• Published 15th Apr 2017
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The Worst of All Possible Worlds - TheTimeSword

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria only to find Twilight Sparkle battling a strange pony named Starlight Glimmer. Unbeknownst to Sunset, Starlight has altered the past, forcing Sunset to deal with reigniting her friendships all over again.

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World 6: Chapter 6

Princessland. A distant memory for one, a dream for others, and a recent entry to a journal for the alicorn who needed one last bearer. She told the other five during their train ride of her lie and how it must be kept secret. I’ve got to plan twice ahead, just as Discord and those brothers have. If they’ve managed to see all my previous moves of the prior worlds, no doubt they’ll have more tricks up their sleeves. Twilight, having calmed down, had the bounds broken from her legs and mouth. “You’re saying the princesses are in trouble? That whole spiel about wanting to take over is just a lie?” the purple unicorn repeated.

“Yes.” Quoting the two stallions, Sunset told of the contracts, of the inability to lie, and of their want to aid Discord. Though she included much in her reveal, her draconequus from another world remained a secret.

“They never told me any of this! Wowie, Princess Sunset Shimmer, you really are a super sleuth! You could teach a thing or two to Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, rocking back and forth upon her bench.

Pinkie sat between Applejack and Fluttershy, both of which did not mind her antics or her strange speech patterns. Rainbow Dash sat on the furthest bench she could while still able to hear the group over the commotion of the train. “Yeah. She’s great,” Dash mocked. “When we get to Princessland, let’s just wander off and let her find that Charity gal.”

“Rarity,” Twilight corrected. “It’ll take all of us to find her. I-I’d hate to say it, but it’s going to require teamwork. Not to mention I wouldn’t mind looking around the city at the same time, there’s going to be so many things I want to buy!”

Fluttershy then focused the group. “Can we get back on track, if you all wouldn’t mind? Please. We have to discuss the Elements of Harmony. Finding Rarity will be an easy task compared to that.”

“That’s right. I haven’t the foggiest clue where to locate them,” Sunset agreed, leaving out the detail that her own Discord stated he was the one without a clue.

“Now that’s easy,” Twilight snorted, pushing her glasses up as her cheeks pulled them down. “My brother was in charge of moving some very valuable cargo a few years back and I know all about it. I helped keep record of his correspondence with Flim and Flam before I read a few too many letters between him and Princess Cadance… He got pretty upset, but those letters were better than any of my romance novels.”

“Wait, you’re telling me you know where the Elements of Harmony are!?” Sunset lurched toward Twilight who sat beside her, grabbing hold of both shoulders. “We need them!”

Twilight shrank, curling into a ball. “We-well, I-I mean I have a clue on how to find them. They’re locked behind a secret door somewhere. I don’t know where that is, but I do know where all the combinations are to unlock the door. Shining Armor sent one to Griffonstone, one to the Badlands, one to Las Pegasus, one to Ponyville, and the last one was kept in the Crystal Empire.”

“Five in total? Odd number being that there are six elements,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“There’s a sixth lock,” Sunset guessed. “It’ll be wherever they’ve locked up the Elements—which my guess would be Princessland.” With a groan, she slumped into Twilight’s lap. “It’s going to be a nightmare to collect all those pieces, though. Traveling by train is fine, but it feels so slow.”

“You can fly and you can teleport,” spat Rainbow Dash. “You’re really gonna moan about going slow? Just send each of us to the locations you need to go. We will get what you need and come back.” She rolled onto her back, letting her tangled mane fall to the floor. “Clearly, none of you have run a business. It’s really pathetic.”

Pinkie sprung up with her hoof almost slapping Applejack. “I have!”

“What type of business?” Dash asked, suddenly curious.

“I don’t know!” Pinkie smiled back.

“That isn’t a half bad idea.” Sunset slouched back into a seating position. “Making it even faster, I could zone in on each of you and teleport to your location. After grabbing Twilight’s supposed keys, I then teleport us back to Princessland. That’ll speed your returns up. Since there’s only five, Rarity can be our tether to the city.”

Applejack raised a hoof. “I call Las Pegasus.”

“Are we calling places now?” Pinkie twirled her head with a smile of delight. “Can I call my mom? What should I call her? Mother or mommy or mom?”

Shaking her head, Twilight said, “No. No, Pinkie. We’re saying where we want to go. The Crystal Empire m-makes the most sense for me, seeing as how I, uh, uhm, live there.”

“I’ve got a few griffons I owe some money,” Rainbow stated, her grin looked to be a frown from her upside-down face. “I’ll take the Badlands if you don’t mind.”

“I’ll take Griffonstone then,” Fluttershy sighed.

Sunset nodded. “Pinkie lives in Ponyville. Once we find Rarity, I’ll have the conductor take you all to where you need to be. That’ll leave me time to get Rarity up to sped.” She crossed her forelegs, wanting to sprawl backward, but the train was not like the first she borrowed a ride from. The passenger car lacked the comfort of the high class, only simple benches for transportation. “I don’t know what Rarity will be like. She could be a bit rough around the edges or absolutely crazy.”

Ohhh,” Pinkie gasped. “If she’s crazy, she’ll make for a crazy good friend!”

“Friend?” Rainbow Dash twirled to her stomach and crawled off the bench, trotting slowly to the bench where Pinkie sat. Wrapping both forelegs around the pink pony’s neck, Sunset felt a fear creep up her stomach and into her throat. “You like making friends, huh? You know… I’ll be your friend for some bits.”

Sunset shuddered, noticing Fluttershy felt the same tense feeling. “Bits!? Bits can buy friendship!?” gawked Pinkie. “Does this mean I’ve been friends with the taxpony this entire time? Wow! I had no idea all I needed to make friends was be incredibly rich!”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash lit up with laughter. “That’s why I like you, Pinkie. Always spoutin’ the truth,” Applejack said.

“But it’s not the truth,” Sunset interjected, placing a hoof over her heart. “Friendship isn’t about money, or power, or status. It’s about being yourself, showing others your faults and them liking you regardless. Friends are in your heart, not in your wallet.”

Aside from the usual clacking and clattering of the train, the cabin went silent. Another bout of laughter sprang up from Rainbow Dash, startling the other occupants. When she realized that not even Applejack was laughing, she stopped. “Oh, she was being serious. I want to laugh more, but I also don’t like being stared at.” Though she stopped talking, everyone continued to stare up at her. “I said stop staring!” she yelled, causing the group to look in different directions.

Of course, Pinkie continued to look up at Dash, though now her eyes blinked every half a second.

Groaning, Rainbow Dash annexed herself once more to the furthest bench possible. “Let me know when we get to Princessland.” Closing her eyes, she faced away from the group.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Sunset then whispered, “We’ll split up once we reach Princessland to cover more ground. Applejack and Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and me and Twilight.”

Twilight then leaned in, whispering even quieter than Sunset, “Can we visit the Museum of Villains and Scoundrels?”

“The what?” Sunset asked, unsure if she heard right.

“It’s a museum for all the villains that have been taken down. I haven’t been since they added the Discord exhibit,” replied the unicorn.

“Maybe they have a section for you, Sunset,” Applejack added and chuckled.

The alicorn’s feathers ruffled at the thought. “Very well,” Sunset said through gritted teeth. “I would like to see this villain museum for myself.” If only to ensure I am not there.

Twilight clacked her hooves together while the others laughed. Though it was at her own expense, Sunset was glad to see their common bond growing strong. Each of them could really use each other, more so than any other world it seems. These five haven’t just not been friends, they’ve been friendless. Her mind drew back to the previous worlds, and though she wanted to write her memories, she chose to remain settled within the conversation, regardless of the ridiculousness.

When they reached Princessland, every one aside from Rainbow Dash was feeling a pain in their stomach from too much laughter. The train took them straight to the heart of Princessland, once again avoiding the ticket counter that sat at the main gates. “Alright. Everyone know their directions? Meet up outside the castle before nightfall,” Sunset told them.

Applejack and Pinkie headed south into what remained of the home-based quarter, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash took the financial district.

Sunset chose the shopping and entertainment region for the reason that it matched Rarity’s interests. The materialistic mare, if she held the same feelings for clothes and fashion as she did every world, would certainly be in the center of it. Of course, the second reason was nothing more than visiting the villain museum. The Museum of Villains and Scoundrels. It peaked her curiosity so much that she couldn’t stand it. Her body moved faster, barely allowing Twilight Sparkle, who giggled like a filly, to keep up.

“Come on. Come on!” Sunset ushered, eager as a child on Hearth’s Warming.

They passed all sorts of shops displaying the princesses in memorabilia form. Of course, Princess Sunset Shimmer was added to these displays, some more haphazardly than others. Yet no pony noticed the mirroring mare running through the streets. If they did, she and Twilight were gone too quickly for them to praise or beckon.

When they arrived, Sunset stood in awe at the carnival-like way the museum was presented. Built directly into the mountain itself, the entrance sat in one side, and the exit was far on the opposite. Rows upon rows of buildings sat between, with no alleys presenting a path through. Many ponies waited and laughed in line, hoping to see the villains of old in artistic and historic fashions. “You’re a princess, you can get us to the front of the line, right?” Twilight asked, which surprised Sunset.

There was a line!

Wrapping around a chest high velvet rope fence, a line of fifty ponies or more sat waiting patiently to enter the palace of past villains. Sunset did not want to cut, it wasn’t in her nature to do something so rude. Yet this was a side track, a piece of the puzzle that held no reason other than a chance to have some fun with a bearer. She knew she wouldn’t have time to wait, not with the Flim Flam Brothers bearing her trail. “Excuse me,” she said, pushing through the crowd. Ponies grumbled and grouched as she and Twilight pushed to the front of the line.

“Stop right there, no cutting!” she could hear the ticket master say, though they ignored him until they reached his podium. “You’re going to have to return to the back. The Express, VIP, and Princess passes are not recognized for this attraction.”

“What if I don’t have a pass at all?” Sunset asked with a sly grin.

“No pass? Well then how did you even get here?” the stallion gawked, baffled.

“That’s Princess Sunset Shimmer! That’s a princess! That’s a princess!” she heard a filly yell from behind. When she turned, Sunset’s face lit up with surprise as she noted the hat the filly wore. The cap was burnt orange, big blue eyes sat on the lid, and a small set of tassels strung down the back, colored in red and yellow.

The crowd was in a sudden uproar at the thought of meeting a princess, let alone the latest princess. “Th-that’s right!” Sunset hollered, realizing a swarm might overtake her just as it had in Manehattan. “And that’s why I don’t need a pass,” she told the ticket master. “I’d like to enter with my friend.”

With the biggest smile, the stallion nodded his head so hard Sunset worried he’d slam face first into his podium. “Of course, of course! The last group just finished, feel free to head in right away, Princess Sunset Shimmer! It’s an honor!”

After trotting up the steps and closing the door behind them, Twilight let out a giggle, which turned into an anxious laugh. “I can’t believe I’m here with a real princess. A-and you called me your friend! Do… Do you think they’ll start making merchandise of me? Oh gosh, I think I’m going to hyperventilate!”

“Calm down,” Sunset laughed, wrapping a hoof around Twilight. “I was shocked they’ve already gotten my design. I only made a quick appearance. I wonder if Celestia and Luna have anything to do with it. They did want to help.”

“Oh! Oh! It’s starting!” Twilight deflected.

A grand door opened to a dark room. As they entered, lights popped on, and a voice came over the loud speakers sitting in the upper corners of the room. Feminine and very rehearsed, Sunset understood it was a recording and not somepony watching them. “Welcome guests, to the Museum of Villains and Scoundrels. We would like to take a moment to honor the princesses and their heroes before allowing you to proceed into the rest of the viewing.”

A long red rug spanned from the entrance to another door atop a checker patterned floor. To the left sat three marvelous paintings, each of the princesses, while the right wall held one single painting, far bigger than the three combined. Flim and Flam, Sunset grumbled. Though each painting was magnificent in their own right, it was clear the artist worked the longest on the brothers. The voice over then said, “Flim and Flam have worked their entire lives in service of the princesses, and in honor of their sacrifices, the princesses have expanded the city to better suffice the brothers. The relationship between these two heroes and the princesses has never been brighter.”

The next door opened to another dark room, and Twilight pressed in with Sunset at her heel.

When the lights flipped on, Sunset wasn’t surprised to see who was first in the museum’s catalog. The feminine voice continued in this room. “Their first defeat of a famous villain ended in the opposite of tragedy, for without Flim and Flam’s help, we would be without one of our most beloved princesses, Princess Luna.”

Much like the first, the two sides of the room were separated by a long rug running from entry to the next set of doors. A giant painting of the mare in the moon sat as the center piece upon the right wall. Little pedestals with surrounding glass held recreations of the Elements of Harmony. Pictures, photographs, and artists’ renderings of Nightmare Moon decorated the walls between.

Yet the left side of the room was different. A machine sat in the middle with velvet ropes preventing ponies from touching the dull grey technology. While Twilight examined the model Elements of Harmony, Sunset gawked at the machine. Thrice her height and obtuse in shape, she examined the epitaph. The Machine to Defeat Nightmare Moon, she read. How unoriginal.

The voice over returned. “Nightmare Moon wanted nothing more than to have ponies play and dance in her beloved night, yet that was the time when ponies chose to sleep, ignoring her celestial gift. For this, she felt the shadow of her sister as the cause. Through no fault of her own, Princess Celestia was forced to banish her dear sister, sacrificing a thousand years of sisterly bonding. Upon her return, the brothers Flim and Flam were more than prepared to challenge the mighty villainess. Having done their research, Princess Celestia was enthused and surprised at their understanding nature. She accepted their offer, drawing in Nightmare Moon and allowing their ingenious invention to remove her self-afflicted curse.”

Sunset noted the blueprints on the wall behind the machine. Her eyes ran over equations and formulas. Some would work, some would not. Some weren’t even part of the same sort of science. If Discord helped them, then certainly it was him—not Flim and Flam and their machine—that broke Luna away from her Nightmare Moon form. Though he messed with this world’s events, he’s not all bad. So why does he believe I am? She grimaced, finding no answer to the reasoning.

“The doors opening!” Twilight beckoned. “I love Princess Luna, but Celestia will always be my favorite.” She then threw her hooves, covering her mouth. “Yo-you won’t tell her I said that, will you?”

“Of course not,” Sunset replied as she hastened to catch the mare. “Though I wonder where I rank on your list.”

The next room was fairly small in stature, yet it did not surprise her. “Discord!” Twilight screamed the name with glee. “I know we’re supposed to dislike him and whatnot, but I haven’t been here since they added him to their roster. O-oh, I’m so excited!”

“Discord played a very minor role in the stepping stone for the brothers Flim and Flam,” the voice began. “Upon his defeat, the brothers were gifted the rights to challenge any villain that came to Equestria. The princesses saw their role in not just returning Nightmare Moon to her former glory, but their ability in bargaining away such a terrible creature.”

“They’re really going hard on Discord. Guess that makes sense,” Sunset noted. “Don’t want to imply they work together, after all.”

“Shh!” Twilight growled. “I’m trying to listen!”

A bit of squeaking came over the loudspeaker. “So, Discord, do you agree to our proposal?” Flam spoke.

“I do!” answered another, though Sunset knew it was not the voice of Discord. A false reenactment to throw off any trail of suspension some may have of the brothers. “I shall leave Equestria alone for all of eternity. You two are shrewd businessponies!”

The feminine voice returned from static. “The brothers Flim and Flam made the ultimate bargain with the Chaos King. In return for his departure from Equestria, they made a deal to be the harbingers of chaos. Tricking the draconequus, their deal was struck. However, a loophole in such a contract allowed the brothers to only house one single day of chaos a year. Chaos Day has been widely celebrated ever since. Only forty-eight more moons till the next Chaos Day! Be sure to check out the gift shop for your very own cotton candy cloud costume!”

“Chaos Day? Is that real?” Sunset asked Twilight. “Like Nightmare Night?”

“Exactly like Nightmare Night!” Twilight replied, heading further into the large room.

Though it was smaller than both the first and second, it remained the same in design. The left side of the room held the supposed machine that utilized the Elements of Harmony to prevent Discord’s chaos. What a crafty idea. Even I’d believe it if I came from this world.

The center of the room held a marble statue of the draconequus. He stood straight, his arms stretched up and out, as if he were a big ‘Y’. “Sunset! Sunset! Get a picture of me!” Twilight threw a camera to Sunset who barely avoided being knocked square in the eye.

“Where’d you get a camera?” Sunset asked, examining the lens. “Wait—did you steal this from Fluttershy?”

“N-no! I borrowed it with permission, thank you,” defended Twilight, a hurt expression on her face. “I’m not Rainbow Dash.”

“Right. Not even this Rainbow Dash is really Rainbow Dash.” Sunset held the camera to her eye, looking through at the grinning unicorn next to the statue. “Say draconequus!”

The camera flashed and out spat a picture. As Sunset took it and waved the self-developing film, her eyes turned to the right side of the room. A throne as tall as the statue with two antlers at the top sat as another photo opportunity. “Do you want a picture? I-I know you might not like him, but it’s a once in a lifetime chance!” Twilight asked as she took the developing photo.

“A picture? On Discord’s throne? A picture is absolutely worth it,” Sunset decided, knowing it’d be a great addition to her journal.

Upon sitting on the throne, she gave a big smile. Twilight lifted the camera, and as the flash lit from the bulb, Sunset saw the statue move. Her mouth fell agape with surprise as she was blinded by the light. Rubbing her eyes, Twilight rushed to the throne. “What type of face was that, Sunset?” Twilight mocked, removing and shaking the undeveloped photograph. “O-oh, wait, I get it. Something chaotic for the Chaos King! You’re so clever.”

When she reopened her eyes, the statue hadn’t moved. “Yeah, something like that.” Sunset took the photo and couldn’t help but smile. Alright. He got me there. Placing it in her backpack, she could hear a muffled laugh.

“Come on! The next section’s open!” Twilight raced through the open door to the next darkened room.

Sunset hopped off the throne. “You know, when you first mentioned a museum of villains, I’m not sure why I expected something more sinister. This is really nice, even if it is an ode to all the nightmares I’ve come across.” She pressed into the dark room. “Who’ll this be? I hope it’s not Sombra, though I wouldn’t mind seeing him encased in a crystal statue again.”

The lights flashed on and Sunset ate her words. Much larger in size than the last, the room was filled to the brim with pods, green goo, and grey banners. Hundreds of blue, shimmering eyes stared and surrounded the duo. “Why would he be encased in a crystal statue?” Twilight responded, ultimately confused by the shocked expression Sunset held.

“Predicting the inevitable attacks on Equestria,” the voice over spoke, “the brothers Flim and Flam prepared for every foreseeable event possible. As such, monsters that ate love and magic were high on their priority list. Little did the queen of changelings know, Flim and Flam held a device that protected against their natural ability to camouflage as other ponies. When Queen Chrysalis entered the city and attempted to kidnap and take the place of Princess Cadance prior to her marriage, she was stopped and her army of changelings stunned in the process.”

“A thousand times a day I hear that spiel.”

Sunset turned, her heart racing. On the left side of the room, a throne of bone white held the largest of changelings. The queen. “And a thousand times a day I want to break the pony who spoke those words. I’ve never met her, but if I ever got the chance, she’d have her love drained so quickly her heart might never be able to produce any more.” Standing up, the queen trotted down the steps, bearing her needle teeth at the alicorn.

“For first time visitors, do not fret. The Museum of Villains and Scoundrels houses technology making the occupants supremely docile,” the voice answered any question before Sunset could ask Twilight. “These changelings cannot steal love, nor can they exit from this chamber, all thanks to the brothers Flim and Flam.”

“Yes,” Queen Chrysalis said in a throaty voice. Every word reverberated against her vocal chords. “The brothers Flim and Flam. Those scoundrels themselves. Liars. Connivers. A curse upon this world.” Her eyes pierced Sunset with the intensity of green flame. “And I hate anyone who supports them. Including miserable, revolting princesses.” She snarled, saliva running down her teeth and slapping Sunset in the face.

Twilight snorted, giggling. “I-I can’t believe Queen Chrysalis is talking to you! She’s never talked to me before. She never talks to anyone, from what I’ve heard.”

“How is this possible?” Sunset asked, her eyes refusing to stray from Chrysalis. “Aren’t we in danger?”

“No, of course not!” Twilight was surprised by the question. “The inhabitants can’t touch us otherwise they’ll be shocked.” Twilight reached out and tugged on a drone, and the drone screeched in terror as electricity swept through its body. “See? Flim and Flam are pretty clever! Other than the, y’know, Discord stuff, I can’t see why you’d dislike them.”

Queen Chrysalis bent eye level with the alicorn, her teeth snapping closed. “You dislike Flim and Flam? I’ve never seen you before. You’ve never been here.” The teeth chattered with hunger. “Something about you makes me angry.”

“Anger’s a good emotion to have,” Sunset replied. She felt herself take a step back and couldn’t stop herself.

Yet the motion was a poor choice, along with the reply. “Anger’s all I have!” Both of the queen’s forelegs shot forward, knocking and pinning Sunset to the ground. Then queen lit up like a firework in blue streaks of lightning, yet she stayed on Sunset like a boulder, screaming with pain at the same time.

Sunset tried to launch a blast of magic, but nothing shot forward, not even a fizzle. She eventually managed to squeeze from the queen’s grasp, falling into a group of surrounding changelings and shocking them enough for the group to spread thin. “What was that!?” Sunset growled at both the queen and Twilight. “I couldn’t stop her! I couldn’t use my magic!”

“Well, duh,” Twilight said with a knowing, mocking glance. “If our magic was allowed, some foolhardy jock would pick on the inhabitants. Maybe even release them.” The next door opened. “Come on!”

Sunset huffed and puffed as she circled the changeling queen, keeping her back to the open door as she backpedaled. “I’ll hunt you all down one day,” Queen Chrysalis growled, groveling on the floor. “I’ll keep you in small cocoons and let all my kin feast on your love for the rest of your miserable lives. Do you hear me? You’ll know the torment we’ve suffered tenfold!”

“I already do,” Sunset huffed and turned to the door, trailing beside the unicorn. As she passed through the two rooms, Twilight lit up in a ball of electricity. “Twilight!” Sunset screamed, only to witness the purple unicorn transform back into a changeling.

And Twilight laughed. “Happens every time!” she called from the darkness. “That’s the gag they pull for spectators.” The door behind closed once Sunset stood clear. “I’ve never seen Queen Chrysalis do that though. Are you alright? I should’ve warned you, but the museum is also, we-well, a zoo, too.”

Sunset came closer, breathing heavily. “I don’t like this anymore Twilight. We should just hurry along and get back to finding Rarity.”

“Hurry along? But we just got to my favorite villain!” Twilight swooned. “Such a historic figure. I love reading about him!”

“Favorite? Him? There’s more?” Sunset unexpectedly felt a heat, her brow dripping with sweat. “Who? Who’s your favorite?”

In a rough, deep voice, a stallion spoke with age in his voice. “Is he friend or is he foe?” The lights did not shoot on, but instead slowly undimmed, revealing the red and black centaur who sat atop a throne of wood and satin. “I can assure you, I am no friend.”

Shelves filled the room, each lined to burst with books and tomes. The throne fit the centaur’s small body length, a book in his skinny hand that he closed, standing to greet the watchers. His age was astounding. Without magic, he appeared to be thousands upon thousands of years old. Sunset recognized something more. Though his appearance wasn’t like the buff, macho centaur she first met in the fourth world, it mirrored the appearance forced upon him when she left.

“No. No, no!” Sunset spluttered, backpedaling. “Please, no.” She couldn’t stop the sudden tears. “Not you. Sombra, Discord, Nightmare Moon. Anyone but you.” She fell to her rump, watching as the world grew big around the centaur, his statue budding as he came closer. His beady eyes fell from his crumpled snout on her like a dropping vase hitting marble.

The voice came on. “Lord Tirek was defeated long ago by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Recently, a mix up with Tartarus’s loyal guard dog, Cerberus, allowed Lord Tirek to escape. Except, the centaur had been fooled. Flim and Flam had already started work on their fabulous villain exhibit. Moving Lord Tirek would be a chore if they told him of their intentions, and so the two brothers devised a clever plan to lead him directly here where they successfully trapped him.”

“Ingenious of them, I’d say,” Lord Tirek commented, his nose ring jiggled when he spoke. “Of course, should their little machine ever fail, I’m in the heart of the city where unicorn magic is abundant, along with three of the most prominent ponies right next door. Alicorn magic always tastes the best. Yet, it seems there are just three no longer.”

He tugged on his beard as Sunset attempted to further distance herself. “This can’t be happening.” Covering her ears with her hooves, she shut her eyes, slamming them like doors. “I don’t want to be here!”

But he only grinned. “Have I done something to upset you? I’ve been locked away for far too long, but you seem to have some knowledge of me. A historian, perhaps? Maybe a descendant who has heard often the tale of my lust for pony magic?” His smile soured long and wide, curling the already wrinkly face. “Or are you a mare simply out of time?”

Sunset squinted, eyeing the centaur carefully, though tears made it increasingly difficult. “Why is that last choice more accurate than it should be?” she wondered aloud, and with reason.

“I hear many a thing within my captivity. From spectators, staff, and my neighbors,” Lord Tirek replied as he came closer. “Years have passed, and the brother unicorns have ignored my presence all while discussing things with their draconequus pet.”

“Draconequus?” Twilight croaked. “Discord, right? You’ve seen him?”

“Indeed. When night falls and all the tours cease, they pass through into the next room. They ignore me, and I choose to refrain from speaking to them. Of course, the words they say are never started and never completed. Only when notes are slid between my fellow prisoners do I hear a mostly complete tale.”

Sunset understood. “Flim and Flam, they’ve visited since I’ve entered this world? You’ve heard them speak of me?”

Reaching down, he cupped her mane and did not get shocked, feeling the texture of her hair within the medians of his fingers. “I know many things, and would be grateful to tell such details in exchange for a favor.”

With a slap, the hand fell to electricity. “Never trust a pony, Tirek. Favors can often be one-sided.”

The centaur held his hand with the other, the jolt forcing him to backpedal ever so slightly. “True. Though my favor would benefit us both. From my understanding, those terrible brothers pine for you to be locked within your own room of this zoo. If you were to feed me the magic I crave, perhaps we both can get what we want.”

“To help you would make me the most foolish mare in this world,” Sunset replied. “I already was, once. Fooled by a clever stallion.” She turned, trotting to the next door as it opened. “Come, Twilight. Let’s see how clever he is in this world.”

Unlike the darkness of the last room, the corners were lit with brilliant pastel crystals. When the lights flickered on and the door behind them closed, Sunset was shocked at how much the room looked like the throne within the Crystal Castle. “Former King Sombra was defeated by his own hubris,” the voice over began, but was immediately dimmed to a low, almost inaudible hum.

“I quite hate listening to such drivel day in and day out,” King Sombra said as he closed a panel, placing the painting he removed back over the metal box. “It’s especially painful when I know of a certain tourist coming to see me. How long have I waited for this chance ever since I first saw them working on that safe.”

His appearance did not match the brawny, majestic stallion Sunset once traveled with. His long red cape, the circlet above his horn, and the lack of glasses made him a mirror of the first world’s Sombra. For a moment, she expected him to rise from the ground atop a crystal platform. To howl with laughter and look down upon those he deemed unworthy.

Sunset didn’t say anything to the stallion. She hated being in his presence, much like with Tirek, though for very different reasons. It was Twilight who echoed the first words. “You can mess with things within the museum? S-S-Sunset! He shouldn’t be able to do th-that!”

“Do not fuss you simple minded mare,” he said, condescendingly. With a tap of his horn, his magic fizzled to the floor. “I am unable to cast, much like you, and much like the rest of the guests within Flim and Flam’s special observatory. Of course, I know the most of what they house, and would be willing to exchange such information for a favor.”

“Nice try, but Tirek just tried the same garbage and I wasn’t falling for it then. Certainly not falling for it from you, not after what you did.”

“And I’m certain Tirek’s favor was unreasonable, as are most brash things he suggests.” The stallion let out a laugh, and then said, “No, don’t look so concerned. I had my ear to the door, listening in.” He then trotted to the largest painting that sat on the opposite side of the room, behind the large replica throne. With a push of a button, the latch undid and he pushed the painting to one side. “You see, I give one piece of information for free. The next I’ll require a favor.”

Eyeing the metal square, it stood as large as three Celestias lined from horn to hoof. “What’s that?” Sunset asked, though on mildly curious.

“Inside this safe is another safe, then another. Six locks in total, all to get at the treasure inside. If you want to know exactly what that treasure is, you’ll need to do my favor.” His smug grin was full of self-satisfaction.

Sunset rolled her eyes. Six locks require six keys. They’re there. “The Elements of Harmony.”

She felt good to see his bubble burst, but it lasted only a second. “Ah, you I like. A fitting queen, if you ever turned evil.”

“It’s sometimes debatable that she’s not,” Twilight murmured, referencing the lie Sunset spun.

“But,” he continued, “I have a second tidbit that you may be interested in.” He then pointed up to the set of numbers that sat attached to the door beneath the handle. “For I know the combination to this lock, and only this lock.”

Trotting toward the ruined king, Sunset did not blink as she stared him down. “This pony, my friend, is called Twilight Sparkle. She suggests I am evil. Once, I was. I’ve never forgotten how terrible I was. I did many evil things.” Wrenching her hoof so close to his face, she didn’t hesitate to crack a smile. “Things that might even scare the great King Sombra. Things I’m still willing to do to other ponies who are just as terrible. So, tell me the combination and I won’t shock you to Tartarus and back.”

“Sunset, that won’t—” Twilight tried to interject, but the stallion let out a burst of laughter that overshadowed her words.

With a pull, the stallion grabbed the hoof and brushed it against his cheek. “The crystal ponies visited often in the past, notions of revenge in their heads. A thousand shocks later and the electricity was removed from my containment, especially thanks to my good behavior.” He gently kissed her hoof, causing her to lurch backward. “So, how about that favor?” he said with a devious grin.

Her anger snarled and released in a look of scorn. Her entire body felt weighted, forcing her head lower than the stallion, peering up at him. A snort of frustration and she relaxed, though the intensity in her muscles did not. “I won’t release you.”

“I don’t expect you to.” King Sombra turned and glanced up at the lock. “You see, revenge is a strong fuel. In my hours of life spent here, I sought revenge, planned, and succumbed to rage. I even spoke with Tirek who shared my enthusiasm. In a way, you could say he and I came to an understanding in our grief.”

“You and Tirek?” Sunset almost collapsed at the thought.

“In a way, you could say we mirror Flim and Flam. To suggest Tirek has a manner about him that puts fear in ponies is an understatement. I am quite jealous. Yet he and I understand one thing. The thing that keeps us going—his fervor and mine—we want to see Flim and Flam fall. To rip their unearthly demon of chaos from his hidden throne. Knowing they’re defeated, hearing the speakers change their tune on the two brothers, it would sing volumes in our hearts.”

Sunset’s eyebrow rose, questioning the black stallion. “You want me to do the thing I was already trying to do? What’s the catch?”

“No catch. Tirek would like to feed on their magic, yet having them added to their own little zoo, well, I think that’d be a better taste than all the magic in the world.”

“You can try to play coy all you want, but you betrayed me once. Don’t think I’ll let you fool me a second time,” Sunset mocked.

“I have no doubt you’d defeat me with your anger alone. I am not a fool, either. No tricks! To help aid someone sharing my goal, there’s no reason to betray a corroborator.”

Exhaling air through her nose, Sunset held a frown. “I will defeat Flim and Flam and their Lord of Chaos. However, I am not sure I even believe the Elements of Harmony are behind these doors. It could be a trick played on you, fooling a fool.”

He grinned, a smile that sent chills down Sunset’s back. It reminded her of the day he cheated her, sending her through the table map’s portal, and afflicting the world she hoped to help. “You’re right to be skeptical, but those six little stones are resting assuredly beyond this safe. I’ve seen them. Red, blue, orange. A six-pointed star. Should you find the other combinations, return and I shall give you the code.”

“N-not to be wary, but,” Twilight spoke, her voice barely rising from her throat. “Cou-couldn’t you just ask for more if we return with all the other combinations? We’ll b-be under his hoof if he doesn’t tell us now.”

“Better for me not to tell you now in case they decide to change it later, to which you then call me a liar,” he argued. And though he was right, Sunset hated it.

“Fine.” Sunset trotted back down to Twilight and headed for the closed door. “We will return soon enough, Sombra. And if you’re lying to us, if you don’t know the code, I’ll make sure your magic is fed to Tirek.” With the threat held, she tugged on the exit and the doors pushed open, allowing her to leave, Twilight by her side.

As they crossed into a lighted room with clear glass windows to the left, a mare rose to greet them. Dark hair and red glasses surrounded the bored expression. Her nametag in cursive held the name ‘Raven’. Upon realizing who the ponies were, the boredom on the mare vanished. “Princess Sunset Shimmer! What an honor! I do hope you liked the tour.”

“I didn’t,” Sunset replied, turning to glower. Her face then went numb as she glanced past the velvet rope barrier surrounding Raven. To the right were a set of controls atop a metal panel, one of Flim and Flam’s patented machines. The biggest and boldest of the levers, however, caught her eye. “I didn’t like it. I loved it,” she then corrected herself, knowing not to share her anger on somepony who was nothing more than a bystander. Where had she learned such a lesson?

“Oh, wonderful! Please feel free to check out the gift shop!” the mare said, pointing to the glass windows. “I am certain they’d be willing to give you whatever you like for free, seeing as how you are a princess!”

“Free!?” Twilight scampered through the opening between the glass frames, leaving Sunset to catch up.

But Sunset took her time. Her thoughts were complex. To think, we found the Elements of Harmony before we found Rarity! All thanks to Twilight. Those two brothers and their Discord, they think they’re so clever, hiding it within Sombra’s prison. I bet they believed it ironic, that I’d never go there, or never return once I found it housed Sombra.

When she entered the gift shop, Twilight was picking out tons of merchandise. But Sunset shook her head, and Twilight dropped all that she gathered. “Just one, maybe? Th-they’ve got a Discord plushie! And a Discord lamp!”

Though the dolls were cute and the painted artwork marvelous, it all sat in Sunset’s stomach like a ten pound ball. She stared up at the toys of Lord Tirek and King Sombra, who sat side by side. Button eyes and manes of yarn, her head swam with the thoughts of the two. Two worlds ago they were secret enemies, now look at them. Sharing emotions, almost as if they were...

She sucked in her lips, her mouth growing small as she contemplated her thoughts. “Sunset! Something’s going on outside!” Twilight snapped her from her memories, leaving behind the dolls and keychains with names written upon them.

Outside, ponies surrounded a stage, much the same size that once held a group of Charm users. Open to the air, the sun sat far in the background, creating a glow for the raised platform. On the stage stood an alicorn with white fur. Her horn was short and her wings were stitched. She rose from the ground like a fat mallard barely making it out of the water. The mane flowed down as gravity pulled the glitter from the strands. The cyan and pink hues seemed so dark that they did not flow properly, though it was clear from the roots that somepony had taken the time and energy to attempt doing so.

“I raise the sun every morn, and I lower it for my sister every eve,” the white alicorn spoke loud and proud, gracing everypony near with a beautiful lilting voice. “But nigh is the time for neither sunset nor sunrise. The time is nigh…” The stage lit up with fireworks as stallions burst from behind the curtain. They wore what appeared to be royal guard armor, though the metal lacked any sort of defense. “For dance!”

The white alicorn fell to the stage in one big drop, exploding in a cloud of rainbow glitter. When the cloud faded, the alicorn was wrapped in a dress of purple that contoured to her body, fluttering every curve.

Ponies erupted with cheer as more crowd gathered—and Sunset was thankful this time it was not for her. As she came closer with Twilight, hiding within the crowd of spectators, Sunset heard their chants. It was quiet, the music boomed and the tapping of dancing hooves rang out, but the cheer was there. Covering her ears, Sunset tried to focus on the words instead of the song.

“Clarity! Flairity! Marrity! Charity!” Sunset listened, then it hit her. Dark mane, spectacular costume, white mare. “Rarity! Rarity! Rarity!

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