
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Happy last day of 2016!!! · 9:15am Dec 31st, 2016

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF 2016!!! I HOPE YOU'LL SEND IT BETTER THAN I WILL!!!! I'm going to get drunk and get laid... umm see you tomorrow!!!


Last Day of School (School is Drudgery) · 2:31am June 29th

(56 days since I began my project... feeling pretty restless)

I was out in the garden today, and at the stroke of three I could hear the final bell ringing form the nearby schools. The second they rang, the entire area erupted with the sounds of cheers like being at a rock concert, or scoring the winning point of the big game.

Well, another school term complete.

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Last Day of Internship · 6:43pm Aug 3rd, 2018

Today was the last day of my internship with State Farm this summer. They graciously released us early for our last day, even though we're being paid for a full day's work, which is nice.

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TheIdiot Regarding: The Last Day of February · 4:50am Mar 1st, 2018


I Leave To Fly Home In An Hour · 3:34pm May 14th, 2019

This was such an incredible week. I'm so sad it has to end, but I'm happy that it happened and I'm excited to come home and see my family and my dogs. It's going to be a crazy day, but hopefully it will be worthwhile.


I, once again, try to get you to panic. · 12:49pm May 4th, 2019

This is the LAST DAY for you to submit suggestions for the 100th chapter of Songs of the Spheres! This means if you haven't gotten any suggestions in YOU PROBABLY SHOULD GO DO THAT before I have to shut you down.

I'm looking at you FoME. And possibly a few others I can't think of off the top of my head.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Go here and leave a suggestion to make chapter 100 what the readers want!

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More (unfinished) content · 4:33am Oct 11th, 2023

It's been a while. I could talk about things being busy, but things are always busy. I'm not going anywhere, barring very unfortunate circumstances, and I appreciate everyone who's still been following along with this account.

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A Brief History of the Großeswechselndes Reich · 5:19pm Aug 21st, 2021

If you asked almost any changeling off the street whether they thought changelings were superior to ponies, their response would be “yes, of course.” Even the more egalitarian-minded changelings know that’s a simple fact: Ponies can’t shapeshift or access a hivemind, have slow reproduction rates and rely on physical, land-depleting food to survive. And it’s for the same principle that changelings know that they’re superior to deer, yaks, griffons or any of the other myriad races of Equestria:

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The Vesalipolis Lullaby: a brief introduction · 4:12am Aug 21st, 2021

I know it looks like I haven't been creative much - at least, if my writing output's any indication. To some extent, that's true: chalk it up to work, my parents being an incessant thorn in my side and good old-fashioned depression. But truth be told, there's been at least some work there, and I've gotten enough requests from folks I know to share it that I figure I should share what i have, complete or not.

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A Brief History of Stalliongrad and the Severnyy Soyuz · 3:41pm Aug 22nd, 2021

Stalliongrad, a north-eastern territory of Equestria that formerly belonged to an independent pony kingdom of Severnaya, was annexed by Equestria in 917 ALB (After Lunar Banishment, a traditional starting point of reference on Equestria’s calendar.) That said, Severnaya never integrated into Equestria as well as Princess Celestia would have liked: the country had its own culture and national traditions that never fully died out, which constantly created varying levels of friction from

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A Brief History of Ost-Equestria · 5:03pm Aug 23rd, 2021

Depending on how you define it, the history of Ost-Equestria is either very short - a mere twenty-four years - or quite long indeed, a saga spanning back since the dawn of ponykind. The races of Ost-Equestria tend to take the latter interpretation; in other countries on Equus, the former interpretation is generally considered the correct one. But, whatever the case may be, the causes leading up to the civil war known as The War in The Heavens can be traced back to the foundations of Equestria

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This video game compels my negative urges and I love it · 10:13pm Jan 19th, 2021

Unrelated Gallus, but Gallus is great so here you go anyway

This isn't entirely a blog about video games. The site gets a lot of those, and they aren't necessarily fun to read - if nothing else, they're self-indulgent.

Neither is it entirely a blog about politics. The site gets a lot of those, and they tend to inspire lots of vitriol, justified or not.

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Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results