A group successfully broke into the Canterlot Royal Vault and only because of a member being betrayed did the Canterlot PD even know it happened. With the suspect in custody they need answers, it seems the suspect is more than happy to talk.

Entry for the Dialogue Only Challenge

Submitted 6/15/2024

Chapters (1)

When Sunset got to Equestria Twilight showed her an invitation from the Blue's Clues world asking them to take part in a music show. When they have got there Tickity lost her voice and now she can't sing. While Twilight, Spike and her friends help set up the stage for the music show and rehearse Sunset help Steve find 3 clues to find out who will be Blue's new singing partner. Along the way the friends need help with singing rehearsals, setting up the stage and to make up a song for Steve.

Chapters (1)

Ah, sunrise. The perfect time for a cup of coffee!

... or ten.

... okay, fine, twenty.

Seriously, how much caffeine does it take to kill an alicorn anyways? And what is her morning routine like?

Featured on EQD on June 18th, 2024!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mother Knows Best

After being turned back into a young colt, Sombra is tasked to keep an eye on Mother's new creation in someplace called... Ponyville and manipulate her to become evil.

However, that is easier said than done as it turns out the mission would be quite hard for Sombra to complete.

Would Sombra turn Umbré evil, or would Umbré turn Sombra good?

The romance does not come until much, much, much later

(I was going to use the title Umbré and Sombra's Epic Adventures, but the more I thought of it, the more I didn't like it)

Chapters (5)

Twilight installs a new PA system in the School of Friendship. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie react to this as one might expect.

Written for the Dialogue Only Contest :D

Chapters (1)

Sunburst is dead, but Starlight Glimmer has fixed it.

She isn't one to let a little death get in the way of a good time.

An entry for both the Dialogue Only Contest and A Thousand Words Contest III (Comedy category).

Chapters (1)

Aria Blaze is a siren without a song or the voice with which to sing it. After a thousand years of taking life for granted, she doesn't know how to live like 'normal people'. That inability to adapt is driving a wedge between her and her sisters.

Lightning Dust has always ever been under someone else's thumb, and her one major attempt to fix things has backfired in the worst way. Now a means of seizing life by the reins is in her hands, and she'll do anything to protect that newfound freedom.

A pair of strangers with something to prove and something to lose. If one is to succeed, the other has to fail. Neither is willing to go down without a fight.

Commissioned by Sunset_Shimmer83. The prompt: Aria Blaze and Lightning Dust get into a fight. The first two chapters are meant to be read in no particular order. Don't know if I pulled that off though. Awesome cover commissioned from AmazingPuffhair!

Chapters (5)

"Just like in the stories, ponies keep their princesses in the tallest towers of the castle! I can't believe how dumb they are to tell everyone! First, I'll replace that princess getting married, then I'll... do cool stuff with the love I take, and then Equestria will be mine!"

A last-minute entry for the site-wide Dialogue Only Contest
Preread by: The Sleepless Beholder
Cover Art: Do You Swat It? by Techy Cutie @PonyTechy on Twitter

Now with a Russian translations! Available at FicBook, PonyFiction, and Tabun (Everypony.ru)!
Translation by: GORynytch
Editing and Proofreading: Mordaneus, Oil in Heat (AKA Gannibal Lector), Fogelman, and Taur00

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to p-value


This morning was supposed to be a goodbye.


an entry to the Dialogue-Only Contest!

story meant to be read independently of the prequel.

thank you to Shaslan and Crack-Fic Casey for prereading!


profanity: one (1) use of the fuckword

Chapters (1)