
Viewing 381 - 400 of 2,639 results

New Story Coming Next Week · 3:00am Oct 28th, 2022

My latest story has been taking more time than I think. In addition to the eye surgery I had gone through earlier this month, I've also been focusing on Halloween. The funny thing is that I usually have no problem thinking kinky around this month, but this year, I've been feeling a bit dry and been more in a mood to be terrorized than titillated (ironic isn't it that I'd experience this kind of Writer's Block, huh?). However, I feel like I'm making good progress on it and it's nearing

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A mother’s wish and a journey north become inexorably linked in a novel about love, loss, and the power of memory. · 1:25pm Nov 29th, 2022


Cammie Update · 3:23pm Nov 11th, 2022

I tend to keep quiet about the drafting process for all my stories, due to not wanting to get anybody's hopes up. There's never a guarantee of finish or of meeting a deadline, after all, and I work best in isolation.

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Report Jarvy Jared · 109 views · #new story #teaser #g5

I will be posting a new story on Offprint soon, hopefully. · 10:11pm Mar 26th, 2021

It's written in the same general style and tone as the stories I have posted here on Fimfiction, though it is unrelated to My Little Pony. It's more of a reflection piece on the pandemic, and how nice it will be once it's safe enough to fully return to how things once were.

Report Keyslam · 116 views · #new story #City Lights

Shallow Earth · 9:03pm June 14th

This has really felt like a hopeless year. At the last minute, though, I fought to turn things around.

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new story · 4:02pm Sep 10th, 2015

To those of you who follow me and is still willing to try and read some of my stories, despite the cancellation of the last story I had, Friendship, magic and pokémon.
I have a new story out, that I would love for you all to try and read through and give me your honest opinion and possibly a like/dislike depending on how much you enjoy/dislike the story itself.

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Report daniboyi · 558 views · #new story #LoL #MLP

The first vote's story is up! · 3:48am Aug 25th, 2015

Every month, my Patreon supporters get to vote and decide on a story for me to write that month, and this month's is now out there for you to read (if you dare; it is NSFW).

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Report ocalhoun · 335 views · #patreon #voting #new story

K guys, we need to talk for a bit. · 4:31am Nov 16th, 2015

Alright, I am not going to sugar coat this at all, so I am going to just tell you all right now. A month ago, my mom found out she had Cancer, and soon she will possibly be starting her chemotherapy treatments to make sure it doesn't come back.

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Report Futile Task · 382 views · #Hiatus #New Story #News

Update: 7-17-2015 · 6:49pm Jul 17th, 2015

Whats up everypony?

Thought I'd give ya'll a little update on the series, which is still without a name, some stories that need a new chapter written, and a few other stories that I have in mind.

Current Stories
A New Beginning: The next chapter in this story is in the planning phase as you read this. I'm shooting for getting it out before the end of the month.

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Report Harms Way · 291 views · #Update #New Stories

New one-shot coming soon · 8:47pm Jan 22nd, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

No, it's not Twilight's Steam Collection story, so please don't ask. :facehoof: But it is something I hope will get a bit of attention. Maybe even a non-cloppy Feature. At least, I hope so. :fluttershysad:

I'll be posting it tomorrow morning. Keep an eye out. :twilightsmile:

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading!


Get Hyped: RCL feature & Pretentious Coffee Cup · 7:16am Nov 23rd, 2015

Pipsqueak the Valiant's Adventure Journal! has been accepted into the Royal Canterlot Library! Another bout of thanks for the kind folks there who found it worth reading. For the interview on some personal and behind-the-scenes stuff, check out the link, or the notification next week when it comes to Fimfic.

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Report Casca · 585 views · #rcl #new story #coffee

New Story Tomorrow: Twilight Sparkle and the Cake Thief · 4:00am Nov 25th, 2015

Good evening everyone! Here to let you know that a new multi-chapter story will be dropping tomorrow. Twilight Sparkle and the Cake Thief, with a custom commissioned bit of cover art. I hope you all enjoy it! It's going to be my first story tagged Mystery, and I've been tinkering with the lore and some of the set pieces for a few months now, but I've finally gotten everything hammered out and the first few chapters have been proofread and are ready to go. I will be posting one chapter a week

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What story do you want me to have a shot at writing? · 1:13am Jan 14th, 2017

As it says in the Title. At the moment I'm working on the second chapter to "Starlight, Starbright" (and then the epilogue) after that I'll start another romance story and I have another story that I won't start until I feel like it.

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New Story Going Up · 9:54am Sep 16th, 2016

Hello all, I know it's been a while but I've submitted and will be posting a new story within the day! Thanks all for your continued patience with my fickle muse and for those few who commissioned me to write for them! This is one of those commissions completed.


That Night in the Bass-Ment

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Return of the story poll · 7:02pm Oct 19th, 2016

Hello I have decided to retry my story poll idea from awhile back .

Just go into my old blog section the the blog entitled story poll and vote on wich one you would like to see as my next story.

I have also added a new story to the poll.
And please tell others about my poll so that more people can vote

Report rantu1324 · 400 views · #Poll #new story #vote

LCS Side Story · 5:40am Jun 12th, 2016

Hey, remember that LCS clopfic I was talking about? When I asked you guys to ask me a bunch of questions so I wouldn't have to write it?

Well, you didn't ask enough questions.

It's finished now. I would appreciate it if you checked it out, assuming you're not squeamish to that sort of thing.

Thanks, amigos.

Report chillbook1 · 339 views · #LBS #LCS #New Story

*Submits New Story* · 4:14am May 24th, 2016

*Hopes readers will like it*


New Website, New Story · 12:36am Apr 6th, 2016

"Galaxy Magical Girl" by hello-mango
Not directly related, but sue me.

Hey, guys. When's the last time I posted something on this blog?

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A New Story At Last! · 1:55pm Mar 9th, 2016

Hey everybody, MidnightRain reaching out to ya, with great news!

I'm writing a new story! With permission from fluttershysone, I am now writing a side story for his crossover fic 'Po-Ni-Oh! Rise of the Heroes'. As a general deadline, the latest you can expect the story to be done is next January, unless I postpone all writing over the summer.

Summary(This is directly from the story's drafting process):

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Searching for Art · 5:52pm May 8th, 2016

Urg. My least favorite part of new stories is trying to find a piece of art that (a) fits the story I'm working on and (b) I can get permission to use. I'm rather frustrated at the latest attempts at finding art for this current story I'm doing, so I've officially hit the point of asking for help.

If anyone knows of an art bit (that I can get permission for) pertaining to dreams or dreaming, I'd love you forever. Until I find a good cover image, I might just upload the story without one.

Report DwarvishPony · 258 views · #dream #art #new stories
Viewing 381 - 400 of 2,639 results