
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

"Legends of Equestria" Quest Writer Application Result · 1:53pm Jul 10th, 2016


Applying as a quest writer for "Legends of Equestria" + Preview for Chapter 2 of "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" · 10:33pm May 11th, 2016

A few days ago, I did a look on the "Legends of Equestria" homepage to see if there is finally another OSW coming up and when I was there, I saw that the development team is again searching for quest writers:

I always loved playing "Legends of Equestria", since my first OSW on the days of July 7th, 8th and 9th 2013.

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"Clementine's First Colt Crush" is released! + Good news about my application as quest writer for "Legends of Equestria"! · 2:22pm May 23rd, 2016

Hello there, everypony!

Remember the OC fic I talked about almost two weeks ago? It's released now!
It's called "Clementine's First Colt Crush" and, as I said in the other blog entry, starring two OCs of "Legends of Equestria"!

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Mistakes from the past that still affect today..... · 4:46pm Dec 23rd, 2023

Since she blocked me, so many thoughts are going through my head..... Almost seven years ago, an event happened that shattered me so much, that I turned into the worst friend possible for a while, because of the mental problems it brought me. Everything was wonderful at that time; my writing was growing fast, I had found the best friend I could wish for and I had my dream position as a quest writer of "Legends of

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What was the Cause? · 1:37am May 19th

Something I don't know yet is the cause of the mistake I made more than seven years ago..... I know how the consequences happened. This mistake caused a conflict that affected my mental health. It confused me and made me say stupid things that hurt my friend. I felt guilty about this, the guilt was building up and it caused me to have angry, aggressive outbursts when

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results