This story is a sequel to The Sun Also Rises

Sunset Shimmer, following the aftermath of the Fall Formal, finds herself with new friends and need of a new place to live. Each of her new friends find themselves offering her an extra bed, and as time passes, she finds herself getting to know them better. All the while, she reflects on her life and what led her to coming to the human world, and finds herself wondering where she'll go from there.

Other stories will be referenced within this one, credited on a chapter-by-chapter basis and done with the original authors' permissions.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: The Forgotten Darkness

When the castle gives our heroes a strange new relic, the group find themselves at the weirdest town in Equestria. There, they meet Starlight Glimmer, a unicorn that seems to be hiding something. Will this secret be the doom of our heroes?

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry, Crystal Darkness

After their battle with King Sombra, Flash and friends are hoping to go back to Ponyville and relax. However, things are never what they seem, as the Elements of Harmony soon find out that new adventures and threats are just around the corner. And as these encounters make themselves known, they soon find out that it'll take more than the Elements to take on these new enemies.

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (20)

Two months have passed since the Battle of the Bands. Aria Blaze has been abandoned by her so-called allies. She spends her mornings working minimum wage, and her nights with only a prayer to the heavens to sing one last time; not for power, not for fame--only to hear a voice tell her that hope remains.

One night, while trying to sing, Aria is visited by a certain guitarist who shows her what it really means to be adored.

Artwork used with permission from the talented SkycatcherEquestria

Written in a one-week period as a personal challenge.

Chapters (2)

My programming or my training did not prepare me for this. I understand completely what I must do to protect the people of my city, but when confronted with these...ponies, I am not sure how my directives work. But I do know that they live like people and feel like people, so I shall carry out my duties to them as if they were my people. And that is to serve their trust. Uphold the law.

Protect the innocent.

Robocop will be the older version and most of the story will be him from the first movie with some of the other two added in. Robocop will still be more machine than man when the story begins, so he won't talk that much or have too much inner monologue, but from there...we'll see.

Chapters (26)

Far to the north, in the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadance has a ceremony known as the blindfold wedding, and ponies come from all over with the hopes of finding a mate. Somehow, Princess Cadance has her ways and means, and her blindfold weddings have a curiously high success rate, given what they are: two strangers who have never met getting hitched with one another.

Furious Funnel, a tornado wrangler by trade, decides that it is time to do something else with his life. After saying goodbye to his bosom companion Braeburn, he heads north with the hopes of finding a bride. He might not get what he wants, or even expects, but he’ll get exactly what he needs.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Stink Sentry.

Chapters (17)

Kenny Lee just found something. Something great, powerful, magical even. Kenny has found the Arcana, the only surviving book of the great European Witch Hunt that virtually destroyed all magic on Earth. Of course there was a reason the crazy Christian's of olde hated magic. It was unpredictable and dangerous (Not to mention that it gave wizards and witches an unfair advantage in life). In fact it still is, as Kenny is going to learn.

Chapters (27)

Sunset Shimmer and her friends receive remarkable news: Princess Twilight is poised to become the queen of all Equestria! As the girls celebrate the invitation to their friend's upcoming coronation, Sunset's horrified to find that she's not just selflessly happy for her best friend. If not princesshood, what's she meant to do with her life anyway? What's her destiny in the human world?

As Equestrian Magic grows more powerful due to an ominous, inter-dimensional rip in space-time above Canterlot High, Sunset's friends are affected by a dangerous, new magic and she's left to wonder if she's done more harm here than good.

This story is a sequel to The Exes Club. Helpful, but not required reading. Themes and ideas introduced there are developed further here.

Story development, visual direction, and illustrations by the badass Bevin Brand.
Editing and support by the lovely Space Jazz and LordJanitor.
Special thanks to one of my best friends, Bookish Delight, for her immeasurable support, guidance, and all around awesomeness.

Featured on June 2nd, 2020
Featured as a Scouted Fanfic on Equestria Daily June 5th, 2020

Print Editions:
Colour Edition (Novel)
Black & White Edition (Novel)
Behind the Zines (Art Book)

Tagged with Sex for sexual discussion, no graphic depictions. Tagged with Profanity because teenagers.

Chapters (15)

Ever wonder who taught Sunset Shimmer to play the guitar? A simple awkward after-school encounter between her and Flash becomes a look back on their previous relationship, along with a revelation or two.

Chapters (1)