
Viewing 341 - 360 of 903 results

December AMA · 5:55pm Dec 5th, 2015

Hello friends, it's that time again! Time for you to ask me those questions that eat you up inside and that can only be answered by a teenager with minimal world knowledge!

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Report Regidar · 487 views · #december AMA #patreon

Submitting to the Inevitable · 4:32pm Aug 9th, 2015

As mentioned in my last review blog, I have finally succumbed to my situation and opened a Patreon account. It really stinks when you work 70 hours a week and can't pay your bills. On the upside, if I can just get better at the job in general then I can make this little more than a temporary measure. If my finances get right, then I have every intention of re-purposing my Patreon account to help others. It's what I used to do, after all.

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September's voting has now begun! · 9:06pm Sep 2nd, 2015

Voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on this one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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September AMA [And Patreon] · 5:55pm Sep 7th, 2015

Hey guys, I'm sorry I missed out on the first of the month for posting the AMA, but it sort of slipped my mind because of two things:

1. School has been really giving it to me. And we aren't talking "Well, now that we've got the candles lit and the lube all prepped, how about we try something faster and harder", we're talking full-on American Psycho bullshit.

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Report Regidar · 596 views · #AMA #September AMA #patreon

Of Patrons and Pledges · 4:43pm Jul 22nd, 2015

Well, remember how I said I was having PC Woes way back near the end of February? Welp, they're back again, and this time, it's most likely my hardware.

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February AMA · 8:50pm Feb 6th, 2016

I missed the first of the month, but better late than never, right?

It's that time of the month again: time for you guys to ask me anything your little hearts desire! I'll answer to the best of my ability, even about things I know absolutely nothing about. So don't be afraid to hold back.

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Report Regidar · 471 views · #february ama #patreon

I Need You Guys' Help! · 6:31pm Jan 21st, 2017

My bed broke. I sat down on it and it just snapped. Now it's lopsided and wobbly and just about ready to break again. I can't sleep on it because it's titled and it makes my back hurt. So long story short I need a new bed frame. Problem is a new one is going to cost at least 300 bucks because of the fact I have a full bed, and there's a delivery fee.

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It Seems Like Everyone's Ignoring Me · 8:25pm Dec 7th, 2016

I'm not asking yall to mindlessly give me money. I'm a asking as a content creator you like to support me. I can't stress this enough that I cannot write if I'm not making money and I cannot make money if I don't write. I've said this before. There are authors on here with the same amount of stories and the same amount of followers as me who are making 300 bucks a post a month on patreon. All I have is two patreons and make fifty dollars. that is not enough.

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Hey · 2:15pm Dec 9th, 2016

Thank you so much for the encouraging words I've received from some of you guys. You guys rock. I'm sorry if I was being a little insensitive in my last post. I've just been frustrated. It's been hard. But I have t of remember it can be hard for everyone. Sorry about that. But I'm glad you guys have been so nice to me. I appreciate that alot. If anyone does have anything right now that would help, and it would be nice since we really need to go food shopping like there's nothing in the fridge,

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Georg and His Hatching Idea Eggs plus Quackers picture · 8:41pm Mar 7th, 2017

First, FanOfMostEverything is having an Imposing Sovereigns writing contest, where Princesses get to act up. I'm entered, and you can too. Go visit his blog and see what it's all about.

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I finally made a Patreon · 11:17am Feb 9th, 2017

Hey everypony! Just thought I'd drop this blog post to let everypony know that I've finally done what so many other authors have done before me, and created a patreon profile. Any of you who wish to support me may do so there. I do not expect anything from any of my wonderful readers, the fact that you're reading and enjoying my work with me is more than contribution enough. But for those who feel like pitching in, thank you so much!

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Report Starscribe · 495 views · #Writing #Stories #Patreon

Upcoming Patreon Story: Worth the Price · 2:31pm Apr 9th, 2018


I bit off WAAAAAYYYYY more than I could chew · 11:48pm Apr 18th, 2018

I already made a post about this on my Patreon, but I've come to terms with the fact that I underestimated how stressful writing out individual fic commissions would be. I wrote out three separate stories this month (including one that'll be released tomorrow morning), as well as that winning poll story at the start of the month. And because of all of that, I haven't found the time to make a single story of my own that I wanted to do myself; nor have I been able to write out any bigger

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Help Support the (fetish) Arts! · 1:30pm May 1st, 2018

So as some of you might know, I recently got an artist who has been doing a lot of art on my behalf. Her name is Scylla the Kelpie, and she is the person who made the covers for "Legacy of Dainn" and "Fish out of Water", as well as most of the more recent images on Derpibooru involving Equestria Trainer's. Scylla is also the co-creater of Wish World and made the design for Atamanna. Scylla uses a rather cute illustration style, and is a very diligent artist who is always creating new art. I

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Patreon of the Valiant · 6:44pm Dec 13th, 2017

I don't have a Patreon myself, but I do support several authors here. You all may have heard about impending fee changes that would raise how much patrons would pay for providing the same pledges to artists. You may have even had to cut your support for some people whose work you appreciate, or seen patrons leave out of financial concern.

Good news. They cancelled the fee changes.

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KoFi is live. · 3:31am Jan 22nd, 2018

Thanks to all of you who are enjoying The Maretian! I have a small buffer built up, and I'm going to try to write something every day to keep up the daily posts. But it's time to get back on the convention circuit...

Although (at least for the time being) I hope you'll make monthly pledges via Patreon that I can budget around, I now have a KoFi for one-time tips.

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Report Kris Overstreet · 511 views · #Patreon #Ko-Fi

I'm bored, so I wanna try something new... · 4:34am Jul 13th, 2018

Since I'm writing so many new ideas and suggestions from my Patrons on Patreon, I wanna know what other things I could branch out with to gain more followers. So because of that, I was wondering... what are your guys' favorite pairings, or themes, or kinks that you like seeing on this site? I might not be open to everything (please note my commission details on my main page for reference), but I wouldn't mind giving my input on what you guys would

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My Problem With Patreons · 6:09am Jun 30th, 2015

Before anyone thinks I'm being obnoxious, let me make this very clear: I have no issue with Patreon.

So you may be wondering, why the hell was that the title of your blog? Well, it wasn't— not really. I have a problem with Patreons, I don't have an issue with people using them. Let me explain.

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My second Patreon fic is almost complete! · 10:25am Mar 13th, 2018

And at the moment, it's the only one I have left since it's collaborated by two of my Patrons. Even though I'm grateful to have the extra time this month to work on other stuff, I can safely say that this is the most unorthodox story I've ever written in my life.

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My latest story is up on Patreon! · 11:36am Dec 10th, 2018

Shining's Return to the Brood

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Viewing 341 - 360 of 903 results