
Viewing 4761 - 4780 of 5,085 results

I miss these glorious Saturdays..... · 11:16pm March 4th

I have seen this thread in the Crossover group about saturday morning cartoon openings (that's now deleted) in my feed and it triggered it..... The memory of the Saturdays when a new episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired. I miss these Saturdays..... Watching a new episode, waiting for an upload, downloading it, rewatching it 3 - 5 times, writing an analytical review of the episode on my Deviantart account..... Then going onto AssasinMonkey's Picarto channel (or,

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Top 5 Most Boring Episodes of MLP Season Five So Far · 8:44pm Sep 26th, 2015

I feel like raging in a hat about the latest episode of Friendship Is magic, Made In Manehattan. But I really can't be as mad at this episode as other boring episodes of this season. So in this journal entry, I will break down the most boring episodes of season five, staring with the most harmless episodes first.

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DA ARTS! aaaand some news · 11:27pm Dec 21st, 2015


~ Book 2 ~ Act I ~ The Enchanted Kingdom ~ · 12:54am Jul 19th, 2017


Updated the ridiculous fic no one's asked for! · 7:08pm Jul 15th, 2021

Join Sweetie Belle as she stops Twilight from killing Twilight with Twilight's magic! Does that sound stupid/ridiculous/silly/fun? Good, because it is!

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 381 views

Go ham, my friends. Apparently regular updates means "updates whenever I remember it exists." Which was today! Yay! I'll try to be better about this, I promise. We're in for a ride!


Something Something Lunbra Something · 12:25am Mar 15th, 2019

Okay, hi everyone. It's Pi Day. I forgot about that and had no pie today. Then again, maybe I should blame dyscalculia again. I have no clue. I've been... not doing so well? I'unno. Ice Star is a bitter bean. Not much is new. What will be new is a new chapter of Enemy of Mine that I am close to done with, writing stage-wise.

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My Thoughts On Equestria Girls: The Friendship Games · 4:01am Sep 28th, 2015

My Thoughts On Equestria Girls: The Friendship Games:

In some ways, I think I enjoyed this film a little more than Rainbow Rocks because of the world-building aspect of the film. It was nice to see the Twilight of the human world and how she fits into the grand scheme of things.

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F/F/T3K15 9/8: "The Catch" part 3; voting open! · 2:04am Sep 9th, 2015


Read It Now Reviews #37 – Let a Smile be Your Umbrella, Change is Good, Gone So Long, Today, I Marry My Best Friend, Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies · 7:10am Jul 7th, 2015

I’m not a huge fan of sweet or sappy stories.

Somehow, today, I stumbled into five of them.

I really need to watch my step, or else I’ll end up looking like the crusaders after one of their misadventures.

Still, even so, I found something to like.

Today’s stories:

Let a Smile be Your Umbrella by Pascoite
Change is Good by ocalhoun
Gone So Long by Skywriter
Today, I Marry My Best Friend by Jade Ring

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MLP TY Plushies · 9:29pm Mar 20th, 2017

OMG guys I'm freaking out. They are making MLP TY plushies now! And they have all of the different types at my local grocery store!

The princesses.

The mane six.

The mane six key chains.

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What Fan Made MLP Items Do You Typically Buy? · 5:12pm Mar 10th, 2017

I was wondering what fan made MLP items people typically prefer to buy in the fandom. Do you like to buy custom plushies? Custom figures? T-shirts? Hats? Key chains? Necklaces? Bracelets? Earrings? Framed pictures or posters? Cellphone accessories? Ears? Tails? Cosplay items? Costumes? Comics? Games? Wallets? Scarves? Gloves? Socks? Shoes? Journals? Candles? Jackets? Furniture? House items (like bed sheets)? Pet items? Others?

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Hey, another blog from UniqueSKD (since that's all he's good for these days) · 10:18pm Aug 15th, 2016

So I haven't written any stories for some time now due to fading interest in writing, and because of those damn dirty clopfics getting more attention than other stories, but I've been thinking of maybe having another go at writing again, maybe this time doing some stories for Unique since it had been something I really wanted to do for a long time before. I wanted to write a decent story for my character but despite having ideas I was never able to figure out how to write them out.

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200 Followers: That's a Lot of People · 9:04pm Sep 15th, 2016

It is. It really, really is.

I mean, you don't really think about it, do you? We spend so long clicking in and out of stuff where we can see that people have thousands, millions of followers and subscribers, and suddenly a million becomes the new benchmark of excellence. Some channels, you won't even look at them if they've got under a thousand subscribers. Because it all just becomes a number.

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Opening to "My Stepmother is an Alien" 1989 VHS (Japan)/「私のお母さんはエイリアンです」1989 VHS(日本) · 6:24pm Dec 25th, 2016

The opening to this hilariously warped film contains:

Text screen
"Action Jackson" trailer
"Tapeheads" trailer
"Tap" trailer
Another text screen (probably a warning screen)
RCA/Columbia Pictures International Video logo
Weintraub Entertainment Group logo
Opening Credits (containing Prince's "Kiss" as recorded by Art of Noise ft. Tom Jones)

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Happy birthday to me · 12:58pm Jul 20th, 2016

Only one more year until I officially hit Over The Hill, and it's no longer socially acceptable to celebrate birthdays as an affirmation of my advancement rather than a marker of my slow decline. So: Hurrah! I'm not old yet! [1] I've got another full year to make an original fiction sale before I stop being A Potential Up-And-Coming Author and start being That Old Guy Who's Still Trying To Break Into The Market! OH GODS PANIC

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Why Your Readers Don't Get Your Story -- A Blog About Trust · 12:30am May 21st, 2016


because i have nothing better to do · 12:08am Mar 3rd, 2016

All About Me Meme/ Challenge!
Full Name: ****** *** ********* (huehuehue not saying)
Future Career: probably something in medicine. maybe forensics. idk i like lots o stuff
Birthday: again not saying
Boyfriend/gf: i have a kinda bf irl but i might break up with him
Height: 5'11"ish
Favorite Color: blue! any shade really, but i do like teal/ turquoise (like Sunset's eyes)
Girl Best Friends: Trinity (IRL)
Boy Best Friend: Ian (IRL)

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"School Daze" Afterthoughts: The Huge Potential in Twilight's Friendship School and the Student Six · 8:27pm Mar 28th, 2018

Here are some afterthoughts on "School Daze", the Opener of Season 8. I'm publishing this after my general review of the episode, which I won't copy over here to not postpone this blog entry, but you can find it on Deviantart if you want to read it.

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Christmas Wubs · 7:15am Dec 25th, 2015

I know it's late and all and Christmas stuff. But since I've got no family or Christmas stuff to worry about, I think I'm going to work on the next chapter. As usual, below are the links.

Blank internet paper soon to be filled with Horse Words

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Takka Takka Takka: April 2018 - Some Kind of Crazy · 12:04am May 2nd, 2018

I’m rather shocked to find that April had already gone by. I’m seriously having to look at the calendar and wonder what the heck just happened. Then I see my new work classes, some pretty crazy stuff going on behind the scenes in A Study On Chaos Theory, My Kind of Crazy and spending a lot more time with the kids and well…

It’s a miracle I wrote anything this month.

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Viewing 4761 - 4780 of 5,085 results