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REVIEW It Takes a Child to Raze a Village - TheDriderPony (Random Recommendations in <50 words #20) · 9:25am Monday

EIt Takes a Child to Raze a Village
Some parents smother their children. Others make them fend for themselves. Shining Armor has one tool in his parenting toolbox, and never before has Flurry Heart looked more in need of a hammer.
TheDriderPony · 5.2k words  ·  171  1 · 1.3k views

Overall. The mother stole an empire. The father stole her heart. Now it's her daughter's turn — and yak culture is ripe for the appropriating.

Best lines:

"Father. I see you have returned," she called out over the noise as she continued to thrust despite his presence.

[...]"Flurry... it's two in the morning."

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