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3 years. · 11:59am Jun 24th, 2020

Its... been a while huh?

Life hit me. Hard. Harder than I ever anticipated. Enough that... I feel out of the community, out of reading, and even wanting to live for a while.

I've completed rehab, and I currently have a clean bill of health, physically. Mentally, I've found I have a few major issues that have been diagnosed properly, and feel have explained alot of my hardships through these last years.

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Report Frustaz · 311 views · #Return to Writing

Concerning the Lead Content of LEDs, Laying Layers of Lies, and Lying Down Beside the Point · 8:53pm Feb 3rd, 2014

That's right! I'm utterly bored, don't feel like reading or writing much, and thus, it's time to go over another batch of these.

Yup. Common Errors. The bane of every writer, and, more importantly, of me, whenever I read through the writings of these writers. The stuff I see the most highly rated and famed authors still doing wrong. And so, we get to another batch of self-editing hints! As always, Twist is ready to serve as bullet point in the list! :twistnerd:

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Report Nyerguds · 2,314 views · #writing #grammar

Out an aboot · 11:38pm May 15th, 2016

No, that's not a typo.

I'm out of the house atm, but tbh I'm hesitant to post the next chapter for What They Expect to Give. Editor Man still has yet to get back to me about it, and it's one of those updates I feel insecure about. If it does go up, it will be before 8pm pst.

Report Nines · 162 views · #writing #update

New at Story Writing · 8:28am Aug 2nd, 2015

Okay, so I'm trying my hand at writing a story that's been circling my head for months. I'm apparently pretty decent with my writing skills so that's wonderful. I'm enjoying writing this fanfic, but I'm still a bit of a closet brony, so I wait until everyone in my family is in bed before writing. So that's great for progress.

Report CptHeadcrab · 264 views · #New #Writing

Understanding Fiction · 8:35pm Feb 4th, 2015

I was writing an essay about how fan-fiction transcends literary movements, and got stuck on New Criticism. Everybody said it was important, but I didn't know how it fit into my grumpy meta-narrative that those damn 20th-century kids ruined everything.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,728 views · #writing #recommendation

How I Feel Other People Correct Their Writing · 5:55pm Oct 16th, 2016

This is was something I posted in a forum earlier to day

A lot of people liked it actually ^^
video made by me

Report MadDonut · 180 views · #writing #memes

Writing contests signal boost · 6:26am May 2nd, 2019

RB_ is running a very interesting project right now. If you like writing projects, from either the writer's or reader's side, take a look at it.

RB_ did well in the recent Season 9 Bingo Writing Contest, earning an honourable mention from me.


Ch7 of MoaMC · 3:42am Sep 30th, 2022

Alright! It's finally ready to post! I finished Chapter 8 Tuesday night, but I'm making it a habit to sit on a chapter an extra day once I finish the next one just so that I don't like... have to go back a bunch to fix things, I guess...

Chapter 9's gonna be a while in progress, so no breath-holding okay? :raritywink:

Love & Light!

Report Witching Hour · 93 views · #updates #writing

Writing Log 11/4/22 · 8:57am Nov 4th, 2022

Asriel Dreemur, Prince of the Night
Chapter 7
2 pages, 592 words
Started 10/27/22

Hopes and Dreams at Canterlot High
Chapter 5
4 pages, 1536 words
Started 7/20/22

Challenging Fate
Chapter 13 (15th)
5 pages, 2918 words
Started 9/28/22

No progress on ADPotN chapter (1 word lol and that's after a slight tweaking of a line to read better) but I got two pages done for the next chapter of HaDaCH.

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Training. · 6:11am Jan 22nd, 2022

I am training.

But not my muscles, but my skill. I'm currently studying how novels work. I've been on the site for too long and it's time I learn from a credible teacher. And that is an actual novel, and what do you know, it has superpower and heroes in it. Here it is.

Let's do this shit.


2/21/23 Bridge Troll Chap 7 and headed to Disney World for research. · 5:28am Feb 22nd, 2023

What.  It’s research. Honest.  For Farmer Bruener's almost completed chapter. I promise next week while I’m in Magic Kingdom and Universal’s Islands of Adventure to take notes. Maybe buy a wand for an upcoming spot in Bridge Troll.  Also going to see about touching base with other authors (No, I’m not buying any of you Disney tickets, but probably lunch...)

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Report Georg · 495 views · #Writing #BridgeTroll

Writing Log 10/28/22 · 7:01am Oct 28th, 2022

The following is a log I'm going to start keeping, and seek to update with a new blog each friday to show what progress my writing has made. I'll be including the Harry Potter fanfic I'm working on as well that's posted over on Archive of Our Own, (can be found Here for any interested in) but will, chiefly, focus on my two Undertale x MLP stories.

Asriel Dreemur, Prince of the Night
Chapter 7

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Report Kayin Dreemurr · 208 views · #Writing Log

On description: Enstrangement, surprise, and masturbation · 9:34pm Apr 23rd, 2023

Last year, I wrote two posts on descriptions in fiction:

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Report Bad Horse · 411 views · #writing #style

Things what I is doing · 1:01am Jul 15th, 2016

There's a good deal of non-fandom stuff right now that's taking priority, which partly explains why I haven't published a full-length ponyfic since Like a Flower to the World appeared in March. I don't want that to be my newest story on here for too long, since it's far from being my best. The shorter than expected S6 hiatus has thrown a spanner in the works, but I definitely do intend to publish more as and when I can find the time/inspiration/quality to do so. In the

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Report Loganberry · 152 views · #writing #reading

Learning the Limits · 2:02pm May 17th, 2020

I'm making reasonably decent progress on two of my stories, and if I stay with it, I should be able to post something new soon. In the course of working on "The Blue and the Grey" though, I find myself with a dilemma. At the end of the last chapter, I made the choice to introduce a canon character as a potential antagonist, namely Chancellor Neighsay. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I realize that it has just made things more complicated. The problem is that I haven't seen most

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Writing advice - Pacing (with second chapter of Bridge Troll) · 9:22pm May 28th, 2022

Continuing on the previous writing advice I did about ideas and starting a story, now we proceed onto a difficult topic that even veteran writers can choke up on: pacing.

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Report Georg · 406 views · #Writing #BridgeTroll

So My Writing Style Needs A Little Work · 3:08am Jul 16th, 2022

It has come to my attention while reading over a few of my stories, that I have a habit of telling instead of showing. It was explained to me that Show/Don't tell is something I desperately need to get a grasp on so that my stories do not suffer. At first I didn't realize what they were talking about until I read through my stories where I had a single paragraph that told the reader about the event that occured, instead of dedicating time and effort into showing the reader what happened

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Writing advice with original fiction clip from The Young Knight, the Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll · 6:08am Jan 16th, 2022

Recently I met a dragon. Well, not directly. Viking ZX has a remarkable YA fiction book called Axtara - Banking and Finance in which a young dragon goes out into the world to make her career as a banker. (he also has an informative writing advice series, far better than my drabbles, one of which will follow this blog post).

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Report Georg · 698 views · #Writing #BridgeTroll

Updates and Such · 4:47am May 15th

Well, as a thunderstorm rolls overhead (and hopefully doesn't knock power out), I thought I'd offer some updates on what I've been up to.

Long story short, I'm pretty much in gaming overload at the moment.

Horizon: Forbidden West (PC Version)

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Report milesprower06 · 187 views · #gaming #writing

More chapters incoming! · 2:34pm June 3rd

TEscape from Arora Ridge Quarry
Earth Ponies are mysteriously vanishing, and Sunny has the bright idea of playing bait. However, this backfires and she finds herself in over her head. Will her friends be able to rescue her and the other creatures trapped in the Arora Ridge Quarry?
Glimbursts · 69k words  ·  13  0 · 236 views

So there have been a couple of days of no new chapters on Eacape from Arora Ridge Quarry. :raritydespair:

This should change shortly as I'm getting somewhere with the next set of chapters. All being well, they should release over the rest of this week. :pinkiehappy:

As a teaser, Misty goes hoof to hoof with a Nirik. :pinkiegasp:

Report Glimbursts · 43 views · #writing #update
Viewing 361 - 380 of 4,899 results