
While Twilight is working, Flash takes time to keep their foals busy with a few silly questions of his own.

Chapters (1)

Having spitefully ended her tutelage under Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer has fled through a magical mirror to another world. Deprived of her magic, stuck in unfamiliar surroundings and with no clear plan, things look bleak for Sunset and her self-imposed exile. But it seems as though she will not spend her first day in this strange place alone.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cadance Hunts Down Ponies With A Love Shotgun

Long story short...

Keep weapons out of the hooves of children.

Popular on 6/30/20

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, all that having an empathetic talk between two friends requires is cool heads and a quiet moment.

And sometimes, it takes a killer robot attack.

Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry just needed a bit more of a push than most... because they have more to talk about.

A follow up to the "Cheer You On" short. Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.
Cover art by Bevin Brand.

This was not written in the slightest for Oroboro's Super Sunset Shippers Brawl, but after looking over it again... meh, what the hell.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer show the Equestrian Princess a certain group of the VanossGaming community playing a certain rage inducing kids game.

Thumbnail belongs to Wildcat’s artist.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight has to marry wealth to save her kingdom, but the king's not what she expected. What's worse, while she's to get closer to the king, she finds herself growing fonder of his captain. While at the same time the king finds he's growing closer to another mare, one who he feels a deep connection to like never before. When so many things stand between the pairs what will they decide to do in the end? Which will the two choose at the end of this game Love or Power? And what will their choices mean at the end?

A/N The *sex* tag is just for implied themes, there is nothing explicit in this story.

Chapters (14)

Friendship is weakness, that was what Sunset had believed. That is, until it forced her into a giant hole in the ground. Faced with the challenge of earning the forgiveness of her school, friendship is starting to not seem all that bad.

But friendship with them? Never in a million years. Unfortunately, they won't take no for an answer. But she has her second chance, and she plans to make use of it. However that may be easier said then done, especially when she questions their sincerity.

It had to be them...

Chapters (7)

The best view you could ever ask for, all clear skies and sprawling plains and forests. History baked into every brick and stained into every pane of glass. Streets paved—sometimes literally—with gold.

But then there's the ponies.

I really do hate this place.

Rated Teen for mild language. Marked On Hiatus because I have no immediate plans to continue it.

Written for the Circleship Collab. Click here for full details and links to the collab's other stories; a number are gems. Thanks go to the wonderful JohnPerry for looking my story over for the collab.

Cover image by AlexTooth, used with permission.

Chapters (1)

When highschool is about to end, Derpy Hooves writes a letter to Flash Sentry regarding her time at Canterlot High School.

Chapters (1)