Sunburst is dead, but Starlight Glimmer has fixed it.

She isn't one to let a little death get in the way of a good time.

An entry for both the Dialogue Only Contest and A Thousand Words Contest III (Comedy category).

Chapters (1)

Aria Blaze is a siren without a song or the voice with which to sing it. After a thousand years of taking life for granted, she doesn't know how to live like 'normal people'. That inability to adapt is driving a wedge between her and her sisters.

Lightning Dust has always ever been under someone else's thumb, and her one major attempt to fix things has backfired in the worst way. Now a means of seizing life by the reins is in her hands, and she'll do anything to protect that newfound freedom.

A pair of strangers with something to prove and something to lose. If one is to succeed, the other has to fail. Neither is willing to go down without a fight.

Commissioned by Sunset_Shimmer83. The prompt: Aria Blaze and Lightning Dust get into a fight. The first two chapters are meant to be read in no particular order. Don't know if I pulled that off though. Awesome cover commissioned from AmazingPuffhair!

Chapters (5)

"Just like in the stories, ponies keep their princesses in the tallest towers of the castle! I can't believe how dumb they are to tell everyone! First, I'll replace that princess getting married, then I'll... do cool stuff with the love I take, and then Equestria will be mine!"

A last-minute entry for the site-wide Dialogue Only Contest
Preread by: The Sleepless Beholder
Cover Art: Do You Swat It? by Techy Cutie @PonyTechy on Twitter

Now with a Russian translations! Available at FicBook, PonyFiction, and Tabun (Everypony.ru)!
Translation by: GORynytch
Editing and Proofreading: Mordaneus, Oil in Heat (AKA Gannibal Lector), Fogelman, and Taur00

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to p-value


This morning was supposed to be a goodbye.


an entry to the Dialogue-Only Contest!

story meant to be read independently of the prequel.

thank you to Shaslan and Crack-Fic Casey for prereading!


profanity: one (1) use of the fuckword

Chapters (1)

It wasn't that Roseluck was struggling in the monetary sense. In fact, given a recent boom at the florist she co-owned with Lily Valley, which included the onboarding of several new shift staff, she suddenly found herself with an excess of free time.

She reasoned that given her aptitude for helping plants to flourish, she could easily apply the same love and care to the pets of her fellow townsfolk. Thus, she opted to advertise part time petsitting services with a note in the window of Quills & Sofas.

Her first letter of reply... was unusual, to put it lightly.

Cover art courtesy of ZantyARZ on DeviantArt.

My entry for the Comedy category of The A Thousand Words Contest III!

Check out my other entries!
Drama: Fireball
Slice of Life: After the Limelight Fades
Horror: Washed Out
Comedy: You are here!
Experimental: With a Whimper

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a routine mission. Arrive, beat up the bad guy, have a drink with the team, maybe goof off around town, then head back to H.Q.

Now, Spitfire is trapped hundreds of feet below the surface, where no light can penetrate. She's uneasy, of course, separated as she is. An escape seems impossible, but that's not her goal. She knows the others are down here, too, and she needs to find them.

She needs to find them.

Before it finds her.

A submission for the Dialogue Only Contest.

... And the Thousand Words Contest. A two-for-one!

Chapters (1)

Thorax wants Queen Chrysalis returned to changeling custody, and Twilight doesn't know why. Somehow, this is Prince Blueblood's problem.

An entry in the Dialogue-only contest
Thanks to Drider and Grey for prereading and feedback.

Chapters (7)

A family gathers at Double Diamond's ski resort for fun in the snow

Character tags: Powder, Snowcatcher, Snow'El, Northern Lights

This choose-your-own-adventure was written as part of Whinny City's Interactive Storytelling Experience (continued from Ponyville CiderFest 2023).

Special thanks to Sonicsuns & Admiral Biscuit for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (4)

Through a mirror capable of connecting to other worlds, I saw countless versions of myself, each shaped by my choices. And out of all the different Twilights, this one struck me the most.

Her experiences are almost opposite to mine—she was mentored by Star Swirl, which was my childhood dream.

Can this Twilight fulfill the dream I once had? Or will she fall into despair? I’m worried about her...

An entry for the Dialogue Only contest. Proofread by Wimple.

Chapters (1)

Spike uses one of Twilight's spells to go back 10 years and befriend a younger Rarity. The two grow to understand the value and meaning of friendship.

Chapters (1)