• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 13,732 Views, 621 Comments

Litany of Sacrifice - Reactor

The Death Korps of Krieg in the land of ponies.

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Chapter 1.

”The Krieg method of war is a measure of their discipline and sacrifice It demands respect from all – friend and foe alike.

--Lord Commander Militant, Segmentum Obscurus


Princess Celestia was gallopping through the halls of the Canterlot Castle. She was awaken from her slumber by a shriek that brought chills to her spine. Immediately she recognized it as her beloved sister's.

She arrived at the open doors to Luna's chamber, noticing the absence of guards. She barked into the room while charging up her horn and getting ready to give any intruders a beating of their lifetime if they had even as much as folded a hair in her sister's mane.

In the room were two of the four personal guards of Luna's, that were assigned in front of her doors for tonight. They were searching for any traces of their princess, being cautious for anypony who might lunge at them from the shadows. The two lunar guards spun around when hearing somepony approaching through the doors, taking a fighting stance so they could subdue the pony if he proved to be any threat. Rather than any late night intruders, through the doors stormed clearly apprehensive Princess Celestia.

”Luna!” The dread of something happening to her sister was apparent in her voice.

The two guards bowed for their princess. ”Your highness!” They both blurted out at the same time. The other one continued.

”We heard Princess Luna scream, but it couldn't have come from her chambers since she left them about an hour ago. Crisp Saber and Rumbling Roar went to alert the other guards, although I'm quite sure they heard the scre-”

”Where did she go!?” The Solar Princess interrupted the guard, worried for her sister's safety.

”S-she said she wanted to work in peace. She went in the room where your students practice their magic. She did not tell what she worked with.” The guard stuttered his answer.

”Make sure nopony enters her chambers!” She ordered the guards before starting a gallop towards the casting room.

The princess picked up any guard she came up to during the dash towards her destination, ordering them to follow her and get ready for a fight. The door to the room came to view and she could see that it was bucked out of it's hinges. She dashed into the room before the guards could stop here and demand to go in first, ensuring the safety of their leader.

Inside the room were the other two of the four lunar guards, valiantly watching over their princess, while a neon green mare with fiery orange mane and a nurse's cap on her head was crouched besides the deep blue alicorn. Celestia dashed to her sister and nudged her with her snout, both trying to wake her up and showing concern towards her. She started to bomb the nurse and the guards with questions.

”What happened? Is she okay? Why weren't her guards with her?” Celestia shouted the last question, glaring angrily at the guards.

The two guards snapped at attention when the nurse started talking.

”She's all right, your highness. It's only magic exhaustion.”

”But how could Luna suffer from magic exhaustion? She's one of the most powerful beings in Equestria. And on the whole planet for that matter!” Celestia asked, the question pointed more to herself than the nurse.

The nurse lifted herself onto her hooves. ”Maybe she had her magic enhanced somehow? A magic vessel would be my best guess, though it would have to be huge to make such a powerful caster like Princess Luna suffer from magic exhaustion.”

”Oriontis...” Celestia whispered while staring out of the window on the other side of the oval room.

The Nurse gave a puzzled look at the Princess, ”Your Highness?” She asked cautiously.

”Oriontis. A meteor shower that was supposed to pass Equus this night. It's one of the few stellar phenomenons, that neither I, nor my sister have control over. Said uncontrollable phenomenons contain immense magical asset, that can be harnessed by those with enough magical capabilities. Luna must've had absorbed magic from the meteor shower.”

”That is a possibility, your Highness. We should move her to her chambers. She needs to recurperate from the shock.”

”I will delegate some guards to move her. In the meantime, you two” She glanced disapprovalingly at the two lunar guards. ”will meet me in the throne room after your shift is over. Dismissed.”

In the northern parts of Equestria, snow was delicately dancing it's way in the firm grasp of the cold breeze, travelling slowly towards the ground. Pines were quietly rustling their twigs when swayed by the wind. The serene scene was disturbed by a quadruped figure madly sprinting through the rocky terrain, leaving a blood trail behind it. A red beam emitted from the direction the creature came from, followed by a thud muffled by the snow.

”Target down!”

”I want to see the body. I'm fairly sure I saw satchels on it's sides. Search it and then dispose of it.” Came another voice.

Commissar Stagler paced slowly towards the body laying approximately fifty meters from him, while eyeing the terrain around him. He had his pistol in a tight grip on his left hand and his power sword on the right. When getting closer to the creature, he could see that it indeed had wings. The Korpsman that had spotted the creature before said that it was flying when he shot it down. Crask had berated the young soldier for his rash action, to which he replied with a 'sir, yes sir!' and an expressionless look. He could've shot friendly, or even worse, given away their position for possible hostiles around the uncharted area.

For a moment Crask doubted if the Korpsman even saw anything and had just let his nervousness take over him. But no man hailing from Krieg would show nervousness, if they even could feel such an emotion. His doubts were pushed aside when he too saw a creature running away from the small group of humans.

The Korpsman must've had hit the creature's wing since it sported a slightly singed hole on it, still bleeding a little bit.

”That explains why it didn't escape flying”

The creature looked like it was a mix of a lion and an eagle, both ancient beasts originating from the Holy Terra. It had a beak that had blood slowly flowing from it. It's front legs were talons of an eagle while the rear legs were those of a lion, as was it's tail. Around the neck of the creature was a canteen and laying next to it were the satchels.

Crask kneeled beside the creature, picking the satchels from the ground. Inside he found stacks of papers, a compass, packs of what looked like MREs and a scroll bearing a prominent red signet. He leafed through the papers, finding maps and several contracts, many of which were edited with red ink.

The group of seven men following the Commissar's lead catched up on him and took a stand beside the body.

Crask had woken up in an unfalmiliar terrain after passing out in the middle of the fight. He could still remember the voice inside his head. At first he thought that it was an Eldar psychic trying to break his will. When he tried to recall harder, it seemed like the voice was talking to itself and not to him. It even seemed genuinely confused. The serene sound of it was even soothing, though that could be a trick by the Eldar.

Taking a note that he was uninjured, and definitely not in Kheltan III anymore, he decided it to be best to search for any other humans. Wandering around for a while, he stumbled upon the six Korpsmen and the Grenadier. Under Crask's command, they started their trek towards south where the terrain seemed more even.

The six foot soldiers from the 16th inf. Company showed no real interest towards the creature laying in front of them, while the seventh nudged the body with his mono knife, an 18 inch sword-bayonet carried by every soldier in the Death Korps. Behind the bone-white skull mask, his emotionless eyes scrutinized the dead creature in front of him.

Crask watched as the Grenadier continued to study the creature. He knew what the soldiers were thinking, albeit reluctant to ask.

”It's a gryphon.”

The soldiers, except the Grenadier, all turned their heads towards the Commissar.

”I've read from these creatures during my time with the Vostroyans. Fierce, aggressive creatures with a strong urge of domination. Though the book said they were only mythical, from the early times of mankind. If I remember correclty, there's an Astartes chapter and a Titan Legion named after them” Crask told the others while staring at the creature.

”It's seen battles.”

Crask was a bit surprised to hear one of the usually-so-silent soldiers speaking. ”What do you mean?”

”It's body is muscular and tanned, the talons are worn and it has several scars and scratches across it's body. This one,” The Grenadier pointed at a scar on the right side of the gryphon with his bayonet. ”looks like a cut from a sword or a dagger, while this one,” He pointed at another scar. ”looks like an old bullet hole.”

Amazed by the remark done by the soldier, Crask couldn't but agree. Sparing a glance at the horizon, he saw that night was soon to fall upon them.

”We'll camp here for the night. There's no point to wander around in an unfamiliar territory while there could be Emperor-knows-what mutants and monsters hunting for prey in the dark. You” He pointed at the selected Korpsman. ”will be taking the first watch. One hour shifts.”

The Kriegsmen gave a salute and started to settle onto the ground, not minding the cold, thanks to their incredibly warm clothing, while the Korpsman delegated for the first shift stood still, attentively observing the knife-sharp rocky terrain around them, lasgun tightly gripped on his hands.

Author's Note:

I originally planned the ending of this chapter to be different from this but came up with a better idea. Anyway, wanted to get this chapter out before the weekend. Off to a night shift ->