Pinkie realizes she has a strange and supposedly infinite power that nopony else possesses.

However, extreme power can lead to extreme consequences...

Book I in The End Of Equestria: a series.

Yes, Book I. In Roman Numerals. This was planned to be a massive, multi-part epic. For my first fic. I was an ambitious boi, that's for sure.

Also the view password for this one was "dontblamemedonthateme". Surely that meant something at some point.

CONCEPTION: Early-Mid 2015

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hang out all the time, have since childhood; many say they're the closest of any two in their group.

However, one fateful night, the two realize that friendship might go a little bit deeper...

Collaboration with DashIsBestPony, NotThatAverage, and Gypsy_Bard

Cover art by ShutterflyEQD

A collaborative effort with a few guys I knew over Reddit. Definitely the fanfic I got the furthest into, clocking in at 3 full chapters. I had a passionate Flutterdash phase in late 2015/early 2016, so I was eager to meet some like-minded folks to write a fic about them with.

CONCEPTION: April 2016

Chapters (4)

In a cold, post-apocalyptic alternate timeline of Equestria live the Neon Skulls, a gang of renegade ponies who live for adrenaline and will stop at nothing to achieve it.

This time around they've found themselves a new recruit, an alicorn, and she's coming along for the ride - whether she likes it or not.

Cover art by atryl

This is the big one. This was the fic I was the most passionate about and tried, desperately at points, to get off the ground as much as possible though all of 2016. It's also the one the work I did on I'm proudest of in retrospect. Included is a full plot outline I wrote for a Reddit thread about abandones fanfics at some point. If there's anything I did in my pony years I consider to be "my child" in any sense, it's this one.

I even made a soundtrack playlist for it at one point.

CONCEPTION: January 2016

Chapters (3)

On the journey to get himself home, Nicholas and Aura Flair, a young pegasus obsessed with magic, learn that he was not the only human transported to Equestria and turned into a pony. There is one who will do everything in his power to stop the team from sending him back to his old life. Can Nicholas change his mind? Or will his mind be changed? He may be stuck in Equestria forever.

Chapters (3)

This is the story about a boy, that's me! That liked the series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but neither my family or friends approve of this, I'm bullied in school because of this, and the principal nor the teachers seem to care, but all my life changed when suddenly, a portal sucks me into the world of Ponyville!

What mishaps may I encounter? Come and join me!

Chapters (2)

As it turns out FIMFiction only allows stories to be properly submitted for publishing if they are over 1,000 words long, of which some of my old writings did not exceed. As such, this is a compilation of various stories from circa 2016 that I conceptualized and started but never completed more than a chapter of.

Enjoy the time capsule. Links to the original fics in their original forms with view passwords will be available for each fic.

Chapters (5)

When Twilight's friends discover she has been overheard talking to an Earl, they come to the conclusion that she has a secret coltfriend.

But is that really the case?


Chapters (1)

Patrick Porter was just a normal brony hanging out at Bronycon, but after hearing of people going missing he decides to check out the vendor in which all the people had last been see. But after a chance encounter with a Red and Pink wig, He ends up transformed into EQG's Babs Seed.

Part of the https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214042/canterlot-adventures collab from Equestria Girls from EQ Girls Babs POV.

If you want a character, contact Apple Bloom (The Blue EM2) via PM. Needed are characters at CHS
and at Crystal Prep Academy (students, staff, as well as Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna), as well as other community members like Filthy Rich and his Wife. Also, needed are members of the Apple family.

We are in the Legend of Camp Everfree arc, and we need Timber spruce.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425481/canterlot-adventures- Mah cousin, Apple Bloom
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425396/the-belle-rings-true - Sweetie Belle
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425505/a-case-of-the-scoots - Scootaloo
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425903/when-lightning-strikes - Rainbow Dash
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425429/rainbows-times-two - Rainbow "Double R" Rose (Rainbow Dash's cousin)
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425595/of-booze-and-berries - Ms. Berry Punch (History teacher at CHS)

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/426129/in-the-twilight-hour - Twilight "Sci-Twi" Sparkle
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/425677/power-of-the-cybernetic-soldier - Tempest Shadow (CHS's Girls Physical Education Teacher).

We have a Discord server! If you signed up as a character, please use this server! https://discord.gg/EyBkx5g

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been at Crystal Prep for a while. She is bullied, but no one notices the bruises on her arm that shouldn't belong there.

No one notices that Principal Cinch takes a different way of warming up to the shy girl.

How will Twilight react to the Friendship Games' pressure with Principal Cinch hurting her majority of the time?

More importantly, who will Twilight turn to in her time of need? And, why is it someone so unexpected?

Chapters (2)