If this is the slow traction “Forgiven”

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Report Admiral Producer · 151 views · #updates

The results are in! · 1:24am Jan 10th, 2022

7 votes for Mechaniquus
3 for The Legend Begins
3 For Nuzlocke

You have spoken and the majority have chosen Mechaniquus, this chapter will be a complete game-changer. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Report DougtheLoremaster · 128 views · #update

Update on Spark of Life · 6:00pm Apr 5th, 2022

Howdy folks!

Just wanted to chime in with a bit of update on where we stand with Spark of Life. I'm currently done with the first Interlude and Chapter 5 and working on Chapter 6. Got a bit to go still before the next chunk of release, but we're getting there! This sort of chunk release schedule has been really good for my thought processes in making sure everything is lining up from chapter to chapter for sure.

I will note that we will be in [REDACTED] in the next Chapter chunk though!

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Report volrathxp · 135 views · #Updates

The Prince of Griffonstone, Update 8 · 4:59am Jun 21st, 2019

Chapter 9 is finally up. This chapter contains my ideal backstory for Grandpa Gruff as he finally talks to Gwyn about the most tragic part of this past. We also take a quick hop forward in time to see the completion of new site and the official opening of Griffonstone's first restaurant. The next chapter will be the conclusion to the story. Enjoy, and I'll see you at the end. :twilightsmile:

Report Marezinger Z · 122 views · #Update

Random Hello · 5:37am Jul 24th, 2019

Hey! Thought I'd do a blog update.

So, I'm so happy that Dearest of Desires, has become so popular. You guys are actually enjoying it. Yay.

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Report twience · 161 views · #update

Update · 2:25am Aug 15th, 2021

Recently I updated the artwork for ‘The Show Must go On,’ and wanted to share that. I am still working on some stories, but I wanted to ask, (if anyone reads this:twilightsheepish:) about what stories of mine people like best, and the kinds of things they would like to see more of. No pressure, or anything. I had the idea while I was working on the cover, and just thought I’d ask. Anyway, cheers! :twilightsmile:

Report EroPony1000 · 63 views · #update

Back in action · 6:55pm Dec 4th, 2016

Hello everyone! Silent Author (AKA Arghos) Here with an update for and

So A load has happened in the last year; a lot of good, a lot of bad, some junk better left unsaid, etc. Just got out of a major surgery and currently I'm looking to complete the following short stories within the month if not more:

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Report SilentAuthor · 149 views · #Update

Update on Ranger of Seamane · 6:11pm Aug 15th, 2021

Good news, not dead!

Next chapter is being edited at this very moment, so likely it will be out by next Sunday.

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Report Moonlight Grimoire · 93 views · #Update

Thank you for your patience! · 11:05am Nov 15th, 2015

It's now time! Chapter SIX is up baby!

Prepare for some good old fashion flashback action!

Get some info you've finally been looking for! Taste the foreshadowing!

Report Nasha Rei Kun · 152 views · #Update!

Extremely Short Post · 8:18pm Aug 18th, 2015

Hello Everybrony!

Three more days ‘till Friday, which is when my latest project will be unveiled. Let me tell you, this project is much harder than I thought it would be, but hopefully all the work will pay off. Sorry for the lack of one-shot’s, but I’m afraid I’ve put everything else on hold.

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Report RainEStar · 191 views · #Update

Chapter 8 of Moon and Stars is up · 3:19pm Sep 27th, 2021

Chapter 8 of Moon and Stars, the Changing of the Guard, is now up!

Check it out here!

As ever, thank you all so much for reading, all feedback is appreciated, and I'll see you again next week.

Report keelekingfisher · 83 views · #update

I am alive!I · 9:59am Jan 24th, 2020

I bet none of you thought I would be alive. But, unfortunately for all of you, I am.

If you're curious, after two years back at home trying for work, I got seven days of work in total. But, after two weeks down here, I got two full-time job offers, and have been solidly employed for the past 3 months. Yay! The company here treats me like a family member, I get a free ride to and from work each day.

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Report Zaknel · 169 views · #Update

How Things are Going · 6:18pm Mar 23rd, 2020

This pandemic seems pretty bad but I'm staying healthy, I've actually been feeling healthier than usual the past few days. I've been running and playing a few games on Role Gate (one that NSFW). I'm still waiting for word on how Adventures in Eroquestria should progress, since it runs on reader suggestions because it is intended to operate with the readers also be akin to players.

Report dracone · 163 views · #update

Update on Chapter 17 · 6:17am Feb 3rd, 2022

Hi so January slipped by with Chapter 17 not coming out, life got busy for my editor with a few covid scares and their job ramping up on them. However I hope by the end of next week to have it out as we're to the last few pages.

As for chapter 18, I'm going to start working on editing that myself to smooth things over before editing comes on through. Hopefully Feb onward things will be back on track but we'll see.

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Report Moonlight Grimoire · 97 views · #Update

Update on "Spark of Life" · 5:14pm Feb 5th, 2022

Just so people don't think this is dead yet, lol. I've been steadily writing on the new story and I'm up to having finished Chapter 3. Basically trying to have a pretty big buffer before I start posting it (probably getting Chapter 4 done, etc).

I'm also working on getting some cover art made up for it. So I am waiting on that too.

I basically want to have quite a bit to put out when it does get posted.

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Report volrathxp · 246 views · #Updates
Viewing 301 - 320 of 10,584 results