The All-Spark was within his reach, he could practically feel the energon pouring off of it. His mission was almost complete.
He sent the co-ordinates of the Cube to Megatron...

And he would have...

Only if the Royal Sisters hadn't of blasted it back into the endless void of space and froze him in the ice with those so called Elements of Harmony.

Two thousand years have passed since then, and after a group of archaeologists uncovered him beneath the ice of the Frozen North, he awakens. To bring death upon those who disrupted his mission.

This will be the last story from me for a while.

Movie design with Transformer's Prime voice and color. (Not a toy!)

Chapters (1)

The Dazzlings started this battle, and now they were intent on ending it. But in order for them to seize Equestria and the human world, they'd have to go through their final opponents: The Rainbooms.

The stage was set, the final battle was nigh, and the two musicians were ready for the duel that would decide the fate of both the worlds.

[DISCLAIMER]: This ending is not affiliated with the actual film. It goes down a little differently in the actual movie itself, this was just how I saw it ending before I saw Rainbow Rocks itself. I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of it.

Chapters (1)

A Displaced Story.

My name is Heather, and I'm stuck in Equestria. I'm hated by 2 and a half of the mane 6 and I'm stranded with a young changeling. Ok, let's see what else... Ah yes, I'm constantly changing into wolf link whenever the black twilight crystal decides. Wait, It's me? Never mind! Oh yeah, plus I'm stuck here without my best friend... I'm slowly going insane...

I know I've already written this but now I've just changed it up and tried the best to my ability to make it good.
Marked Teen because there is going to be fight scenes because you can't have a LoZ fic without fighting. I'm terrible with fight scenes so the first one I do most likely is going to be because of a fit of rage or something. The next... I might need help on.
Thanks to zekromthepokemon for the new title name!
Takes place sometime around the first few days of Twilight's alicornhood.
More tags will be added as story develops and don't worry, the main character won't turn into a pony.

Maybe... But most likely not. I'll make no promises :raritywink:

Chapters (21)

She hatched him. She raised him. When Twilight invites her mother to the castle on Mother's Day, she expects to please her mother, and give her a thanks for all she's done. And little does she know...
she deserves one too.

Featured 9/21/14!!!! SO HAPPY (and it's my first story on FiMFiction too)!!!!

Chapters (1)

The day of the Canterlot wedding came and went and the Changelings triumphed over all. Chrysalis should have felt satisfied with her victory, but still something large looms over her, while unexpected feelings have made themselves known. But what are the odds of the defeated stallion who could barely look her in the eyes ever returning such love? Maybe tonight that would change.

Chapters (1)

I wrote this story a long time ago. I don't know how to describe it properly. It's filled with the despair of loneliness, the anger of isolation, and the fear of losing one's self in what others want you to be. It follows the narrator who struggles to piece together his own identity while burying a terrible secret from everyone around him who all have their own secrets.

If there is anything I would hope that you, dear reader, would take away from this story, it's that being alone doesn't make anything easier.

It was inspired by Fallout Equestria, but bears little resemblance beyond wasteland and stable and ponies with guns.

Tagged for violence, but not gore, as I don't think I wrote anything quite that graphic. If anyone wants to complain, I will reconsider.

This is the story about a boy who tried to protect his brother by killing their abusive mother.
This is a story about dying in the closet.

This is a story.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Seashell

I never thought I would see the Seawall again. Fate, though, seems to enjoy odd twists. Thirteen years ago, it was roses. Now it's feathers. Somehow they've both brought me back to this place, back to the edge of the world to where I really belong most of all.

My name is Sunburst, and as a guard of Princess Twilight, her student Azure Sky is both one of the ponies I protect and my friend. I watched her grow up. I, and everypony else, thought we knew exactly where she was headed in life. It seemed so obvious - how could the personal student of a princess have anything but the brightest of futures? We were all so sure.

What did we really know?

A happy life, a good life, can't be built on a lie. The heart of a unicorn and the heart of a pegasus are different things in some ways, but in the ones that really matter, they're the same. Nopony can endure the misery of an existence devoid of real meaning in their hearts, going through empty motions they feel nothing for, dead on the inside. I think all ponies, deep down inside where it counts, are the same in this way. That's what Azure and I needed to learn, here on the edge of the world, so that I could help her share the things she so desperately needed to find a way to give voice to.

Approved by Twilight's Library on December 11, 2014!

Chapters (41)

This story is a sequel to A Day in the Limelight

The third story in the Background Pony series.

Three weeks after the incredibly odd night involving being kidnapped, moving statues, and an apocalypse, things are starting to return to normal for Lyra. Well, as normal as things are for a member of Luna's secret task force. Sadly, the respite from weirdness is broken by their patron princess. Ponies are disappearing in Whitetail Woods, and they're on the clock to find out what's behind it, and neutralize it if possible.

Chapters (2)

This story is about a guardian who fought for the freedoms of humanity and their allies. When on a mission given to her by the Vanguard she was thrust into a world much different from her own. Now follow Xaya the Awoken as she struggles to stay with the Travelers light. So she may finally return to the tower and fulfill her awaiting Destiny.

Chapters (7)

See No Evil.

Hear No Evil.

Speak No Evil.

Residents of Equestria wake up one morning only to realize that they have lost their ability to either see, hear, or speak. Everypony is afflicted, including Twilight and her friends.

This occurs during the same instant that Canterlot Castle loses contact with Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru--The Wise Monkeys from the East.

Surely... this can't be a coincidence?

Chapters (1)