
Shining doesn't feel very keen on having a foal or filly to look after.
He'd much rather have a niece or a nephew.
So, with Twilight being his only sibling,
and the only pony she seems to have a thing for is Flash,
(at least, that's what Shining thinks.)
The captain puts two and two together and comes up with one simple solution.
"PRIVATE! I order you to buck my sister!"

~And to this day, Atlas still regrets ever writing this fan fic~

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Rainbow Dash for advice on how to catch the eye of Flash Sentry. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

Edit 11/30/12: This story apparently shares some concepts with Pegasus Mating Dance, another cute fic about pegasus courtship. You should check it out!

Chapters (1)

Twilight crosses the mirror portal to pursue Sunset Shimmer after the theft of the Element of Magic. She finds herself in a world of odd two-legged creatures, and for some reason they're all obsessed with a card game called "Duel Monsters." Twilight soon learns that the only way to get her crown back is to win it in the school's semi-annual duel tournament, of which Sunset has been the reigning champion three rounds running. The tournaments have divided the school, and split up a group of five friends similar to Twilight's friends in Equestria.

Twilight now faces her biggest adventure yet. She must master Duel Monsters, reconcile these other versions of her friends, and defeat Sunset to win the Autumn Crown. And she has only three days to pull it off. It's time to duel!

Pre-read by The Albinocorn and RTStephens. Cover art by EGStudios93

View Twilight's deck here. View Sunset’s deck here.

Reading by Martialartfruituser here

Artwork of the Harmony Spirits by Ajustice90. View them on DA here and here.

Chapters (24)

On her summer break, Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria for a time. While there, she goes to introduce Princess Twilight Sparkle to her new coltfriend.

The Princess does not like Sunset's choice in partners and an argument erupts.

A surprise entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings.

Reviewed by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended!

Chapters (1)

It can't be denied that Flash Sentry hasn't exactly had the most successful love life. True, he's been thought of fondly by those he's been with, but he's never quite managed to make anything stick. Enter Pinkie Pie, self-proclaimed "helper of all", who sees this most eligible of CHS' bachelors, and decides it might be worth lending a hand.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Moderately Special Day

Flash Sentry has made his decision. He doesn't want to be with Sunset Shimmer anymore. Now, the only thing harder than making the decision is following through with it.

This is a sequel only in the sense that the prequel shares the same continuity. None of the other related stories are required reading to understand the others.
Written before Rainbow Rocks came out.

Chapters (1)

Having been turned down by Twilight, Flash finds comfort in an unlikely source, Crystal Prep's resident rocker girl, Lemon Zest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to CoH (Book One) : Of Magic and Masquerades

After the chaotic debacle in the Crystal Empire, and a week's respite, Twilight secrets Sombra away to his new home in the Everfree Forest. The Castle of the Two Sisters is vacant, decrepit, dark. It's the perfect place to hide the former tyrant.

While she plans to continue her tutelage under her new friend, however, a metaphorical wrench is thrown into said plans when Ponyville makes a new and sudden addition to its town guard.

Chapters (11)

Two awkward ducks walk into a house together. Sunlit snuggles and talks about relationships ensue.

(Takes some inspiration from Study-Cuddling with Sunset Shimmer by CategoricalGrant. Go give him a shout eh?)

Featured on 5/18/20

Chapters (1)

Derpy is none too happy with Sunset Shimmer. And Sunset can't seem to figure out why...Until she does, and then she ends up in a mess she never thought she'd be in.

A comedic tale of romance and miscommunication.

Chapters (1)