• Published 15th Apr 2017
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The Worst of All Possible Worlds - TheTimeSword

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria only to find Twilight Sparkle battling a strange pony named Starlight Glimmer. Unbeknownst to Sunset, Starlight has altered the past, forcing Sunset to deal with reigniting her friendships all over again.

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World 3: Chapter 12

Huffing and puffing, Sunset’s eyes shed tears from her incredible running. The previous night had come and gone, and she would be needed by Nightmare Moon’s side now that the banquet moved on to its second night. After a long rest, she had helped Rarity finish the flyers. When the true night came around and Twilight returned, act two of her plan began underway. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash would be off stealing a microphone and running line to Canterlot’s castle. Meanwhile, Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity would be flinging flyers all around the city under the cover of darkness.

Running had become a common thing, Sunset could feel her leg muscles tear and heal, becoming stronger after every rest. At this rate I’ll be faster than Dash on hoof, she thought at one point, slapping a flyer on a marble wall. With the three working around the clock, they managed to finish in record timing. They reconvened at Pinkie’s house where all but Rainbow Dash fell asleep. With a few hours left before dawn, Sunset chose to rest as well.

But her adrenaline hadn’t worn off. “Hey, Dash,” she whispered. She had taken a piece of the couch with Rainbow Dash while the others drifted off to separate rooms. “You awake?” she asked.

“Yeah. I’m too nervous and excited.”



“It’s something Pinkie says,” Sunset answered with a hoarse laugh.

“Oh. I gotcha.”

“Tonight, everything is going to change. Do you think you’ll be able to handle it when it comes?”

“Everything?” Rainbow Dash sat up, her patchwork blanket falling down. “What do you mean, everything?”

Sunset sat up as well. “I’ve called in a favor from Twilight. A pretty big one. I’ve got a feeling it will work out my way.” She reclined, stretching her forelegs around her head. “Well, not entirely my way. If I had it my way, we’d just use the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon, turning her into Princess Luna, releasing Celestia from the moon. Then we’d stick the Elements back in the tree and everything would be hunky-dory.”

“I’m assuming you no longer believe that will happen. Is the Tree of Harmony ever going to be fixed?”

“If everything goes well tonight, I won’t know. I won’t be sticking around long enough to find out. You’ll just have to try and fix it yourself, you and the other bearers. You just have to trust your instincts.”

Rainbow Dash snorted, tossing over to one side. “Last time I trusted my instincts, the Shadowbolt Academy came crashing down.”

“You want to talk about it?”

“Not really.”

“That’s fine. I don’t blame you. I hate talking about how I became a she-demon, tearing my school apart. I still have dreams about it. Not recently, though. Back in my world, I often had dreams about waking up from a nightmare and then seeing my demon side. A nightmare within a nightmare. It’s something that’ll haunt me for the rest of my life, and every day I work hard to put more good into the world to make up for it.”

“Is that why you’re helping us with the Elements of Harmony?”

“Somewhat, yes. Though that avenue seems to have closed. Just another thing you and the bearers will have to figure out on your own.”

Rainbow Dash pulled herself against the cushions, sitting with her wings to the back of the couch. “I thought Nightmare Moon wasn’t going to let you leave until you solved the cause behind their darkness?”

“After tonight, I don’t think she’ll care either way.”

“You’re being too vague and ominous for my liking. I’m going back to sleep unless you want to give me straight answers.”

Sunset had to laugh at that. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Though if it doesn’t work out how I’ve planned, if none of this does, at least you won’t be waiting in suspense for something to happen that doesn’t end up happening.”

“You’re putting a lot of faith in Twilight, huh?”

“Take it easy with her, Dash. She’s a bit stuffy in this world, but she’s a good friend. You are too.”

“R-right,” Rainbow Dash replied, nonchalantly.

Sleep eventually came for the unicorn, though it did not last long. Once they awoke, Sunset was forced to sprint back to the castle. Huffing and puffing, her eyes stinging, she knew she had to be ready for the rest of the night. They did everything right, now all she had to do was wait. It was hard to believe that it had come together so swimmingly.

Though no apologies were uttered between the five, Sunset knew they did their tasks and did them well. Even as she stood in her room, tossing on her watch, she found it hard to believe that the bearers could ever be bitter towards each other. That’s when she saw the modest currant-red dress dangling on the doorknob, a note attached. ‘Belles of the ball—Applejack’ it read. “There’s no way in Equestria I’d bother wearing that. Who knows how much more running I’ll have to do before the night is over,” she said and chuckled to herself.

Her eyes were drying out, forcing her to blink as she ran back to the elevator. Taking a moment to breathe before hitting the ground floor, she glanced down at the time. Five minutes to twelve, the banquet is starting. When the doors opened, she tore down the hallway. The band already started playing, she could hear it far down another corner. When she came to a flood of guests, she teleported into the banquet’s hall. Hope nopony notices the sweating unicorn, she thought, panting like a fluffy dog during summer.

She eyed the room. Ponies of all shapes and sizes were dressed in expensive suits and dazzling jewelry. She spotted Applejack surrounded by a trio of mares, though Applejack was clearly the prettiest. I’ll have to talk to her once Twilight arrives. Her eyes ran around the room, glancing at the decorative tables, the gorgeous banners, and the sprawled out banquet of food. There it is. She needed to make sure it was contaminated, otherwise, a piece of her plan would be ruined, sending the rest spiraling out of control. After an all-nighter and the dash back to the castle, she was famished.

Halfway through trying each of the platters, she realized that eating so much rotten-made food wasn’t such a good idea. Finding the nearest trash can, she made sure to not keep the taint within her belly for long. I need a long shower after this, she thought, wiping her mouth with the back of her hoof. Or a nice relaxing spa day.

As Sunset recovered from the awful buffet, Nightmare Moon arrived in the ballroom accompanied by the one pony Sunset truly wanted there other than the princess herself. Blueblood, she grinned, feeling the slickness of her teeth. Other ponies started trying the platters, and Blueblood would see them choke and gag himself. “Sunset!” the voice caught her by surprise.

“A-Applejack,” she replied, making sure her mouth was clean of any residue. “Wh-uh, what’s up?”

“You weren’t in your room last night. I came by to give you a dress and we could have gotten our hair done, but the guard informed me you hadn’t been back in two nights. Where’d you run off to?” the earth pony questioned.

“I was with the girls. Nightmare Moon didn’t tell you?” Nightmare Moon didn’t know either, but there was no reason to say that out loud. “We were having a slumber party. They weren’t getting along too well after Ponyville, so I made sure to get them together to have a fun time.”

The earth pony smiled. “That’s mighty kind of you, Sunset! Come on, let me introduce you to a few friends of mine.”

Given little choice, Sunset put on a big smile for the earth pony. I can’t let her know of my intentions just yet. Twilight has to show up, she’s the signal. “Alright,” she replied, nodding her head graciously.

Applejack’s red and green dress swayed side to side as she led Sunset through the crowds, brushing off those who were not important enough to speak to. “Glad you could make it, Charmer,” Applejack greeted, stopping at the stallion Sunset recognized. “You remember Sunset Shimmer, don’t you?”

“Ah! The firecracker. Berrice has not stopped talking about working on your stiff tendons,” Charmer said, taking Sunset’s hoof and kissing it.

“I find that hard to believe. Berrice seemed like a mare of few words,” Sunset replied. “Where is she at, anyway?”

“You are certainly right about her nature. Parties such as this… she does not like. If she does not start to socialize at these events, she will never get her name in lights like myself. It pains me so, but it is her decision. She is good at her craft, no?”

“Quite good.” Sunset rolled her shoulders. “Tell her I was quite happy with the massage.”

“I shall, I shall!”

“If you’ll excuse us, Charmer,” Applejack interrupted. “I see a couple busybodies I know who need to be introduced to Sunset here. I’ll see you around.”

They moved away from the stallion, passing many more nobles who inclined their heads to the earth pony. When they came to a duo stallion and mare, Sunset was surprised to know the mare. Blonde hair, a hat with ears, and a big fur coat. “You! You’re from that night in the parlor!” Sunset observed.

“Hey, it’s you!” the blonde mare greeted Sunset with a hug. “You gettin’ into any more trouble, eh? Oh! Miss Applejack!” The mare bowed.

“You two know each other?” Applejack sounded surprised.

“It’s a long story,” answered Sunset. “I am a bit surprised to see you here of all places.”

“Shoot, this? It ain’t no Grand Galloping Gala, but I make the rounds every year.”

“Grand Galloping Gala?” Applejack’s muzzle scrunched up. “What’s that got to do—”

To the surprise of everyone, Applejack was interrupted. “Excuse me, Miss Applejack,” Blueblood threw himself into the conversation. “Nightmare Moon has requested Sunset Shimmer. My apologies.” The earth pony scowled for just a moment before giving the okay.

Blueblood locked forelegs with the fellow unicorn, leading Sunset away slowly. “Does she really want to see me?” Sunset quietly asked once they were far enough away from Applejack.

“Somewhat. She’ll be happy to see you. No, a change of plans has occurred that I feel I must prepare you for. Tomorrow, once you claim Nightmare Moon as evil, you’ll be put in a jail cell. It’s just for show, you mustn’t worry. We’ll spring you with the scapegoats as soon as everything is settled,” he whispered into her ear, the stench of his cologne scorching her nostrils.

I don’t need a spell to tell that you’re lying. Without me, nopony will be able to rat out your little façade. “That’s fine,” she answered with a calm droll to her voice, a bitter smile on her face. “Plans can always change.”

“Very true.” His smirk was infuriating. “Princess, Sunset Shimmer.” He inclined his head to the large mare who was more excited to see Sunset than him.

“Ah, Sunset, it’s good of you to show this night. I had heard from my apprentice that things were going well. I’m assuming you being here is a sign of that?” Nightmare Moon greeted. She always had an entourage wherever she went, and they were all interested in hearing of the mare from another world.

Sunset smiled and nodded, pushing away from the white stallion. Jerk. “That’s right. They’re starting to get along, just had to find a better problem than a cat in a tree,” she said, a bit of sarcasm slipping through.

But Nightmare Moon laughed. “There seems to be a million problems. Speaking of my apprentice, have you seen her? She was supposed to be here this morn but I’ve had no word of her appearance. You two are the greatest things in my life at the moment, I wish to share you with those who can only better Equestria.” The mares and stallions around her giggled and shied away, bowing to the alicorn with grace. “I’m sure wherever she is, she’s trying to—”

Sunset was nodding along long after Nightmare Moon stopped, not realizing there was a reason for the cut off dialogue. When she finally caught on, she glanced up at the bigger mare’s face. “Nightmare Moon?”

The dark alicorn’s brows were tossed up, the sharp teeth bearing down on each other. Sunset turned to follow the alicorn’s eyes, to which she saw ponies gagging and spitting out the perfectly rotten food. Green faces and full cheeks, the plan was in motion.

“Nightmare Moon!” Twilight greeted, snapping the attention of both the alicorn and Sunset. The purple unicorn looked prim and proper, not an ounce of tiredness hidden beneath the glasses. “It seems there’s a problem with the food. We need to look into it right away.”

“Where’s Blueblood? He’s in charge of the food,” Nightmare Moon replied, twisting her neck around to search for the prissy stallion.

He wouldn’t be found, however, just as Sunset planned. Twilight’s here. Everything’s in motion. The alicorn tore away with her apprentice, leaving Sunset alone. She too twisted her neck searching the floor, eventually spotting the pony she was looking for. “Applejack!” she called out, interrupting the earth pony’s conversation. She dragged the pretty mare away to a secluded spot out of view from the rest of the party.

“Sugar cube, pulling a fancy, pretty gal like myself into a hidden corner is not usually commonplace at these sort of things. I’m not sure what type of mare you seem to think I am, but I assure you—”

Enough,” Sunset interrupted, and the earth pony stopped. That works surprisingly well. She’d thank Nightmare Moon later. “I don’t have much time to convince you.”

“Convince me? Of what?” The peaceful, happy look of the orange mare turned as sour as Nightmare Moon’s jealousy. “The food’s poisoned, isn’t it? You’re scheming.” She caught on quick.

“I am, and things are about to go from bad to worse for you. But if you listen to me you’ll be able to plead for forgiveness from Nightmare Moon.” She placed a hoof on the shoulder of the pretty mare. “Please, Applejack. Forgo your plan and go and tell Nightmare Moon everything. If you do it now, I swear I’ll do everything in my power to help Nightmare Moon see leniency.” There were two separate pieces of this stage in her plan. One side, Applejack would do as she’s told. The other side, she would do the opposite.

Applejack slapped the hoof off her shoulder, choosing the latter. “You’re turning on us? Shining Armor was right, I shouldn’t have trusted you. I’m going to go and get the guards, and we’ll make sure you aren’t able to talk.”

“It’s not Shining Armor you need to find,” replied Sunset.

The earth pony’s eyes went wide as she examined the room. When she realized who exactly was missing, her scorn grew more. “What have you done with Blueblood?”

“Not me. Right now, he should be chasing after a pink mare who was fired. He might have caught a glimpse of her, chased after her, trying to get her to leave but she’ll always be a step ahead. All the way up to his office. Applejack, this is your last chance. Speak to Nightmare Moon, tell her everything. Beg for forgiveness and I know she will forgive you.”

But of course, the earth pony wouldn’t listen. Pushing through the crowds, Applejack rushed out of the ballroom. Sunset was hot on her hooves, though it wasn’t hard for her to catch the earth pony. The dress confined her ability to run, just like Sunset knew it would. She wasn’t trying to catch Applejack, though. If the Element of Honesty wouldn’t be honest, she’d bear witness to the change of the world.

Applejack shoved her shoulder into Blueblood’s door in a very unladylike manner, and just as planned, Blueblood stood in the center of the room, clearly befuddled. “Blueblood!” she shouted. “W-what are you doing?”

“I saw one of our scapegoats. She went in here.” When he noticed Sunset, his expression changed to concern. “What’s going on? Why are you two up here?”

“Sunset’s done something,” Applejack replied, grabbing Sunset by the scruff of her neck and tossing her into the room. The unicorn fell to the floor in front of Blueblood. “I’m not sure what, yet, but she wanted me to apologize to Nightmare Moon.”

“And what would you have to apologize for?” Sunset smirked from the floor. “What would either of you have to apologize for?”

Blueblood shot a maniacal laugh into the air. “I assume you mean to Nightmare Moon? Plenty. Whatever you’re trying to do won’t affect tomorrow’s plan. Nightmare Moon will be forced to step down, and I’ll rule Equestria. It’s almost too easy.”

Applejack growled. “We. We will rule Equestria.”

“Of course, of course. You and Shining Armor will get your cuts of the world, I wouldn’t dare go against the savior of Equestria.” Blueblood rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the same time. “We’ve got the scapegoats already ousted. Nightmare Moon will be nothing more than a pawn as we roll over Equestria with our building operation. Whatever you’re trying to do, Sunset Shimmer, it doesn’t matter. We’ll have Shining Armor throw you into the dungeon before you can speak a word of our betrayal to Nightmare Moon. You really shouldn’t have said anything to Applejack.”

Sunset pushed herself off the floor, rubbing her tired eyes for a moment. “Really? I think it was a perfect plan. Don’t you think speaking the truth out loud really helps set your mind at ease?”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, and Sunset motioned her muzzle to the balcony. When Blueblood looked back he saw the partially open glass door. Prancing closer, he saw a wire squeezing through the crack. “What in all of Equestria!?” he exclaimed, leaning his head over the desk.

“Gotcha, you big meanie,” Pinkie said as she pushed her head out from underneath the frame, a microphone in hoof. “The music’s callin’ your name!” she snorted. “I’ve been working on that one all night!”

“No!” Applejack called, pushing past the desk and out onto the balcony. “This can’t be!”

Over the speakers of Canterlot, “This can’t be!” could be heard echoing out above the angry mobs of stallions and mares pushing against the gates of the castle. Blueblood followed Applejack out, both now witnessing the full force of Sunset’s plan.

“It was pretty easy. The ponies of Canterlot love Nightmare Moon. What you call zealots are just ordinary citizens that like Nightmare Moon. Some aren’t and don’t, but that’s okay because even if they don’t, they’re not the ones trying to overthrow her. Now, even the zealots who were on your side will throw you to the timberwolves. Wasn’t that your words?”

“You! You’ve ruined everything!” Blueblood spat, turning to face the mare with the ketchup and mustard hair. “Equestria will remain just as it is! It will never grow now! I’ll never be a prince again!” he shouted and pointed his horn at Sunset, digging his blue hoof into the stone of the balcony. “I won’t let you get away with this!” he yelled as he began to charge, only for Applejack to trip him up.

Wrestling him into submission, the earth pony’s dress tore in three places. “We’ve lost! There’s no point in putting ourselves in any more hot water!” she told him, digging the white stallion’s chin into the carpeted floor. “Pinkie’s right, our music’s up. All we can hope for is that mercy will be granted to us if we’re remorseful.” Her eyes lifted to Sunset. “Right? Being pony, that’s the most important thing.”

Sunset was surprised to have seen the earth pony stop the stallion. She couldn’t help but feel for her. “That’s right, Applejack.” Sunset nodded. I’m sorry.

It wasn’t long before Nightmare Moon had come and seized them all. The banquet ended, the crowds were dispersed, and the flyers were being removed. Blueblood, who had not shown an ounce of remorse, was thrown into a cell, the same cell Sunset had released him from in the last world. The coincidence was not lost on her, but there were more important things to deal with at the moment. Shining Armor and Applejack were awaiting their own punishment in the throne room, Nightmare Moon’s anger was in full bloom.

“I trusted you, and you think to betray me!? I raised you up, I put you on a pedestal!” The alicorn was foaming at the mouth, throwing insults between every couple of sentences. “It just doesn’t make sense. I’ve tried my very best to make this world better for every pony, yet you wanted to remove me for it!”

Applejack and Shining Armor were keeping their chins to the ground as they bowed, refusing to rise until the torrent calmed. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up from the bearers. “They were going to blame the poisoning of food on you, using Pinkie Pie and my friend Gilda as scapegoats.”

“A bearer of the Elements of Harmony turning on another bearer!? Oh for the love of the moon, where did I go wrong?” The alicorn sunk into her seat, almost curling into a ball of black and blue. “All these ponies were the closest to me, without them how can I run my kingdom? Who can I even trust to aid me at this point?”

“It does not make up for what we were doing, but I want you to know that we were doing it for your kingdom,” Shining Armor replied, his nose still to the ground, almost muffling his words. “You had done so much for us, we only wanted to see it strive for something more. You had made us greedy, providing us too much that we only wanted more. I cannot say I was not enticed by the idea of power, Blueblood’s lust had blinded my own desires. I ask to be stripped of my command completely, in the hopes you will grant me mercy.”

“I’m truly sorry, princess,” Applejack spoke. “I know it doesn’t mean much, but I was the one who wanted you to remain as the face of our kingdom. I always saw the good in you, but my foolish desire to see the world differently caused me to fall into a deceitful nature. I cannot ask to not be punished, but I do ask for your forgiveness.”

Nightmare Moon sat up. “Oh, you will be punished. You will be…” She quickly turned her head away, pressing the back of her hoof to her eyes. “Gaah! I bet none of you would have turned on my precious sister,” she spat, slamming a hoof on the arm of her throne.

“They did turn on, Celestia,” Sunset retorted. “They turned on her by not fighting against you.”

“Oh, shut up! Must you always be right?” the alicorn screamed. “I’m debating on whether or not to blame you partially for all this. They might not have had the gall to do all this if you hadn’t appeared.”

“You can’t blame me for that,” argued Sunset as she motioned to Twilight. “But you can blame me for this.” Just as she had planned, a sacrifice must be made. No turning back down. Let’s just hope I was right about Nightmare Moon.

The room grew bright for a moment as Twilight’s horn exploded with magic. A shimmering glow swirled in the center of the room as the bearers moved out of the way. Pink and white colors shifted against blue as the light faded, revealing one pink alicorn and one white alicorn. “Celestia!? What is the meaning of this!?” Nightmare Moon yelled through clenched teeth, rising to meet whatever challenge may soon face her.

“I’m glad you agreed to this,” Sunset said to Cadance. “And I’m glad you could convince Celestia.”

“She’s been more talkative lately, which is pretty nice. I’m not so sure she believes your plan will work, but if Nightmare Moon is as hurt as you think she is, maybe they can heal together. That or this’ll be the final battle. Either way, I don’t think I’ll be a warden after tonight,” replied Cadance.

Celestia stepped toward the dark alicorn. “Sister, please, hear my words before you hasten to battle.”

“Now you wish to speak? All these years and you’ve ignored me. Let me guess, you know all about tonight and wish to show me against my ways, is that it? You could have done better?”

The white alicorn shook her head gravely. “No, dear sister. You have done so much good for Equestria. You have brought our people into a golden age of prosperity, so much so that they had started to believe more could be done—that you weren’t doing things fast enough. I had a thousand years to grow them, and you have done so much more in such little time. The Crystal Empire returned, and you cleansed it from King Sombra. You have cultivated relations with our neighbors. You’ve done things I never even dreamed of attempting. No, dear sister. I have come to apologize.”

“A-apologize?” Nightmare Moon stammered down the steps, almost tripping over herself to reach the bottom.

“I locked you away, banished you to protect our people. In the end, you proved that I was the one harming our world. You are the best thing to happen to Equestria in the last thousand years. When I chose not to fight you, when I chose to give up my people’s safety for my own sister, I had thought I was a miserable creature. I had put the world at risk just because I couldn’t banish my own kin. Yet, you proved I was wrong in thinking those things, but the feeling didn’t go away. I am not here to take your seat of power, I am not here to return my sun. I am here to ask for forgiveness, just as these two are as well.” The large white mare plopped her rump on the ground between Applejack and Shining Armor, lowering her head to the younger sister.

Nightmare Moon’s expression turned from surprise, to anger, to happiness in a span of a few seconds. Her eyes closed as she inclined her head as well. “No, dear sister. You were not entirely wrong. I am not fit to rule this world any more than you. I did my best to be better than you, to prove I could do what you did. It led me to have faith in the wrong ponies. Ponies who ended up betraying me, who I believed were my closest allies. I was so enraptured with being better than you, I ended up proving that I could never be you. A pony from another world came and told me that I had always lost. Somewhere deep inside, I didn’t want to believe her, I thought she was lying. Yet, seeing all my hard work, my indecisions, my trust in the wrong ponies, I now know she was telling the truth.”

The dark alicorn reached out and wrapped her hooves around the white, pressing their necks together. “I too, am sorry. I may have proved life could live on with my moon as the life-giver, but I’ve sacrificed too much just to be right. I cannot bear the seat of power any longer.”

“Sunset told me the same, the world she comes from holds us both as rulers, living together in harmony. Remember the days when we took on Discord and Lord Tirek? We were truly a formidable pairing.” Celestia pressed her hooves around Nightmare Moon, tears falling from her cheeks.

“Perhaps Sunset was right,” Nightmare Moon replied. “Perhaps we should rule together.”

Celestia’s soft laugh was nice to hear. “You haven’t lost your Element of Laughter, have you, dear sister? The ponies of this world love you, they love Nightmare Moon.”

“Of course they do,” Nightmare Moon snidely said, lurching her head back. “But they did love you once as well,” she corrected her tone immediately. “Maybe we both belong on the moon.”

Sunset stepped closer to the two alicorns. “I’ve come to realize this world won’t ever be like the world I come from. I can’t try to put everything the way it was like in my Equestria. I’d drive myself crazy if I tried. It’s a sacrifice I have to make, and it’s time for you two to make a sacrifice too. Meet a middle ground somewhere.” Her eyes drifted to the five other bearers. “It’s what I have to do as well, to sacrifice my idea of what the world should be. I must move on to the next world. If I stay, I’d only try to get Nightmare Moon to see herself as Princess Luna. I’d only complicate things. You all must send me off before I continue to push things that need to take time.”

The bearers let out shocked gasps, looking at each other to see what reactions the other might have. “Sunset, you can’t be serious. We don’t even have the Elements of Harmony yet. How can you just leave us when you’ve only just brought us together?” Twilight asked.

“I think there’s a certain bad-guy-turned-good that could use a bit of friendship. And I’m fairly certain showing that friendship will unlock those necklaces of yours.” Sunset winked at the orange mare. “It’s only fitting that I head off immediately after taking care of the big ol’ baddie.” It’s what Princess Twilight did. I looked for her for hours the next day. I debated on hopping through the portal just to see her again. I didn’t. Because I had friends who were there for me.

“This entire time, you’ve wanted my moon to be lowered, for the sun to rise,” Nightmare Moon said to the unicorn. “Yet instead of helping those who would remove me from power, you helped me.” The alicorn went down on her forelegs, her horn hitting the ground. “Sunset Shimmer. I am truly sorry. I cannot promise I will lower the moon, but you have helped in setting the groundwork for me doing so. You have shown me that a world where the sun and moon rise in harmony can host ponies who will do anything for the ponies they love. Such sacrifice is inspiring. I swear, I will better myself for the ponies I love.”

The dark alicorn’s horn lit up, and the cerulean pieces of her regalia disappeared. Standing next to Celestia, the parallels between black and white, she bowed her head once more.

“Celestia, will you truly be okay with all this?” Sunset asked, biting her tongue as she asked the question. Stop, don’t interfere.

“I am. You’re from a time where my sun shines and sets, you’ve visited others that have had the same. I’m alright with letting just one world have an Endless Night.”

Forever Night,” Twilight corrected, immediately slapping her mouth shut.

Nightmare Moon burst into laughter. “Oh my goodness. It feels good to laugh. Though I feel like I could use a few nights of rest. Ruling alone has been awfully stressful.”

“I know a perfect place where nopony bugs you—aside from the occasional time traveler,” Celestia replied, and Nightmare Moon laughed harder.

With everything settling down, the last true night Sunset would spend on this world passed. She awoke to strange news. “They picked me to head up as the new captain of the guard, but I turned it down! I wanted Gilda to have it. She deserves it, and I don’t mind being her second in command,” Rainbow Dash had told her over breakfast. Sure enough, Sunset later saw Gilda ordering around Shining Armor, smacking him with a staff to hurry him along. She had to laugh at that, but felt sorry too. Who knows, maybe he’ll seek out Cadance now that he knows he marries her. If I stuck around, I’d just try to get them together. Whatever the Tree of Harmony may think, I’m not the right mare for that job. Another smack of the staff and the name ‘The Red Brick Wall’ being hollered in the distance moved her along.

“What if Nightmare Moon makes me a princess?” Twilight asked as they entered the princess’s palanquin, preparing for their trip to Ponyville. The bearers and Sunset were the only ones to go, Nightmare Moon and Celestia had already said their goodbyes and their thanks. “Do you think that’ll happen? She told me that if I could fix the book she destroyed, she might think about it. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

“Hey, if you knew how then I’d be staying,” Sunset replied. “But don’t sweat it. The next world will have it, I’m sure."

“I don’t want you to go, Sunset,” Fluttershy argued. “We need to get ice cream, and Harry would want to see you again.”

“And what about all the kiddos who’ll want to have you guest star as a speaker again!?” Pinkie exclaimed.

The palanquin was filled and the guards began to move, rising high into the sky. “Sorry girls. This world isn’t for me. Every day the sun doesn’t rise is just another day I feel like a failure. At least now, I leave on a high note. And I think you five will have a new friend to help along.”

“I am mighty disappointed. I was hopin’ you and I could become true friends, Sunset,” Applejack mourned. She had tossed off her nobility and clothing, though she remained quite beautiful. “Now that everything is out in the air, I can start being myself. Being pony, having your health—”

“That’s the most important thing,” Sunset finished, causing Applejack to blush. “I think Pinkie’s got a new slogan for you.”

Pinkie perked up. She was back in her chef’s outfit, though she no longer wore her glasses. “Everypony holds the Elements of Harmony in our hearts, friendship is what binds it all together!” Pinkie paused. “That’s not nearly as good of a slogan; it’s way too long.”

Rarity, covering her muzzle with her hoof, said, “Being pony, having your friends. That’s the most important thing.” When everyone laughed, her face went red.

Sunset then knew she was in the right to leave, as a light began to form within the palanquin. Wrapping around Pinkie’s neck was a golden hemmed necklace, a light blue balloon in the center. “The Element of Laughter!” Sunset and Twilight chorused.

“See, I told you girls that you didn’t need me for this. It was in you all along,” Sunset added, smiling so hard it was starting to hurt. It wasn’t long before a hug was piled on the unicorn, almost tipping the palanquin’s weight.

After settling down outside the Everfree Castle, they took the bridge across and made their way into the forest. When they reached the map, a guard for Nightmare Moon was standing up sleeping. “Hit the showers, bucko. Guard duty has been relieved,” Applejack awoke the stallion. When the guard spoke her name, she replied, “Not Miss Applejack, just Applejack will do. Head on home, someone else will fill you in.”

“This is the table, huh?” Twilight said, glancing over the crystal. “Not quite what I expected. Are you sure you want to do this, Sunset? There’s always time to back out. You know this just as much as I do.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to spend more time with all of you, and you’re right, I have the time to do so, but I can’t. You’ve got work to do,” Sunset replied, and each of the bearers took their time hugging the unicorn. “You could always look for me in this timeline. If I know me, she could always use more friends.”

Pinkie Pie was the first to take her seat. “I’m so excited to have my Element! We can really do this, girls! Let’s give Sunset what she wants. We’re not the only ones with work to do!”

“Sunset said it, so I believe her,” replied Rainbow Dash as she too sat down.

“I must admit, I did have my reservations about Sunset. For once, I’m glad I was wrong.” Rarity sat across from Rainbow Dash. “And to think, I never would have liked any of you had it not been for her.”

Applejack took the spot next to Rarity, her golden hair brushing against the back of the chair. “I know it sounds silly from the outside lookin’ in, but I’m glad she was here to stop me. Who knows what would have happened if Blueblood would have taken control.”

“I get the sense that we would have gotten the Elements of Harmony a lot sooner,” Twilight argued as she sat down. “You, my brother, and Blueblood seemed to believe she would just step down, but I fear what Nightmare Moon would have really done. With Celestia here, I think she’s going to be a lot calmer from here on out. I’m just hoping my brother has learned his lesson too.”

“Sunset told me your brother is married to Princess Cadance, Twilight. What if we tried to get them together?” Fluttershy had gotten a haircut, making her look more like the Fluttershy Sunset recognized. “Oh! We could have a wedding! Wouldn’t that be nice?”

Sunset laughed. “Just another reason for me to get out of here. I’d be too scared of a changeling attack.”

“There’s always the next world,” Twilight joked, but everyone grimaced and groaned.

“Save the jokes to me, Twilight,” Pinkie yelled, pointing to her necklace.

“Enough,” Sunset said, far calmer than usual. “I love you all, and I’m going to miss you. Remember, take care of yourselves and each other. I have faith you’ll bring harmony to this world.” Standing bipedal, Sunset placed her hooves on the crystal table, revealing the map hidden beneath. She stood like that for a moment, waiting to be lifted into the air. When she looked up at the sky, nothing was happening. “Where’s the portal?” She smacked the table a few times. “Where’s the portal!?” She glanced down at the Tree of Harmony. If it’s associated with the map, could it be too corrupt? Could taking the Elements of Harmony out of it destroyed the connection?

Suddenly, her mane blew into her face and she felt the winds kick out from beneath her. Her back legs went out from under her as she went upside down, her backpack pushing her upward. The last thing she saw was her friends staring up, waving goodbye with teary smiles.

What was with that portal? she wondered before the air was knocked out of her. Her eyes shut as she felt herself suffocated by a thousand pounds of fluff. When she opened them, there was nothing around her, but the feeling remained.

Well, good luck,” a voice said, the same voice that she had heard that last two times she teleported between the planes of existence. She did not know the voice, but it angered her.

When the other side of the portal opened, she landed gracefully on her hooves, her magic cushioning her fall. She twisted in every direction, looking for Twilight and Spike. Just as they escaped through their own portal, she called out to them. “No! Wait! Twilight!” But her voice fell on deaf ears. The portal was always too loud for them to hear anything, just as it was too loud for her.

But it was not just the portal that was loud, the ground shaking beneath her hooves roused like angry bulls in a stampede. An explosion rocked the cliffs in the distance, trees landing meters away. Above it all stood a red centaur, towering over the world like a child standing over their toys.

With a smile on her face, Sunset sat down in one of the crumbling crystalline chairs. “This is fine,” she lied to herself. “Nothing wrong here. Let’s just move on to the next world.”

Unfortunately, a tree landing on the table forced her to run away screaming.

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