
Viewing 1 - 20 of 319 results

Hive Conformity · 11:00pm May 31st, 2019

Today we have a new story coming, the first chapter of a semi-series, its frequency depending on the commissioner.
It is as usual quite a filthy one~ And you have, as always, been warned~.

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A Weary Traveller Gains a Friend. · 11:41pm Nov 26th, 2021

Today we have the conclusion to last week's story, when all comes to a boiling point, how will our Diamond Dog react?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


September comes again · 10:40pm Aug 31st, 2018

Soon enough might get this supported, then there will be more stories able to crafted, but until then I think I Will enjoy what this site has to offer, to sample some of the culture, and a mouthful of grass.

Happy September to all~.

but no, there is no event for this this year.


Another year goes by · 1:33am Aug 24th, 2019

Darkness lies deepest in the greatest abscent of light. Much is never cast in illumination, leaving untold secrets hidden; secrets hidden forever, or just before the rise of the sun.

Happy filthy Friday~.


Anniversary month, Support Update · 11:15pm Aug 24th, 2018

Almost time for a birthday around here, and when there is a birthday there needs to be a party packed to the cheek bursting amount of joy and fun, but that takes some planning for those not equipped with party artillery~

But there might be a gift for everyone as well, but for that you have to stick around the updates for the other profiles~

Have a Fantastic Filthy Friday out there~.


THe Worthy Humble · 11:14pm Jun 26th, 2020

Wash your hands for 30 seconds.

Humble worm. Grateful for your service.
Humble worm. We offer our thanks.
Humble worm. For were it not for you.
Humble worm. Our world would lack order.
Though through thoughtless tactics, thou tremors traverse terrain throughout. The wriggling grease which lubricates the cogs of evolution.
Humble worm. The world has much to thank you for.
Yet, worm remains humble.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Pink Slice of Lifes~ · 11:43pm Apr 6th, 2018

Greetings, hey, what's up, who is up? Are you still up?

Well something is up.
and that something is a story, first in a short series featuring Pinkie pie.

Strange enough it is also fitting, because the story involves those hiding away from the cold to have a party, and it is still really cold and sneaking off to a get together sounds great right now~.

Despite being slice of life it has some strong lewd and kinky aspects to it as well.

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May-Be Weird · 10:27pm May 4th, 2018

Another month has swept in over us, and it is none other than may. Ahhh, may, the time where the sun allows us to partake of its grace, when (tasty) grass begins to grow and it is warm enough to consummate a relationship outdoor.
Magical times indeed.

However, is the sun always benevolent?
Is it only goodness, or does it sport other facets?

Perhaps we will answer these questions next week...

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Changes Comes to an end · 1:20am Jul 28th, 2018

And this marks the end of the change event, the last story of the series.
There is a lot changing still, despite this. Though little in the realm of the pastel prettied ponies.

Today's story involves odd transformations, and deception of self. Corruption into new understandings and realisations. When you think about it, that is something we all go through.

For now, this story is going to mark the end for this series, but a continuation is not impossible. It will just not come soon.

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Road of life keeps rolling · 12:17am Sep 29th, 2018

Greetings one and all,
sometimes while you stroll down the highway of life, you stop and look around you, there you can see the wheat fields of life, life's savanna, the lively mountains and not-so-lively forest, just a second of contemplation leads you into thinking of just how much life is made up from.
But then you have to return to walking down the road.

Have a wonderful Filthy Friday~.


Friday od many thoughts · 1:23am Dec 8th, 2018

Is the wander down the road of life mandatory? Is it an undeniable urge seeded within the infant before its conception? Is it the common goal of a grand subconscious? Perhaps it is not a choice, perhaps we cannot leave the path. Kept on it by the machinations of an affecting force.
Or perhaps it does not exist until it is viewed. The moment the veil is pulled and we look down, we become able to see the road for what it is.
Until then, let us keep gazing at the overhang of stars.

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The Summer Horizon · 10:09pm Jun 8th, 2018

What a day this is, more and more people out on the street, less people sitting at home, the grass it actually growing again as well, so that is neat.

At the moment there are no new stories. However... Something big is on the horizon...

Something, very big.

Happy Friday~.


Lonesome. · 12:33am Feb 16th, 2019

Dark, is the road, stretching beyond our vision. Few see its end, some are wise to it, yet once you have reached that point, your journey is set to change. Wherever we saunter, endings come. Even our time on the road. Thoughts to be considered, but not consumed by.

Today's post brought to you by the absent of the mark after K, because sometimes keyboards break.

Have a Great Fithy Friday~.


A Wish Upon the Moon · 11:20pm Mar 12th, 2021

If the moon was a lake would the heavens be an ocean?
Yet a lake is but a drop to the vast expanse of space.
If the moon then was a lake,
I'd be content to dip in a drop,
and leave the vastness above as the sky.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Grandness Awaiting · 11:13pm Oct 16th, 2020

Wash your hands~.

To seek gemstones one does not uncover glimmer and scintillant forms. There lay not grandeur nestled beneath your feet, waiting for a palm to reach it. A gem is as its element, dirt. Rocks and filth crust it, dulled to a point where treasure hunters would pass it by. But one who truly seeks gemstones is patient, meticulous, and pours in the effort to polish rocks into things of beauty.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A look behind · 12:18am Mar 9th, 2019

Days pass as footsteps, the prints on the road below us, those we never get to see, which we never experience fully. Each step precedes another, always a focus on the new, yet all we see of the days are the diffuse outlines we entertain within our recollection. Even if we were to turn, the past of the road is shrouded, cast in dusk of neglect. Yet, many spends their days marveling at this very abyss, while others could care less, for the road is unending, and there are always more steps to be

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Glad Midsummer · 10:47pm Jun 25th, 2021

What is dance? A celebration of life and togetherness? A gesture to the elements? A distraction? It functions this way, as many tasks do. The practitioner is engulfed in the act, disappearing into their focus. At the same time, they rob the focus from the watcher, interlocking them in a chain of distractive influence, allowing the world around them to fade away. To dance then, is meaningless.
However, the first interpretation was right on the money.

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Summer Thoughts · 11:57pm May 25th, 2018

What sort of summer will it be?
Did you ever pay attention to the first butterfly you saw when the first warm days came? Some say it is a preminition of the season.
From its colours you can scry the future, finding purpose.

Butterflies are not inherently magical (at least I believe so). However, it is a reminder of what we do in our world every day: finding purpose.

Have a lovely weekend, and a thoughtful Filthy Friday.


Of a new year's summer · 12:23am Jun 15th, 2019

We continue this week with another chapter in the "Of the year" series. Within, we see how the festivities culminates, and if all is going according to plan.

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Tail Tendrils and Configured Cyborgs · 11:50pm Feb 22nd, 2019

Long we await, in times passing where not experienced. I would dread, turning back on my road, and getting a glimpse of my footprints, seeing how many of them were spent in the emptiness of unaction. Yet, it is with these moment we can create, express, and live. Without them, there would be no live. Without negative space, there is no road.

Wishing you all a Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 319 results