
Viewing 301 - 320 of 1,012 results

Should I post my art? · 11:52am Jun 5th, 2020

Hello there! I am kinda new here. Sooo... I been wondering,can pictures be posted here? If so,would it be stupid of me to post my Mlp:FIM art here? I draw on paper,and I really love drawing ponies,ships etc... Should I post it here? I want to share it with people who like ponies too, because a lot of people in real life thinks its silly of me to draw them. But since I was a kid I was obsessed with ponies and horses. ( I am teen now) Idk why , I just love them so much XD. Sooo... tell me what

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Report LeaWolf123 · 152 views · #drawing #art #new #ships #ponies

The Apple Ship · 1:17am Jul 4th, 2022

I'm torn. I'm honestly torn. For years I've been an Appledash shipper. To me, those two were made for each other. Hell, I have this on a silk screen hanging on my wall:

Source: Derpibooru

I saw this at a candy store in Nelson, BC back in 2013 or so. I saw it and knew that I had to have it. It's hanging on the wall in front of me as I type.

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Making a Rainbow Dash x Scootaloo fic soon. · 10:59am January 28th

Been many years since I've used this website but I'm here to announce a new fanfic. It'll be a while before I begin writing, but it'll involve Scootaloo dominating Rainbow Dash. Femdom, sex, wing plucking, completely making RD a submissive little Pet to Scoots. I won't go into more detail. Must read for yourselves. ;)

Wanted to post a blog to see if anyone remembers my past stories and is excited for this new one!!!


Hi · 2:09pm Sep 25th, 2015

Hello, my pals and amigos and my companions and my whatever else words that is like friends.

So, EG3 is out tomorrow (and not to mention a third Rarity episode in a row?! :raritystarry:) but I'm here to tell you that when you get the chance, maybeeee look at AVO and notice the "Incompleted" tag.

There may or may not be a new chapter on Sunday. :raritywink:

Report BRyeMC · 367 views · #Clarity #is #best #ship #Clyde #Rarity

Lyra x Lyra chapter 3 is published! · 5:32pm Mar 26th, 2015

It's been a long time coming.

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Report VitalSpark · 312 views · #lyra #bon bon #nsfw #shipping

It's Coming... · 2:48am Jul 13th, 2015

The end.

I'm sorry, but it has to happen. It's been a ride. Thank you everypony for all your support; it's time for me to focus on other stories.

Look for the final chapter soon!


Rainbow is feeling a little horny · 7:43am Feb 15th, 2016


Comparing Equestria Girls Ships to Food Combos · 10:05pm Feb 3rd, 2018

Okay, so the inspiration behind this post was a comment that I made on CartoonNerd12’s story Brotherhood and Sisterhood. I had commented that Sunset and Flash were good together but that Twilight and Flash were like peas and carrots. That made me wonder what Sunset and Flash would be if they were a food combo, which led to me wondering what Timber Spruce and Twilight would be if they were a combo. So, lets get started, shall we?

Flash and Twilight: Peas and Carrots

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I Ship It (caution : movie spoilers) · 2:23am Oct 8th, 2017

Romance + Twilight Sparkle + THERE'S NO TEMPEST SHADOW TAG.



Tumbleweed talking Tumbleweed, Part Two! · 12:42am Jan 22nd, 2018

So, when I originally thought up this blog feature, I was in something of a rut, writing-wise.

That was ... all of a week ago, and I've since started Murder Most Equestrian, which has been a blast to write, and I'm actually gonna start hammering away at that in a little bit. But! I'm sure there's like ... three of you who are interested in this 'behind the scenes' retrospective, so here we go!

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Review: Complex Apartments by Phaoray · 2:41pm Sep 22nd, 2017

Review: Complex Apartments by Phaoray

Well it is time once again to tell the story of one’s fall and their rise. For from the very ashes of fallen hopes, and dreams. A gentle hand will guide their way.

Oh cut your pretentious bullshit sis! It’s fucking National Sunset Shimmer Day! Hell Yeah!!!!!!!! Who’s ready for possibly one of the best Sunset stories to grace FIMfic. Woooooooo!!!!!

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Happy Discount Chocolate Day - Georg’s Story Ranking · 5:23am Feb 16th, 2018


Thunderland and Twi shipping ideas. Evil ideas · 6:20pm Jul 30th, 2017

GaPJaxie came up with some wonderful ideas around shipping Twilight Sparkle and Thunderlane together. I'm mainly posting this so I don't forget about them.

They can be found here:
Tormented Artist Cliche II: Emo Harder


s6 the season of shipping? · 7:09pm Apr 30th, 2016

ok has anypony realised theres a lot of shipping going on this season?

first there was glimmer and starburst apple bloom and tender taps ember and spike........

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Status Update 8/3/17 · 4:41pm Aug 3rd, 2017

Nothing big, just wanted to let my followers know that I'm entering the new Sunset Shipping Contest. I started work on the story yesterday and managed to get a quarter of the way done on my idea (though I will need to shave a few hundred words off of it at some point, probably...). It was...the most productive writing day I've had in a while, to be honest. But since I'm still working on Synchrony (and

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Another New Story Idea! · 6:29pm Mar 25th, 2017

Prepare yourselves, I HAVE ANOTHER STORY IDEA!

A three part story following each of the CMC ten years into the future where they each meet (and subsequently fall in love with) a colt from their childhood. Featuring Apple Bloom x Tender Taps, Sweetie Belle x Button Mash, and Scootaloo x Rumble!

Now be warned, I'm still working on The Guard and the Princess and The Courting of the Cakes, so it probably won't be ready for a while.

Just thought I'd build a little hype! ;) <3


Fic recs, November 11th: Sunset Shipping: Endings edition! · 10:07pm Nov 11th, 2019

Well, Imposing Sovereigns II just wrapped up submissions, so I thought it might be a good time to power through the last half-dozen Sunset shipfics even though there are more important things I need to be doing today. <.< I'm so glad I'm done.

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Okay, I ship it (SPOILER WARNINGS) · 6:23pm Apr 17th, 2016

Yeah, this is now my official spike paring. Gonna make a one shot for it this week.


I've Decided! · 4:30am Nov 17th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Thinking over about what story I should be working on next once I get done with the Roman story (which I'm close to completing) I've decided that my next story will be bringing Harmonic Trotivari back, all taken place a year after the events from "Interviewing Mr. Disc."

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Everyone keeps shipping Poe and Finn... · 11:41pm Jul 12th, 2016

...and I'm just here like:

"They're 9 years apart, though." :rainbowderp:

I get age doesn't matter when it comes to love, and that's totally fine! Hell, in Harold and Maud, a 20-year-old guy fell for an 80-year-old woman. But that doesn't help the fact they're still 9 years apart, so...

...I should probably shut up now. :applejackunsure:

Report SuperKamek · 380 views · #star wars #shipping #poe #finn
Viewing 301 - 320 of 1,012 results