
One crippled Equestrian society, one chance to save it, and fifteen-thousand potential heroes to live the legend. Join Twilight Sparkle as she lives a second life to defend Equestria one last time. Action, suspense, and Pony-Puns await you.

Thank you to Piecee01 for making this amazing artwork. Please go support his awesome artwork on deviantart!!

Chapters (10)

Redheart always loved her job. Nothing could ever bring more joy than to help save ponies every day. However, like every pony, she also has to deal with many fears and frustrations accumulated along the way. The mare always did everything she could to keep these dark thoughts away... no matter how many nightmares torment her.

However, one fateful day, a terrible accident forces her to come face-to-face with her biggest regrets. Now she must escape from them... or risk joining them.

(Made as part of the Knights in Rusty Armor contest)

Chapters (1)

When Twilight uncovers an obscure reference to some quantity of wealth hidden by Princess Luna the Cutie Mark Crusaders rapidly volunteer to aid in this investigation. But with a shadowy figure lurking at the window and a warning lost within a cryptogram, just what lies beneath the ruins of the old castle.

Based on M.R. James' The Treasure of Abbot Thomas.

Chapters (3)

These are the meditations of Princess Luna as she goes for a walk one cool, blustery, fall afternoon. There is sadness. There is happiness. There is complexity. It all seems so simple, because it really isn't.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo decides to try something new for the crusaders, considering their unsuccessful past: Cutie Mark Crusaders Paranormal Investigators!

The trio travels to the old abandoned asylum in Ponyville, called Celestia’s Home for the Mentally Unstable, and searches for clues that the disembodied spirits of ponies past still remain.

Soon enough, the investigation starts to get out of hand... Have the Crusaders finally bit off more than they can Chew?

Thanks to Lab and PassionQuill for helping me edit this story and to Parallel Black for helping me with the cover art.

Chapters (1)

The Elements of Insanity have been reborn into the world after an accident with Twilights spell. They all get teleported to a world of humans, spirits, and dark magic. Each get taken by a spirit, and become a monster of insanity. The six try and find a way to get back to Equestria to overthrow Celestia and become the surpreme rulers of insanity!
(Twilight is not an Alicorn in this one! At least not in the beginning)
P.S. All rights go to Hasbro and I do not own The Elements of Insanity idea. Well, after the transformation of all of them, the rest of the plot goes to me.
Rated T because contains some swearing. (Don't worry I dont go all out.) :P

Chapters (7)

Johnathan falls into the mlp story line during the Canterlot marriage episodes and continues with the mane six from there. (Gore tag is for large fight scenes other than that it should have very little to no gore.)

Chapters (2)

Cassie Quattor has convinced herself that she was dreaming when she thought she met a unicorn at a young age. But everything changes when she runs away from the torment and finds herself in Equestria. With the help of a pegasus called Raindrops, a unicorn called Sparkler and an earth pony named Bon Bon, she must find the mane six, her special unicorn and her real self, before it's too late.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Scoot Camp

Her Great-Grandfather was a Wonderbolt. Her Grandfather was a Wonderbolt. Her Father was a Wonerbolt.

Lavender could also be a Wonderbolt, but she doesn't want to. With such a legacy behind her, however, can she really disappoint her family by not becoming one of Equestria's elite flyers?

Chapters (7)