
This story is on indefinite hiatus. I've grown out of MLP and this story. What's there is yours to read, however updates may never happen, as much as it pains me to admit.

A young stallion, alone for the first time in his life, finds himself a long way from home in the Ponave, a vast wasteland filled with danger where small pockets of civilization attempt to survive while factions war over territory and power. This is the story of Clover as he attempts to make sense of his brother’s murder while exacting a personal justice over the one responsible…

Chapters (16)

In another world, Answer Jim was just Jim: the janitor for a school in Salt Lake City's suburbs. In the current one, he ekes out a living collecting scrap and food, barely holding back the gray that eats the world and everything in it. Even souls.

But he finds a precious treasure in a box. A brown box in a world of gray. Inside that box is color, and life, and a warm summer breeze. Inside, is a filly who calls herself Celestia.

She's more than she seems.

Cover Art by the talented Silfoe - used with permission.

Edited by Minds Eye
Prereading by: Carapace, ThatOneWriter

MMDG Finalist

Chapters (1)

The Death Korps of Krieg, seeking atonement from their government's betrayal decades ago, they give their lives willingly in the everlasting fight against the enemies of the Imperium of Man. Averted by even their fellow Guard regiments, they show a high degree of fatalism and an unusual morbidity of habit. Yet they are highly disciplined, morally reliable and self-sufficient soldiers.

The 42nd Siege Regiment had been deployed on Kheltan III to reclaim a supply route that had been attacked by the Eldar. A simple enough task for the stoic men of Krieg. But an ion storm attack and an innocent experiment by an alicorn from another world can make even the easiest of tasks much more difficult.

A Warhammer 40K/MLP:FIM crossover

Chapters (7)

After the siege of Bastion City and the theft of the power of sunlight, Spike takes on Prince Terrato's offer to train under the kirin, Seethe Scale. He must travel to the Western Barrier Land to gain the strength to help his friends.

Once there, however, Spike soon realizes that there is more for him to contend with in this harsh environment than developing his abilities.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Blueblood Papers: Royal Blood

The Heartlands Campaign has begun. As Equestria launches an all-out offensive to finally end the war in the Badlands, Commissar Prince Blueblood is captured by the enemy. Believing he has avoided the carnage, he awaits the end of the war in the safety of a Changeling prison camp. If only his fellow prisoners would stop trying to help him escape.

Soon, he finds himself drawn into a plot that could spell defeat for Equestria.

Proofread and edited by Setokaiva

Cover art by jamescorck

Chapters (22)

Compared to their past heists, this one was going rather badly. It takes an armored truck being driven by their "handler" to get the crew out of this one. But before they could celebrate yet another pile of money in their possession, one of the strangest things happens...

While all of the politicians, scientists, and the military are worrying about the portals that opened up to some kind of alternate dimension, the crew blends in with the crowds of people coming to this world full of "ponies".
But of course, the allure of more heists presents itself even here...
So it's time to load up and grab your mask. It's payday.

Ignores the season 3 finale, and as such the entirety of season 4

Chapters (34)

When what was supposed to be a simple assignment goes wrong Rainbow Dash finds herself trapped in an unfamiliar intimidating world that’s being ripped apart by a civil war and savaged by dragons. Now with the help of Arria, the imperial apprentice mage turned Dragonborn, and her trusty housecarl Lydia can Rainbow Dash help save the people of Skyrim from being consumed by civil war and the even greater threat of Alduin himself?

Chapters (3)

It has been months after Ditzy's return from the zombie infested Earth, and all has been well in her life. ...Until now.
Once again she finds herself thrown into the cruel and horrific zombie apocalypse, however this time someone came with her. Now she must once again face the horrors of the apocalypse alongside friends, family, and newcomers, all while fighting to survive and find a way back home. But with endless hordes of infected, and even the military in her way, will she be able to make it back, much less survive?

For those of you who dont know, this is a direct sequel to Left 4 Derpy. Give it a looksy if you'd like to read and/or know more.

Fecler~ Its finally here guys! Hope ya'll enjoy. (Luna knows, you sure have been asking for it.) :twilightblush:

(proofread by TheYellowBro and Zaponator)
(special thanks to SteampunkBrony for assisting with the cover image)

Chapters (3)

Professor Discord starts receiving unwanted attention from the new student of Celestial Academy, Twilight Sparkle. As Twilight spends her days trying to unravel the mystery surrounding the Draconequus, something watches from the shadows with malicious intent.

Chapters (14)

The little town of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia has never been a particularly exciting place to live. However, a recent spate of unusual dreams and the even more unusual equine figures in them may mean that's all about to change. For better or worse.

Happy Halloween!

Chapters (19)