There is an ancient legend lost through time, about something with unimaginable power. It is strange how it disappeared even though things with this much ability don't just fade away into time. Now... it is time to re-awaken this legend and set it free unto the land, for better or worse. And it all begins with a figure coated in black.

Gore is based on fight scenes that may or may not be included.

Chapters (1)

Rise Of the Guardians X My Little Pony Crossover

The Cutie Mark Crusaders unknowingly meet a disguised E. Aster Bunnymund and help him finish painting that years Easter eggs.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to For the hive, my mom and myself

After the events that transpire in Canterlot and Ponyville, peace has being restore and life has return to the normality that its used to be. But to prince Kabuto (now re name Caeruleo) the nightmare is far from over. Consume by guilt and remorse, Caeruleo must find a way to atone for his self proclaim sins if he ever wish to rest peacefully again.

Luckily for him the rulers of the lands as well as the main six will have his back whenever he liked it or not

Chapters (13)

Takes place during the Season 5 Finale. (And hints of EqG: Friendship Games)

Sunset Shimmer is out of space in her journal for communicating with Princess Twilight. On a whim, she decides to return to her homeland for a replacement. Unfortunately for Sunset, a pony named Starlight Glimmer was busy enacting revenge, catching Sunset in the crossfire and placing her in a different timeline than she expected. With no Elements of Harmony, no Princess Twilight, and no clue, Sunset must reunite the main six, save the timeline, and find a way home... eventually.

Check out the trailer!~

Chapters (70)

This is a story of Luna's fall and how it came to be. After all these years of disappointment form her subjects. A pony shows up, promising Luna that if she lets her help. Her people will adore her for all the years to come.

I have had a head cannon that Luna was not fully in control of herself while she was Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (1)

Luna finds two dead humans in the everfree. She also finds a child and decides to create a journal to record her findings on humans.

Chapters (6)

Assigned a book report for school, Dinky takes out a library book only to discover that she is the first pony ever to have checked it out- -but not realizing that she will be the last.

Chapters (10)

When a mysterious creature begins a recent string of nightly attacks, the City of Lunara sends out a plea for help to all detectives across Equestria. Greydan, a full-time inventor and part-time detective, sets out from Manehattan in hopes of solving the mystery of, The Shadow of Lunara.

Author's Note(s):
Welcome to the start of what I hope will be a long continuous series.
The cast will be made up of characters that I have made.
I welcome those who critique and review my story, and if there are any tags that are missing, or shouldn't be here, please speak up. I will need all the help I can get.
Anyways without further ado, please, enjoy the show.

Chapters (1)

Sex tag is just to be safe, there will be no sex, just some mentions of it and a possible scene where there may be an attempt at seduction that does not get anywhere.

When Sunset finds another student from from school beaten and hiding in an alley, she does the only thing she can, she takes the girl home with her. Can one wounded soul heal another and save Sunset from the hate deep inside?

One girl a bully with connections to the underworld with a short temper.

Another girl afraid and shy to the point that it can be difficult to get through the day.

Both of them hurt by families, their souls near shattered. Will time together soften one and strengthen another, or will it cause everything to explode when truths are learned?

This is an AU starting before the first EG movie, though it will continue into it with changes. The world will work differently than our world and possibly a little different than the EG world being some relaxations on certain things.

This isn't tied to my other stories in anyway and is a birthday present to a friend of mine, Happy Birthday K! :pinkiehappy:

Arc 2 has split off into 2 different timelines so has 2 different stories.

The Sun and the Shy: Shadows Rising is the story centering around Sunset and Fluttershy's transfer to Crystal Prep Academy.

The Sun and the Shy: Canterlot Blues is the story of Fluttershy and Sunset staying at CHS and goes through the first movie.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash thinks of Fluttershy as a little sister. She never said it out loud of course, but it didn't change how she felt. So, when Rainbow Dash finds a depressed Fluttershy alone in the park, there's only one thing she can do.

Hopefully, no one will see.

Reading here.

Chapters (1)