
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

Father · 7:09pm Aug 26th, 2018

12:14 Pm today my father passed away. I was there when he took his last breath and I was there when his heart no longer was beating. He was a man who was self taught in so many things and though many would call him stupid or dumb, I knew he was a genius in ways that wasn't in the conventional sense. I will miss you Dad, you made me who I am, you gave me my morals, my determination and will, and taught me countless innumerable things. Whatever afterlife there is, I know you are going to the best

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Thank You All · 10:18pm Oct 12th, 2019

Well, I guess the show is coming to an end tonight. It's hard to believe that after my 6 years in the fandom, I'll no longer have Pony to watch on Saturday mornings. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.

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Quick Update~ · 7:58pm Apr 28th, 2020

Hey cuties~!

So, quick update. A lot's gone down in the last few months, kinda overwhelming me. REALLY bad family stuff, job stuff, losing friends and all that on top this pandemic crap~! Ain't fair~! Don't wanna do it anymore~!

There's a bunch of you sweethearts who have messaged me about how I'm doing, setting up some commissions and stuff~? Honestly, most nights I don't have any energy to even play a video game, so forget about writing anything~!

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Thanks · 7:41pm Jan 19th, 2018

Since I released Passing the Torch, I've been receiving a ton of support about what happened and people offering their condolences. Thanks for all the support guys, it's been pretty tough. I won't go into detail about what all has happened surrounding Papa's death, but it's been really hard to go through it all.

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The death of Tumblr... · 12:37am Aug 14th, 2019


My sole regret is I couldn't convince Alex Jones to buy it and turn it into a Confederate History image gallery. It would have been the masterpiece that set me up as the true Troll God Emperor.

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Sad news. · 11:09pm Mar 25th, 2020

I'm okay in most means, but I just got some sad news.

The much-loved Pastor of our church is being transferred.

Father Patrick was one of the best men I ever met, and a wonderful pastor. Always made me laugh and appreciate Church more every Sunday.

Things won't be the same without him. Ever.

It just seems that every day something bad happens to make my days more downcast than they already are.

I'll miss him so much.


The worst news I've ever had to report here - it finally happened, she's gone · 8:28pm Jun 3rd, 2021

I got a call from my dad almost an hour ago to tell me that my grandmother has finally passed after a past year of being in and out of hospital and suffering with mental illness and health issues. She was apparently okay this afternoon, but dad had gone around to bring her a few things she asked for and he entered to find her in the living room like that.

I don't know any other details other than that. We all knew it was coming, but not this soon.

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Well, I Guess That Takes Care of That · 4:32pm Jun 17th, 2017

Almost two years ago, my browser, Google Chrome, started acting up on me. No matter what I tried to access, the "He's Dead, Jim!" error kept popping up. No rhyme or reason to it.

Today, on a whim, I relaunched Chrome. . . no issues. None at all. It works flawlessly.

I'm still sticking with Vivaldi. That thing where you can group tabs together is so cool.

Good night, and good luck.


Winter Sucks. · 11:12pm Jan 22nd, 2016

So, here's a random list of stuff that I love without too much commentary:

The Room 3
Atmospheric puzzle games are my favorite type of games. Too bad most of them suck. Fireproof Games is my on-again-off-again lover. Before January 11th, we were off-again because they first promised this game would come out last April. Right now we're on-again, because:

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Three years without you. · 5:57pm May 9th, 2020

Three years ago today, my second-dad figure passed away in hospital after entering with liver failure. Sadly, I found out two days later while at my gf's grandmother's house, which hurt considerably more given that I wasn't in the country at the time, despite my protests, and was forced to miss the funeral.

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One Year Ago · 9:31pm May 5th, 2018

It's almost a year since I found out that one of my family members, Pat, had died in hospital. The reason as to why, well, let's just say that one of them was alcohol and the other was someone that I hate even more, to a point I didn't even think was possible. I won't say who, but I will say that she is partly to blame for his death.

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Different but... the same? · 5:29pm Nov 9th, 2015

I left a few days ago for an important (I guess you can call it a businesstrip? :twilightblush:) trip, and today, I return to you... older...

welcome to the funeral...

the funeral of my childhood!!! :raritydespair:

Yep, Lime's a pon who never wanted to be older :ajbemused::rainbowlaugh:

but hey,

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In memory of friends gone, would you consider a festive favour? · 3:08pm Dec 2nd, 2021

This is an old tradition

But a good one nevertheless.

Do recall, this is not limited to santa hats, I've seen many a lovely festive icon from many different holidays and they're all lovely.


10 Years Later - All Those Years of Friendship, How Did It Help You Grow as a Person? · 12:33am Oct 19th, 2020

10 The show coming to an end was a sad, sad day for MLP fans worldwide. I'm not going to go on with that ''don't cry because it's over'' cliché, but the opposite. MLP taught us all valuable life lessons and how to be better people, how to be more connected and in-tune with ourselves and others.

I'm wondering, how exactly did it help you out, in any way? It can be personal or emotional. Did it help bring you peace and meaning into your life?

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I wouldn't normally do this, but: My very first childhood best friend, what happened to us and why I'm still sad about it · 1:07am Jun 9th, 2020

Okay, I'm not going to beat around this one. I'm sad. So sad I'm miserable. Why? Because I miss someone.

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Children of the Sun: New Chapter Out! · 5:54pm Jun 14th, 2023

Hello friends! It's been, uh... *checks watch* almost a year since I updated my beloved fic? Whoops!
The news with me (and my excuse) is that I graduated, finally! Got my BS degree! So now I've got more time to write. Thank you very much for your patience!

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  232  5 · 2.3k views

I Said, I Love You like the Stars Above, I Love You till I Die · 5:21pm Jul 20th, 2021

Now and then I'll be working on something that's a little more intellectual in nature than my usual clownish bullshit, and whenever I do that? I always wonder aloud if I should write it serious, or try to make it funny.

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I'll miss you Miranda! · 6:01pm Oct 19th, 2015

...First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turn to a friendship
A friendship turn to a bond
And that bond will never be broken
The love will never get lost (and the love will never get lost)
And when brotherhood come first
Then the line will never be crossed
Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
And that line is what we reach
So remember me when I'm gone (remember me when I'm gone)

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DA ARTS! aaaand some news · 11:27pm Dec 21st, 2015


What We Don't Talk About (New Fic Out!) · 1:54am March 2nd

Hello ladles and gentlespoons! I wrote a fic! Missed me? I missed you all!

TWhat We Don't Talk About
Rarity and Applejack put the romance in necromancy.
Silent Whisper · 6.8k words  ·  42  5 · 376 views

Does this mean I'm so back? We'll see. Lots of real-life stuff going on right now for me, but I'm still here, and I still have more stories to tell.

Also, pro tip, don't work for Kroger (even just on a temporary basis), folks, it saps the life out of you. Lessons learned, yo.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results