
Viewing 301 - 320 of 7,372 results

Friday's Featured Fic: Moonlight Palaver · 1:06pm Oct 3rd, 2014

Author: Carabas
Genre: [Comedy] [Slice-of-Life]
Word Count: 7k
Story Link: [Link]
Synopsis: Upon Nightmare Moon's return, the leaders of other nations gather to discuss the situation.
They're not especially happy about it.


1. noun

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Report Danger Beans · 287 views · #review

My Reviews · 3:41am Nov 24th, 2016

So, yeah, I've stopped reviewing outside of Seattle's Angels, but this is still here as an archive.

It auto cropped part of this page, I actually have a table of contents down there.

Winter only: Reviews will typically be 2-3 stories per blog. No schedule, cause I'm too lazy to follow one, but they will come sometime.
Summer only: I basically take summer off. I might blog about something, but don't expect content.

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Report Matthewl419 · 897 views · #Review

No Review Tomorrow · 2:40am Mar 30th, 2018

Hey Hive Mind! I've decided to not post a review tomorrow.

The reason being that the arc reviews I'm going to be doing is only three more episodes, and I'd think it'll make more sense to just do all three of them Saturday. Plus since Sunday is Easter and I won't be able to do anything that day, I won't leave you all hanging with anything.

Just giving you all heads up now! Have a great day!

Also, just saw Ready Player One, and it is freaking AWESOME!

Report Down with Chrysalis · 235 views · #Review

Internet Problems · 4:05am Feb 16th, 2017

For odd reasons that I can't explain, my internet keeps cutting out... so, I will just have to move the reviews around a bit. This moving stuff around has to go for pre-reading/ editing as well.

Report Matthewl419 · 176 views · #Review

fJd Review: A False Hope by Emotion Nexus · 4:59pm Nov 2nd, 2020

EA False Hope
Fluttershy awakes to find she has been revived by Twilight using science and magic. However, how much of a blessing is it really?
Emotion Nexus · 1k words  ·  62  6 · 1.1k views


Twilight Sparkle has brought Fluttershy back from death, and she didn’t use necromancy. Maybe. How does Fluttershy feel about it?

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 77 views · #review

fJd Review: Of Fluffy Clouds by Snow Quill · 4:48pm Nov 1st, 2020

TOf Fluffy Clouds
Anniversaries are special occasions, and what better way to surprise a pegasus than with a hot air balloon ride?
Snow Quill · 1.5k words  ·  39  6 · 901 views


A romantic date on the 3rd year anniversary of Applejack sand Rainbow Dash’s wedding. Set in Cherry Berry’s balloon. A prank, an adorable one.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 56 views · #review

My Quick Thoughts on Season 7 · 11:52pm Nov 1st, 2017

So, yeah. Season 7's come and gone and already fans are getting hyped for season 8. I'm one of those people. Before I begin, I just want to say that 2017 was a grand year for MLP. Huge plot reveals were made, Hasbro finally launched the big movie, and we got more and more side character development. So to celebrate the season yet to come I'll just give my views on the first four episodes from season 7 and score next to each. Hope you guys enjoy. I would do this on Youtube, but I don't have the

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Report Phantomslay5612 · 238 views · #Review

Review of Naked Singularity by Cold in Gardez · 10:30pm Aug 3rd, 2018

I remember I started to read Naked Singularity some years back but I never got around to finishing it. So I finished it last week. Here's that iconic picture:

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Report SpitFlame · 192 views · #review

Check out my new review group! · 2:41pm Sep 11th, 2018

Alrighty, back in the doctor's office and ready to practice. It's a new group and a new style but I remain your stalwart fanfic doctor. My apologies to everypony still in the waiting room; the doctor will see you now.

You, of course, have heard of The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group. They have been reviewing Ponefic since the dawn of FiMfiction. Look me up and throw me a story!

Report Dr Blankflank · 211 views · #reviews

Out, Out Brief Candle got reviewed · 5:35pm Jul 10th, 2020

By PaulAsaran.

Always tickled when that weird little experiment of mine gets some attention.

Report Lord Of Dorkness · 215 views · #Reviews

Friendship is Magic Reviews? · 6:48pm Dec 22nd, 2018

For quite some time now, I've been thinking about reviewing MLP FIM, but I've never had the motivation. But now that I've started rewatching it, and it's Christmas break, I'm feeling more up to it. But I won't do it if nobody wants it. So, if you want FIM reviews/have any suggestions about it (for example, doing them all on one doc, and linking to a doc for each season at the end of my reviewing), please comment. Also, I currently have 3 criteria I'm sure about using in my final rating: story,

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Report RainbowSparkle3 · 152 views · #Reviews

fJd Review: All Against One · 9:32pm May 10th, 2021

EAll Against One
Here's the next battle between the heroes and their arch-frenemy.
Heroic412227 · 1.1k words  ·  13  9 · 644 views


A quirky robot fight set in Equestria, against an OC called “Sid.”

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 352 views · #Review

Commentary on my favourite fics · 9:03am Oct 8th, 2021

Good day/night everyone, I hope you´re all having a great time. Now, if you´re reading this I assume you´ve read at least one of my fics, or are planning to. However, sadly my published works are far from infinite in size, and thus you´ll run out of things written by me to read eventually, and you might find yourself wanting for some more good content.

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Report Eltirions · 274 views · #review

fJd Review: Here I Am by Scroll · 4:42pm Nov 1st, 2020

[Adult story embed hidden]


It’s a first person narrative, from Cozy Glow’s point of view. There’s a twist. It’s not pony Cozy Glow. Nope. This is EqG Mirrorverse Cozy Glow, and the author explores her mind with detail and care. It’s a story about revenge, about regret, and about learning. Eventually.

My Thoughts:

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Report flutterJackdash · 35 views · #review

Exploring the Potential of Real-Time Streaming SDKs. · 9:15am May 7th

In an era where instantaneous connectivity and immersive experiences reign supreme, the demand for real-time streaming solutions has never been more pronounced. Whether it's for live video broadcasting, interactive gaming, or collaborative communication, the need for seamless, low-latency streaming is paramount. Enter real time streaming sdk the technological backbone powering the next generation of digital experiences.

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Report Hurpres93 · 19 views · #reviews

Future unappreciated review, Pride of the Apples · 12:59pm Nov 23rd, 2015

... Gah! %#*yay you life!
Okay, so I stumbled upon this Fic titled, the pride of the apples, which has one f the best... Low functioning autistic, low high, high low... I'll find better terminology for the actually unappreciated review, but overall one of my favorite open autistic characters in fiction. So much so that if I ever did a top ten favorite ASD list, this Cal would probably be on it.

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Report TheOneAJ · 161 views · #review

Quill Reviews: Thanatosian Love (Majin Syeekoh) · 2:21pm Jan 4th, 2016

So for those of you who don't know, I like reviewing stuff. I do it a fair bit for the Writeoff Association, where I like to think I have a reputation for going into way too much depth in my reviews and just rambling on for more words than the story I'm reviewing. For a long time, I've been uhming and ahing about writing reviews outside those competitions, not quite sure if it felt quite right to provide the same sort of feedback outside of a workshop-like environment.

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Report Quill Scratch · 544 views · #Reviews

Fact or Fiction by The Big Bad Borox: What It Lacks in Finesse, It Almost Makes Up For In Size and Sheer Complexity (Spoilers) · 9:06pm Aug 8th, 2015

This is a story that will certainly be of epic length upon completion. And it is an interesting read. The story has many original elements and deeply disturbed characters, and once you start reading it does pull you in. Maybe you have to force yourself to read the first half chapter or so, because there’s a lot of new ideas to digest, but once you get into the groove of things it’s easy to keep going. And because this story has so much at stake, it's only fair that I should warn you about the

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Report BlndDog · 496 views · #review

Friday's Featured Fic: Of Angels · 5:13am Feb 28th, 2015

Of Angels

Author: PaulAsaran
Genre: Slice of Life
Word Count: 4k

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Report Danger Beans · 281 views · #review

Friday's Featured Fic: The Motion of the Stars · 5:07am Mar 14th, 2015

The Motion of the Stars
Author: Carabas
Genre: Post-apocalyptic quest.
Word Count: 14k
Synopsis: Once upon a time, Equestria burned in the fires of war.

Now it falls on two sisters to reclaim what they can.

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Report Danger Beans · 296 views · #review
Viewing 301 - 320 of 7,372 results