Years of meandering have finally paid dividends for one Breeze. An opportunity has come up, one he will soon forget.

No, seriously, he doesn't know.

My entry for the Dialogue Only Contest

A last second, panic-induced, crack one at that.

A big special thank you to both:

Editor: EileenSaysHi
Pre-reader: Dewdrops on the Grass

Seriously, thank you, y'all rock.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has a short lapse of sanity in a chain sandwich restaurant after being asked a question

The situation really breaks down from there

This was a conversation I experienced in real life, albeit with far more stuttering and soul searching in-between conversation.

I turned it into ponies because I could.

-A comment on society

Chapters (1)

In a land far away from Equestria wages a war between Ponies and Nature itself. One young Earth Pony named, Meadow Step, learns the reason behind this war and vows to end it once and for all, before her friends on either side gets hurt.


This story is a rewrite of the winner of the Name that Alicorn event in the Elements of Justice Discord Server. As such, certain aspects may not make sense if you haven't watched Elements of Justice or the prequel series Turnabout Storm. The original story can be found there. Please check out EOJ (Elements of Justice)! https://www.youtube.com/@AceAttorneyElementsofJustice


Cover art was drawn by Equestria Exploration on Deviant Art and YouTube. Please support their channels. https://www.deviantart.com/equestriaexploration

Chapters (3)

We just work here. And work. And work.

Look, it’s a long shift, okay?

But for ten minutes (or more), all is right in the world.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III
and The Dialogue Only Contest
and The ‘Not-a-Contest’

Chapters (5)

(Ai artwork + story request made by @TomArtista) Feeling unsure and having many self doubts about her new tittle as Princess Of Friendship and herself, Twilight accidently ends up in a world populated by humans after an accident involving a scroll...and a new kind of magic. Unsure about how to get home to her friends, she walks into a store that she's never heard of called: "Starbucks". When trying out one of there drinks, she ends up loving the store and gets hired to work there by the manager, Stella. While she may be enjoying herself, she has to make a choice that could impact both worlds in the process. Will she find her way back home? Or will enjoying Starbucks be the new norm? There's not much to do, and time isn't waiting for her.

Chapters (3)

The State of Equestria created many a clandestine organization in its time, though not a lot of them survived the harsh reality of the present days.

After all, who needs The Mage Guild when there's not much a magical mystery to solve anymore or the mighty Celestial Berserkers when the last major war is anything but a distant memory, a mere footnote in obscure history books. Though still existing, even the covert and secrecy enshrouded S.M.I.L.E is not as big and omnipresent as it used to be in the decades past.

Most, almost all in actuality, such institutions withered and faded into obscurity under first Celestia's and now both sisters benevolent rule. All... except one.

For Central Requisition Bureau is not one such mysterious agency. They are rather upfront that they want your artifacts.

They will come and they will take them.

For your own good.

...At least, that's what Ardent Point Agent 8 likes to think.

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of cover art. For once I have absolutely no idea for one, or if I have, it's beyond my skills to make it. Maybe there's gonna be one when I motivate my plump ass to do one.

Chapters (1)

When Derpy gets an unexpected surprise and is expecting a foal, she has to ask for help from her friends in Ponyville. Hopefully, with friends like hers and a helpful community, things will turn out alright.

Teen rating and warnings only included to be safe because of the "wheelbarrow game" in Chapter 2.

Please leave a comment and any feedback you have; it would really help and make my day!

(Based on my older sister Vicky's experiences with pregnancy).

Chapters (2)

The Princess of Dreams is no stranger to the happenings within a pony's mind.

And she knows no mind better than her own.

But now there is another presence there.

And it intrigues her.

(Last minute!) Entry into the Dialogue Only Contest.

Chapters (1)

A contest entry for the dialogue only contest and a tribute to an excellent horror game. It was added when it was still the 15th in the contest group's area. XD

What transpired to curse those living in a small village in the Everfree, was brought on them by themselves.

Original story by Donitz
Art by: x-nekopunch-x

Chapters (1)

Cosplay is fun, and when I had the opportunity to grab my ticket; I run for it, buying the tube.

Naturally, I had chosen Rarity; because of the style and finesse, she possesses.

Once I heard of the Holographic Characters becoming available, I had been looking out for my own Rarity.

I had never had a twin, or even a sibling; could I make the holographic Rarity into that twin, now?

Handling the adjustments, had proven only too easy for me to manage; what I had not predicted, is how she is changing me in the process. The avenues, I could never have walked down before; exploring myself in the guise she had lent me.

I had never known, what a Mistress was before I met my Rarity; she is proving to be the perfect hostess, I had been dreaming of. Even if I had never realized, the path she is leading me onto. Where it will end, I have no clue.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

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Ps: if you want to have a quick sneak-peak at what is ahead, you can aces these at your own leisure/risk..
Pass: Holographic Character

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Chapters (4)