
Viewing 321 - 340 of 847 results

I’ve Reached 300 Followers! · 2:18pm Apr 29th, 2020

I wanted to thank 300 people for following me on this website. I may not be the best writer but that’s not going to stop me from making the stories I come up with. Less then an hour ago, I submitted another story involving Sci Twi and Microchips on the beach together. Let’s just say the teen rating will make you understand what the story is going to be about :twilightblush:.

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Fifty Followers! Yay!!! · 4:09pm Jul 7th, 2016

That's right folks, two months, eight days away from my birthday and two months, thirteen days away from officially declaring the first year since I signed up, I have officially

:pinkiehappy: :rainbowkiss:Fifty Followers:pinkiehappy::rainbowwild:

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300 Followers! + New Story · 12:02am Sep 23rd, 2015

I don't even know what to say guys. 300 people have chosen to follow me because of these crazy stories of mine! Thank you all so much for making this possible for me. You guys truly are awesome!

Now lets get this party started ya'll!

Also, if ya'll haven't seen yet, the latest edition to "Erotica Girls" is out, starring the one and only Rainbow Dash! :rainbowdetermined2:


300 Followers! · 2:39am Aug 31st, 2015

You all know what this means?

Report Mega NewWays97 · 331 views · #300 #followers #yes

YES! I now have 50 followers! · 6:24pm Nov 14th, 2015

I now have 50 followers! What should I do to celebrate this milestone? An ask-me-anything type blog or an ask-my-OCs-anything type blog or what?


GAAAAH!!! ALL THE FOLLOWERS!!! · 2:44am Jun 17th, 2015

Otaku and Kabuto added blogs asking people to follow me!! Gah!
And thank you if you just did. Or ever followed me

Report Shine · 344 views · #DO MANY FOLLOWERS

LOOK HERE!! · 2:36am Jul 4th, 2015

My good friend SPIRIT SHIFT made me a cover for my upcoming story.

It is my OC, Nocturne.

And it is unbelievably BADASS!!

His work is amazing. You should really follow him.

No, really, follow him.

Do it!


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68 follower !?!?!? · 1:00pm Dec 13th, 2015

Wow ! I can’t believe I made it this far as to get 68 followers !!!:pinkiegasp: I mean it happen so fast ! Did I go through a different dimension or some thing !? Or am I going crazy ( I mean I kinda already knew that I was crazy :pinkiecrazy:) ?! But anyways joking aside thank you all for the follows , I do appreciate it very , very ,very much ! So now down to business since I have reach 68 followers I figure we would do something about it , I figure I kinda do two things for you guys and

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Collecting up to 15 OCs from my followers for a 75 follower special! · 2:10am Jan 5th, 2017

Exactly what the title says. I've still got 14 spots available for OCs, but keep in mind that said OCs will be appearing in my special, which was voted to be "A stupidly weird story about 15 OCs".


Finally, my 900 follower special! · 8:33pm Jan 9th, 2017

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

I couldn't do it before, while I was still in school, but now that I have more free time, I can do it.

I said back in November that I knew what I would do for my 900 follower special, and here it is. I'm going to write a fic, a series of one-shots between 1,000 and 3,000 words apiece, as many as ten chapters to start.

And what will be the basis for these one-shots?


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4 MORE OCs NEEDED + idea suggestions · 7:04pm Jan 15th, 2017

Current OCs:
Root (Timber Pony) - AlchemicalRainbow
Alcea (Poison Dragon) - Ponymonfunn
Dark Lightning (Pegasus) - Undead Equestria Writer
Steele Casemate (Earth Pony) - Wrought-iron
Night blossom (Pegasus Bat-Pony) - The oracle
Yandere Mane (Pegasus) - AppleScoots
Nights (Earth Pony) - Ender Knight Reborn
Carrion (Undead Griffon) - AlchemicalRainbow
Mirror Smash (Perpetually unlucky pony of no particular race) - AlchemicalRainbow

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Oh... Oh wow. Thanks, guys! · 10:27pm May 8th, 2017

Well, I just got back home and saw I hit 75 followers. I'm not prepared! :raritycry: Just give me another week or so and I'll be ready for this. I have nothing done at all.

I wasn't expecting to hit 75 so soon - and for that I thank you all.

Randome, you have to give your followers something.

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Report randome284 · 365 views · #75 #follower #special #thanks

51 Followers and the Bearer of Bad News · 4:13am Oct 26th, 2016

So, at 9:28 p.m. EST ArcherSmash0582 broke the 50 follower mark. I Thank you, or rather, I thank all of you for choosing to follow me. Now, I would've done a Q&A special; however, I broke my laptops... that is right, I broke my laptops as in multiple, in this case two of them. I have my suspicions for one of them (Broken on/off button or broken Hard Drive because I dropped it:facehoof:) as for the other one the battery charges to 8.6% when it cooperates.:twilightangry2: So I'm

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*jaw drop* · 5:10pm Jan 31st, 2016

Wow, I'll make a more celebratory blog later, but I just noticed I have 262 FOLLOWERS
I somehow didn't notice before... though I am still wondering what the heck did I do to get so many followers, besides some friends so...
Thanks for the follows, everyone!!
I still have no idea what to do as a celebration for this....

Report Shine · 309 views · #WOW #followers #262

Blog entry #20- Removal of a Story · 6:25pm Aug 8th, 2017

The story "A Missing Piece" has been removed(but not deleted) due to the massive flaw/s I failed to catch. Once it is fixed, it will be republish. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Blog Entry #28-A Problem I'm Forced To Deal With... · 6:32am Oct 31st, 2017

So... about two months ago, an old "friend" (not sure if I can consider him that considering what he did), he came back from Mexico and saw me around. Out of kindness, I welcomed him and we chatted(ranging from how he was doing, family thing, the usual). I suppose I should explain myself a little before before continuing... So back in high school, we went to the same school(go figure...). We've known each other since 6th grade and his English wasn't the best but passable nevertheless(his main

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Blog Entry #25- Feeling Irrelevant · 12:08am Oct 9th, 2017

Hey everyone. I know it's been awhile since I've done... well anything but there are reasons behind it. I've been rather busy with real life and the help I can/want to get is difficult. It's not that I don't have any stories (I have plenty of that) but rather due to lack of any pro editors who have time. This is also why Love, Problem and Solution is taking forever to update as well. It is complete but not completely edited and my original editors have just up and vanished on me(if that makes

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Blog Entry #34-New Drive, New Motive · 6:56am Oct 9th, 2018

First off, hi everyone... how are you? Second, this will be a long one so I apologize if I annoy you. With that said, let's get to the point of this blog...

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I Don't Even Know, Man. · 1:30am Apr 23rd, 2018

Seriously, I don't. I just...why? Alright, time to prepare for the shit-storm. Guys, I love you. I really, really do. I love you and every single one of the many fic writers on this site who put their body, soul, blood, sweat and tears into their writing. It's what makes this site great in the first place. But lately, it seems like you guys don't love me back. I sound like a bitch and i'm sorry for complaining like a girl, but it really freaking hurts to see that my followers don't follow up

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Um... · 9:41pm Jul 24th, 2015

My Most Recent Follower Is A Breakfast Cereal. I Honestly Do Not Know How To Feel About This. Just... Check Them Out, I Guess? If You Want To, I Mean...

Best Regards,

Viewing 321 - 340 of 847 results