
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Snowflake · 11:25am Dec 12th, 2019

Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This story I'll be reviewing is a touching one. The story called 'Snowflake'. In this story, Rainbow Dash gives birth to a blind pegasus. This story is heart warming and sincere. It shows that no matter the challenge, anyone can do anything if they set their mind to it and that everyone deserves forgiveness. There are some grammatical errors and incorrect spelling and a one time usage of profanity, but other than that it's pretty

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Report Darth Wrex · 107 views · #Snowflake

Teardrops and Snowflakes · 9:34pm Jul 28th, 2016

I found it! After the story mysteriously disappeared from the site, I was afraid I was never going to get to read it again. But luckily, I found that some awesome person has made an e-reader document of the fanfic that introduced me to fanfic - Teardrops and Snowflakes! If anyone else like me has been trying to find this fic, click that link!

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Feels Good to Me · 8:42pm Jul 25th, 2017

I love this song, "Feels Good To Me," by Bill Bruford.

You may like it. You might not. You might think it's too cheesy, or too jazzy. That's fine, not everybody has to like the same stuff. I don't like shitty dubstep or hip-hop songs that some folks listen to. So, we're different. We don't need to fight about it, because diversity is our strength as a human race. I can say that without it making me a special snowflake SJW.

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My story got its first Audio Drama! · 2:23am Sep 4th, 2023

Which story?

This story:

EYou get to be an Alicorn, you get to be an Alicorn, everypony gets to be an Alicorn!
Celestia explains why Alicorns are superior.
Bad Dragon · 1000 words  ·  74  12 · 1.2k views

What audio drama?

This audio drama:

Why didn't anypony tell me about it? It's been up for a month and I didn't even know. I could have missed it.

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When exactly did the UK go to Hell... · 12:08am Apr 24th, 2019

And who voted in this snowflake?

Yes, it's the Daily Mail which means we should take it with a grain of salt given it's the equivalent to Fox News over there, but... Honestly! If you want to really offend disabled people, go around calling them retarded or spastic. Those are truly offensive terms to the disabled and the handicapped, not disabled itself.

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Spotlight On: Pegasus Magic · 7:26pm Jul 22nd, 2015

Pegasus is a winged horse from Greek mythology. Depicted as a full-sized horse, he also has massive wings in order to allow him to fly. Pegasi in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic not only have flight magic, but weather manipulation magic too. How do we know it is magic? For one thing, in the season 4 finale Celestia tells us as much -- but we get clues to this fact starting from way early on in the series.

Flight Magic

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Christmas Time · 5:45pm Nov 27th, 2020

It's time to decorate those user pics/avatars with merriment. Festive Santa hats are always a great go-to. I tend to use nurse Sweetie Belle surrounded by wintery snowflakes.

(Source) without snowflakes.


What do I write next? · 12:03am Dec 18th, 2015

You, yes you, can help me choose!

There's a bit of a predicament, you see: I have three different ideas for novella to novel length stories competing in my mind as front-runners for my next project. I'm probably going to write all three of them eventually... but the question is, in what order?

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F/F/T3K15 12/8: More of that one thing. · 6:55am Dec 9th, 2017

Last week's Christmas special is all set. Enjoy.

This week continues our current multi-parter. Y'know, the one that WASN'T Mykan.


Headcanon · 8:59pm Jul 12th, 2015

Some tidbits from my headcanon, just for the heck of it:

Fluttershy's mom was an earth pony, hence the pegasus' lackluster flight ability (except in times of stress) and affinity for animals.
-- Bulk Biceps is her brother, which would explain the apparent familiarity between the two in "Rainbow Falls" as well as his stunted wings and insane strength (earth pony parent).

AJ's mom was an Orange (Clementine), a violinist who taught AJ how to fiddle.

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Gotta Write... · 6:53am Jun 16th, 2017

Why do I keep making Dazzling fics and Sunset fics? Why do I do this to myself?

Because I need more content for my favorite trio of singing babes and their Sunshine. I need to at least see their groups updating. Sunset? No problem. The other five? Slightly bigger problem.

So, gotta write.


F/F/T3K15 12/1: We've got a jingle jangle problem on our hands. · 7:11am Dec 2nd, 2017

Last week's riff marks the end of an era, and the last time we'll be touching Mykan's Starfleet stuff for AT LEAST a year and a half. And as an extra treat, here's the character study I did as a supplement to the riff, detailing how the characters could've BEEN something in literally any other

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G5 Izzy's much more preferable than real world diversity and inclusion combined. · 4:50am Sep 25th, 2021

I saw the G5 movie. Izzy's so cute.

It kind of reminded me of the first time I ever saw a black in real life.

That day was weird.

Seriously, I don't think I'd seen one of their kind before, so it was a noteworthy experience.

Nowadays, they're everywhere, so bleh...

That's putting it politely.


Read It Later Reviews #56 – For a Friend, Rarity’s Mare of the Evening, Even in Dreams, Butterscotch, Snowflake Shoe-Hare · 4:26am Sep 7th, 2016

Howdy folks!

I’ve been trying to actually be active lately. As some of you might have noticed, I posted a new story yesterday:

Lord of the Dragons
by Titanium Dragon

2,625 words

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Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results