• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


Loves to write, hates the paperwork | Ko-Fi


With some creative negotiations, Lightning Dust managed to snag a date for The Washouts to perform at Canterlot Cloud Stadium, and even got them a decent rate on a hotel for the few days prior to their appearance.

After a period of uncertainty for the flying team, it marked a turnaround that the flight team needed to get back onto a positive trajectory.

Lightning Dust, however, would not be present for the performance.

Cover art courtesy of Avrameow on DeviantArt.

My entry for the Horror category of The A Thousand Words Contest III!

Check out my other entries!
Drama: Fireball
Slice of Life: After the Limelight Fades
Horror: You are here!
Comedy: Dogsitting
Experimental: With a Whimper

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

This was absolutely fantastic. I didn't expect the twist at the ending and I most certainly did not expect to see a fanfic on this website reference Appointment in Samarra. Great entry for the contest!

Rolling Thunder's breath hitched as her eyes locked on to a figure lingering in the shade of an alleyway. A tall, unnaturally thin pony draped in a tattered cloak that that billowed in an unseen wind. Its gaunt frame was almost spectral, with limbs that seemed too long and a neck that curved with an eerie grace. The hood of its cloak obscured its face, but there was an unmistakable aura of malevolence surrounding it.

insert That whistle from puss in boots the last wish

"Oh you know who I am," the cloaked pony assured. "I am the whisper in the wind, the shadow that dances in the darkest of nights. I am the final note in the symphony of life, the quiet that follows the storm. I am the end and the beginning. I am the debt that all ponies must pay, and when all is said and done and the final mortal soul has uttered their very last, even the mighty alicorns will have to answer to me."

Let me speak to her
Let me Attempt to calm her down
She's been chasing adrenaline her entire life
Perhaps give her a chance to finally reach that ultimate rush of adrenaline

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