This story is a sequel to Mother Moon, Daughter Nightmare

In another universe, Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now as the Royal Wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza get underway a threat to Canterlot interrupts the planning.

Princess Luna leaves to investigate the threat, just as Queen Chrysalis wants. It was going all according to plan, but the Changelings didn't plan on a foal with the mind of Nightmare Moon. How much trouble could a one-year-old foal do anyway?


Please leave comments I love reading them and it helps me improve my writing.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Prisoners of the Heart

As the retired king Sombra saw his death was near, he took his last chance to put ink to paper and record his life.
From the birth of his father, Greystreak, to the reign of Grogar, to Grogar's overthrow by Gusty and the restoration of Greystreak's line as Sombra is crowned king.

Chapters (2)


**Prequel to "The Tragedy of Laurana, and Grogar" and the My Little Pony Season 9 Redux series trilogy**

A topic I honestly feel I may have actually been dumb to neglect, but it IS important. It's part of the lore of the universe of my MLP Trilogy series, the Harmoniaverse. More specifically, behind the existence of the Eldritch Gods, and Devils who existed long before Equestria. 'Existed' being a main term, because Grogar and Laurana are supposedly the last of their kind. As entities that are deeply connected to the elements and aspects they embody, they cannot simply die. And there's a chance both races were reborn, and now exist in seperate planes of reality far away from each other. This is to explain the finer details of these forces of Harmony, and Anarchy.

Listen as I bring forth the history of The Bahamut, and The Djinn.

Chapters (1)

Snippets from Sweetie Belle's life as she works towards her dream and falls in love along the way.

Thanks to Cryosite for reluctantly looking this over.

Ms for batsWell, well, well.

Chapters (1)

Loss is almost foreign in Equestria, but Blue Jay – Ponyville's resident bird expert – has to help make his sister's final request happen before she dies. Sunny Meadow's requests him to take her to see the birds he loved to watch. Blue Jay agrees.

My first story like this. Criticism welcome.

Chapters (2)

Though Starlight knows a great deal about Twilight and her life in Ponyville, she is nevertheless curious about what that life was like prior to her arrival onto the scene. Discord, who is always up for getting involved with things like this, decides to show Starlight perhaps the most important part of Twilight's earliest days in the town.

Chapters (1)

The depravity you see.

The gluttony which runs free.

Tis all be apart of me.

Very belated birthday gift to my friend Jimmy Hook, with of course some spooky flair.

A Little Nightmares TF.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have one thing in common: They've both been overwhelmed by Equestrian magic, transformed into demonic forms. That's something that's pretty hard to put behind you.

Princess Luna may have a solution. A spell that will allow them to communicate with their demonic selves inside their heads, through dreams. Both are nervous about the prospect. Who wouldn't be?

Sunset and Sci-Twi vectors courtesy of Emeraldblast63 and Givralix.

Chapters (1)

Note: Freddie doesn't get A.I.D.S. here and is bisexual.

After a concert in New York, New York on November 24th, 1991, the band finds themselves in the land of Equestria with their instruments and decide to aim high.

All songs used are by Queen ©.

If any copy right violations are seen in this story, I will address as soon as I can.

Chapters (3)

Starlight gets so preoccupied with whether or not she could, that she didn't stop to think if she should.

Chapters (1)