
Viewing 1081 - 1100 of 1,730 results

The Penultimate Update · 8:04pm Oct 31st, 2022

After a solid two month hiatus with not a word beyond the occasional “Thank you” to those who awarded T.B.O.L. a Favorite, I have at long last returned! And as the title doth imply, I’ve come bearing good tidings!

Ch.15(Family, Part Two) has finally, finally been fully discussed. Yeah, crazy how long it took me, right? :twilightsheepish: And there are two reasons as to why:

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Lovely Love Story Sorely Lacking Love · 4:45pm Feb 14th, 2022

TFluttershy Falls In Love With Lightning
A psychedelic romp through an absurd premise, wherein lightning kills Fluttershy. Lovingly.
Honeycomb · 1k words  ·  15  3 · 958 views

This story has been in my favorites for years, although my praise for it is intentionally misquoted by the author.


Sweet Old Love · 10:13pm May 30th, 2023

Two blogs ago, I mentioned having a May Pairings fic completed. Well, this is it!

Everybody Needs Somebody (inspired by the Dean Martin song of the same name) came from an idea in an abandoned fic that never got off the ground. Namely that Equestria Girls Kibitz (still an assistant to Celestia, albeit in a more mundane sense in the human world) was sweet on Granny Smith.

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New story is coming along great! · 11:13pm Feb 2nd, 2023

EEEE, I'm so excited to share this one with you all! Again, my last story started out as an intro chapter to this one, then it grew so big it became it's own thing. NOW, the real intro chapter for this story is again getting way bigger then intended. Originally just a quick, 1000 word scene where Luna ropes my OC, Quill, into becoming the royal tickle pet, it now features him assisting in tickling the daylights out of the Princess in an adorable turn of events! The main goal of the chapter is

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The Writing of The Bonds of Love (Chapter Eight: Tension) · 2:25am Apr 30th, 2023

Alternate titles: Fear, Part One, Life — Didn’t go with the first one because I was still in “Name the chapter after its central theme” mode, and Ch.8(Tension) isn’t exactly about “fear” so much as the lingering awkwardness or dare I say…? Tension :trollestia: between Smolder, Gallus, and Silverstream.

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All Good Things… Pants On Fire. · 6:01pm Jun 1st, 2020

1st June 2020

Hello Chaps and Chapettes.

I don’t know quite how to approach this second entry in any other way than to tell you that I’m a big ol’ liar.

Always have been it seems, from the days I told small fibs (that’s lies to my US pals) about not hitting my brother as a kid to when I said I definitely completed that report for work, while just starting it. It seems that one filthy untruth leads to another and I don’t quite know how to stop it or even if I should at all.

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A rare chance I nearly never have the option to partake in: chill out · 3:29pm Jun 26th, 2020

Let's see...

  • New chair office chair: check.
  • New office fridge: check.
  • Stock said fridge full of Kinder and Galaxy chocolate: check.
  • Assemble footrest attached to office chair and chill: check.
  • Have fan turned on high power and have it blow cold-ish wind at your body: check.
  • Play and watch your favourite film of all time while chilling out: check.
  • For once feel relaxed and comfortable: double check.

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Just a Thought #1 · 1:02am January 18th

A writer hating MLP is not a good reason or excuse to give the stories they post here downvotes/dislikes in mass without any intent to make a comment or even try to read said stories.

Generally speaking, it is perfectly okay if someone hates MLP. It is also perfectly okay if someone hates MLP and writes stories for it anyway. They are not hurting anyone.

They are not hurting you.

This has been a thought.


Chapter 1 of A Dazzling World is out now! · 4:25am Dec 13th, 2021

Hey, everyone!
Spyder here. I just wanted to make a new post to tell everyone that the first chapter of A Dazzling World is out now! I hope everyone gives it a chance and hopefully, we'll see what happens! The second chapter should be posted soon and when it is posted, I will make another blog post! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day because I know I am!

You can also check out this story on AO3! Here's my account. (Don't worry, every chapter will be posted here too!)

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Love story between OCs. · 12:54am April 4th

Working on a little side project featuring my OCs. It's inspired by a combination of metal music and some of my personal experiences growing up. Link down below.

Seraph's Kiss (Chapters 1-4)


Love is Magic by ales_horses (Recommendation-style short-review - for fics I would recommend, but for flaws with the format that can be sorted with editing) · 8:02am May 11th

ELove is Magic
Sweetie Belle moves, and tries her very best to adjust to a new school in a new place.
ales_horses · 3.1k words · 463 views


Overall. Minty time travels you back to a Hasbro shareholder meeting in 2003.

There's a new release! To complement this new line, among our media profile is included this gem.

Best lines:

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Behind the Story: All The Small Things (Plus: A Special Announcement) · 4:36pm Feb 1st, 2023

I feel like I’m getting back into the groove of writing. This story was very fun to write, and while it could’ve used a little more editing (I released this 2 hours from February beginning under a time crunch), I’m proud of it.

The Special Announcement will be at the end of this post.

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NEW STORY: I Love It - abrony-mouse. Teen, comedy, random, sex, dialogue only contest, Pinkie, Twilight, Cannon · 11:49pm June 9th

I Love It - abrony-mouse

(link coming soon)


Pinkie Pie goes official with her party cannon. Just don't call it that.

Another submission to the dialogue only contest.


Interesting Similarities · 10:13am Oct 29th, 2015

So because of reasons, I was looking at the Galaxy Girls website.

Celestia? (Or Sunset Shimmer?)


Twilight and also Applejack sort of

Rainbow Dash

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Happy Birthday to Unbridled Dolly!!!!! · 4:22am Sep 6th, 2015

Alright. So, to any non-Dolly people, I'm for the rest on this post, I'm gonna refer to her as "you" since she's the one I'm writing the birthday post for. All of you are amazing as well.:heart: Be sure to wish her a happy birthday!
Oh my gosh
Oh my gosh
Oh my gosh
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOREVERRRR.....!!!!! AAH HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!:yay:x10000000000000000000 *Screen cracks from too much yay*

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OCHG Round Three Results/Round Four Announcement! · 4:36am Nov 17th, 2015

What's up y'all!? Like last time, I'm gonna keep it short and get straight to the meat of this little project. As you all know, the contestants were paired up once more and had to fight their partner's OC in a fair boxing match! I must say some of these were pretty exciting and enthralling! So with that let me introduce the winners.

The first winner is...

Nioniosbbbb! With his outstanding piece! Job well done lad!

The second winner is...

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Respect the Earth · 10:09pm Aug 7th, 2015


Sick signed Moo...or parting is such sweet sorrow. · 3:59am Feb 10th, 2016


Update to long wait · 6:28am Jan 20th, 2016

Hey everyone this is Eragon here with another update to what's been going on lately , pretty much here to say that real life has been kicking me in the ass this last month, with work and stress of work, I work at Mc Donald's and if you think that is not a stressful work environment then you are so wrong in so many ways.

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Review: The Ticket Master · 7:49am Dec 20th, 2015

Ya know, reviewing the episodes in order makes me so enthusiastic to review the last episode... hang on ONLY conversion done in an at least logical fashion that didn't involve brainwashing or pre-planned emotional manipulation, I'll get to you eventually.

As you can guess from that, if there's one thing I don't like in MLP, it's its villain reformations. Good thing that's irrelevant to this episode then!

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Viewing 1081 - 1100 of 1,730 results