You have some pretty serious insomnia. Thankfully, though, there's this beautful, cuddly pony princess that's figured out how to come to earth, and for some reason, she's chosen to help you with your sleeping problem with lots of physical affection and snuggles.

Within this tome are the accounts of some of the nights you've spent together, complete with graphic cuddling detail.

EDIT: Woke up to seeing this featured, 3/6/18! Thanks!
EDIT: Featured at #2 same day- Rock n' Roll!

Chapters (8)

Pinkie being Pinkie gets in the way of one of Twilight's spell. Anon takes up the responsibility of being a pet owner so Twilight can work out a fix.
But how can anyone handle a Pinkie even more hyperactive than before?

Chapters (1)

People seem to give Reversed Gender Roles In Equestria a bad name. But what if they actually had... like... healthy gender norms BUT WERE STILL REVERSED? ... Yeah it's about as fun as you'd expect.

Part of the B_25 vs Flutterpriest 24 Hour Writeoff

Chapters (1)

In a secret underground room near the back of Canterlot Castle, a super important meeting is being held. With figures like Princess Twilight Sparkle, Dragon Lord Ember, Queen Novo, and the now-retired Celestia all in attendance, what could have caused such a tense, dangerous meeting to take place?

And why do you have to be caught in the middle of it?!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sour Sweet First Date

Gilda still harbors a grudge against Fluttershy for sucker punching her two months ago. When Fluttershy volunteers to help Applejack make a delivery to Crystal Prep, Gilda sees her chance to challenge her to a proper fistfight. Naturally, Fluttershy abhors violence… but Sour Sweet doesn’t.

(Contains violent action with some blood as well as strong language)

(My third featured story! - 4/24/16)

Chapters (2)

Celestia and Anon, having freshly started dating, spend the morning of Hearth’s Warming together. Cel arrives a little earlier than Anon expects her to, but luckily, she is nothing if not accommodating.

The first of my greentexts to be (amateurishly) translated into prose format.
Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/9685
Cover image credits to boxu

Chapters (1)

After living with Nightmare Moon for a while (due to extenuating circumstances), Anon starts to notice a few oddities in her behaviour. Ones he understands all too well, and ones that are fresh on the mind.

In an effort to help her before it gets any worse, he drags her out of Ponyville for a night to talk about life's problems. And maybe cuss out her sister once or twice.

Chapters (2)

All you want to do, more than anything in the world, is to curl up with a pony and cuddle. One lucky night, it looks like you might just be able to.

Absolutely useless fluff. Very short. No plot.

Coverart featuring artwork by: YukkuriPaleHorse

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sour ‘n Sweet ‘n Pretty

You take your girlfriend, Sour Sweet to go see Canterlot City’s Christmas parade. Naturally, she mocks the whole thing.

Also, Derpy seeks the autograph of the parade’s Guest of Honor, Time Turner, star of the Doctor Whooves TV series… and it may only be up to her best friend, Rainbow Dash to make that happen!

( Serves as a follow-up to Riding Into the Future as well, however it's not required reading to enjoy )

Chapters (1)

Twilight takes Anon on a tour of Ponyville shortly after he arrives in Equestria. While showing him around, she forgets to mention other species. When she introduces him to her number one assistant, Anon naturally assumes Spike is a pony. A scaly, disfigured, diseased pony. Naturally.

Chapters (1)