
Viewing 361 - 380 of 897 results

Don't you just HATE that? · 4:37pm Sep 5th, 2015

So I just completed writing and editing several future scenes for Equestrylvania. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, and get started on the scene that would connect them all so I can finally start publishing more chapters, and then



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Doing something a little different this week... · 3:42pm Oct 4th, 2016

Okay, so for this week's chapter of Going Deep Under I'm doing something a little different. This time, I'm going back and editing the previous chapter and then releasing a expanded version of it. Besides allowing me to have more time to think up the next chapter, this will also allow me to fix the things in Part 8 that always bothered me.


Great News · 4:57am Jan 16th, 2018

Hello everypony!!

After over a year of silence on „The Rise of Metal“ I can tell you the following:

New chapter this weekend!! :yay:

It’s been undergoing the editing process since last week and it only needs one or two more minor things.

Get ready and get hyped!!

I really can’t wait for your reaction to the new content.

Have a nice week!!


Being a Better Writer: Character Development, Worldbuilding, or Empty Fluff? · 10:31pm Jan 28th, 2019

Hey readers! Welcome back to Being a Better Writer, the regular Monday feature where we talk about writing ins and outs!

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Alrighty then. Back to work! · 5:18am Aug 7th, 2017

Done some edits. I'll rewrite them later.

For now, I'm 4k into chapter 3.

Let me know if you have any suggestions/concerns/other


Being a Better Writer: What to Cut? · 8:24pm Mar 18th, 2019

Wait? Could it be? Is this a new post? A new Being a Better Writer post, back on its Monday schedule?

It is! Your eyes do not deceive you! I am writing!

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My Bronycon Panels · 4:44pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Alright, as usual, BC waited til the last minute to drop the schedule but it's out finally.

So, I hear you ask, when is the amazing Ferret and her tame human going to be appearing on stage? Let me tell you!

On Friday the 11th at 2pm in the Harmony Plaza: Neighbourhood stage I'll be participating in 'And That's How Equestria Was Made!' It's a really fun mashup of storytelling games with a pony twist.

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SAPR - New chapter edits · 9:47pm Mar 24th, 2019

I not only post SAPR on this site but also on ffnet and Spacebattles, and on the latter site a few people were less than happy with the latest chapter, and the way that Fluttershy and Applejack got corrupted. They said it didn't make sense, that Salem ought to do it more often if she could, that what it meant wasn't very well defined and that Ozpin's faction ought to be more on their guard for it.

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The Jungle Beta Begins! · 10:14pm Sep 5th, 2019

Oh yeah. You’ve been waiting for this one. The moment has finally come.

Beta Reader invites for Jungle have just gone out.

That’s right. It’s here. It’s happening. We’re close baby. So very close. Jungle is almost upon us!

Which means that if you’ve really been holding out on reading Colony, now is your time. Grab a copy! Be ready when Jungle hits!

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First five Feathered Heart edited chapters ready · 1:15am Feb 18th, 2021

They're heavily edited and expanded as promised, but unfortunately, I am denied permission to post them to Fimfiction since they're not total rewrites. They're 60-80% different in terms of text, depending on the chapter, but that's not enough according to the mods.

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Swimming Lessons Going Under Some Revisions · 7:48pm Jan 18th, 2020

Hello again, everybody. So, after spending the last few days digging through A Tale of Two Suns, Book 1 chapter 9, and making about 150 different tweaks to it, a very grueling process, the next thing I decide to do... is go through the same process with Swimming Lessons. Yeah, that makes sense.

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Fallout Equestria: Liberation Update! · 6:10am Apr 19th, 2019

Hello, my fellow Wasteland ponies! I’m afraid this isn’t an update saying a new chapter is up! But instead, an update to inform you I have been busy with college as of late. Though I have not been entirely indisposed and have gotten some work done on Chapter 12, that being said thanks to upgrading to the premium service of Grammarly, I’m going back and editing my earlier chapters. The first one I re-edited is the latest Chapter 11, I just finished and uploaded the new version of Chapter 1 as

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Promotion: My Little Reviews and Feedback · 6:56pm Jul 20th, 2020

"Um...excuse me. Are you open for business?" asked the orange cream pegasus with vanilla like mane and tail.

"Why yes, come in." spoke the book keeper. She was an earth pony, older mare, with a tied up bun in the back. She had been working here at the bookstore for who knew how many moons, but it seemed that this Pegasus was visiting their little shop for the very first time.

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Report Nailah · 162 views · #reviews #stories #writing #editing #fun #mlp

News, Updates, and Musings · 8:30pm Jul 14th, 2022

I really need to make a new list of “assorting things to talk about” for these off days, but right now I spend so much writing time thinking about Starforge that doesn’t seem to be happening!

But hey, at least that means there are updates there to speak of. So, how is work coming along on Starforge?

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Axtara – Magic and Mayhem Moves Into Editing · 7:43pm Oct 12th, 2023

With a headline like that, who really needs me to flesh out the rest of this post?

I’m kidding, of course. But yes, this is a substantial news post. After blitzing 13,000 words in two days—including one where I was up until 3 AM writing—the draft of Axtara – Magic and Mayhem is now complete.

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Santa hat Avatar · 2:17am Dec 3rd, 2021

A Santa hat has been added to my Avatar picture to be part of the Hat gang:

The Santa hat edit I did came out so much better then expected!


Brain go brrrr! Just not in the way I hoped · 5:58am Dec 24th, 2022

I need to finish the chapters I've been working on and start editing the next one to release.
Opens up the first chapter and starts making edits
No, that - that is the wrong chapter. That isn't one of the new chapters, that is the oldest chapter. What are you doing?
Uses available energy making good edits to the older content, and is left unable to work on anything new

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Behind Him Chapter 6 is almost done!! · 2:03am Nov 15th, 2021

Good news!! Behind Him Chapter 6 is now in the editing phase! Again, I have no set publication date but I hope this chapter can be published soon.


Writing How-to: Week 4 - Editing · 1:28pm Apr 24th, 2016

Welcome to week four of this five week series. Editing is this weeks topic. You can also visit last weeks post by clicking here.

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Updates and Edits · 12:31pm Aug 9th, 2016

Two years.

That's about how long it's been since I last made a blog post. Even longer since I've posted any form of writing here. I've had a lot of ideas in that timeframe, written some stuff for other fandoms, and dabbled more in trying to improve my mediocre skills at drawing. I've graduated high school, traveled to another nation, and currently am preparing to travel back to my home country to attend university.

Basically, shit's changed and stuff.

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 897 results